Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 06-10-2020 por JARVIII

Un Larvazuelo Kuva es un enemigo Grineer único que puede aparecer en cualquier misión Grineer regular de nivel 20+. Pueden ser misericordiados con poca salud para generar un Lich de Kuva.

Los Larvazuelos Kuva solo aparecerán al completar la aventura La guerra interna.


Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconGrineerB Saturno Anthe Rescate 22 - 24 Galeón Grineer
IconGrineerB Sedna Adaro Exterminio 32 - 36 Asteroide Grineer
IconGrineerB Saturno Numa Rescate 22 - 24 Asteroide Grineer
IconGrineerB Saturno Cassini Captura 21 - 23 Galeón Grineer
IconGrineerB Sedna Naga Rescate 30 - 34 Galeón Grineer
Panel Lua Plato Exterminio 25 - 30 Luna Orokin


  • As noted above Kuva Larvlings will only spawn in regular Grineer missions whose level range is at least level 20. Thus under normal conditions Liches can only be "born" on the Kuva FortressSaturn, Sedna and Lua.
    • Although its mission nodes fall under the level range, Larvlings cannot spawn on Uranus, likely because they're considered "submersible" missions rather than regular ones.
    • While they increase the level range of the mission node they're on Void Fissures, Invasions, Quests and Dark Sectors are not considered "regular" missions and thus cannot spawn Larvlings.
      • Nightmare Mode, Kuva Siphons, and The Steel Path are exceptions to this rule, which in turn allows Liches to be born on Ceres, Mars, Earth, and Mercury.
      • During an Invasion, should the Grineer successfully occupy Corpus mission nodes within the level range, they can spawn Larvlings during the 24 hours the Grineer have control of the nodes. This allows for Liches born on Europa, Neptune and Pluto.
      • Combining the above factors it is possible, though unlikely, for Liches to be born on Phobos and Jupiter if the Grineer successfully invade a node and Nightmare Mode/Kuva Siphon/Steel Path modifiers take effect.
  • After the screen flashes during a mission, players are required to kill at least 10 enemies in under 1 minute, for the Kuva Larvling to spawn. The Larvling will not spawn whatsoever if no enemies are killed during that time or after the timer ends.
  • If a Larvling is downed and left alone for 30 seconds, it will die without creating a Lich.
  • Once downed, the Larvling will display an icon and name of the Kuva Weapon the created Lich will possess above its head, when standing within 3 meters of it.
  • After being downed, all players in the squad will receive 100 Kuva on end of mission, even if not mercied.
  • The gender of the Kuva Larvling a player mercies determines the gender of the Kuva Lich that will be generated.
  • In a co-op session, only the player who delivers the killing blow is allowed to mercy the Larvling and generate a Lich.
  • A prospective weapon icon will appear only when a Larvling has finished kneeling animation. If a Larvling is suspended mid-animation, e.g. by "Path of Statues" wasn't found in Module:Mods/data, it can still be mercied but with no icon to indicate a weapon.
  • Invisibility may prevent Kuva Larvling from spawning.


  • Cassini, Saturn is a quick mission to run through for a chance to encounter a Kuva Larvling.
  • Consider doing missions in Solo mode to ensure that you bring the Larvling's health down to mercy it.
  • Be mindful of which Kuva Lich/Progenitor Warframe you are using when looking to summon a lich, to ensure you get the element bonus that you want on the lich's weapon.

Kuva Lich/Progenitor

  • After you see the flashing indicator that a Kuva Larvling will spawn, kill as many enemies as possible for a faster Larvling spawn. Bringing an area of effect clearing frame (for the certain element you want) comes in handy for this. Example Warframes:

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.Octavia icono Octavia or Day Equinox icono Equinox

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.: Mag icono Mag (range and str build focused on {{Ability}} Pull not found) or Mesa icono Mesa

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.: Saryn icono Saryn

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.: Ember icono Ember or Nezha icono Nezha

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.Volt icono Volt or Limbo icono Limbo (strength/range and negative duration build focused on {{Ability}} Cataclysm not found)

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.Revenant icono Revenant (use {{Ability}} Danse Macabre not found with {{Ability}} Reave not found for mobility)

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: la función «Proc» no existe.GaussIcon272 Gauss (strength/range build focused on {{Ability}} Thermal Sunder not found)

  • Be aware that you can preview the Lich's weapon by standing near the Larvling before "committing" with a mercy kill. If you don't like the preview, ignore the Larvling and finish (or abandon) the mission normally.


  • The male variant shares the same model as Saturn Six Fugitives.
  • The female variant shares the same model as Kuva Scorpions.


  • In Co-op sessions where some players have an active Lich but others do not, the Larvling may fail to spawn if the 10th enemy is killed by a player with an active Lich.
  • Sometimes, the yellow flash for a Kuva Larvling will also appear in Void Relic missions.

Historial de actualizaciones[]

Actualización 28.1
  • To help prevent accidental Kuva Lich generation from quick tapping the Mercy action, you must now ‘Hold X’ to perform a Mercy on a Kuva Larvling.

Revisión 27.5.4

  • Fixed downed Kuva Larvlings sometimes teleporting ahead of the player en route to extraction.

Revisión 27.1.1

Actualización 27.1

The Kuva Larvling Who Lived

Starting from the very beginning of Kuva Lich conception brings us to Kuva Larvlings. Kuva Larvlings will now play a key role in determining your future relationship with your Kuva Lich.

  • A downed Kuva Larvling will now display an icon of the Kuva weapon that it’s birthed Kuva Lich will possess!
    • This allows players to decide upfront if they want to pursue that weapon by finishing the downed Kuva Larvling, or to ignore and attempt another Lich. The Kuva Larvling will be in this downed state for a max of 30 seconds before it perishes.

As an added benefit to completing the mission even if you choose NOT to kill the Kuva Larvling, a downed Kuva Larvling will grant 100 Kuva on End of Mission.

Revisión 27.0.9

  • Fixed Mercy icon appearing on floor for Larvlings.

Actualización 26

  • Introducido.