Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 26-06-2022 por JARVIII

Que llueva el infierno sobre el enemigo con este dispositivo portátil lanzador de proyectiles Explosión n  explosivos.

El Kulstar es un lanzador de torpedos/bombas de racimo construido por los Grineer. Cuando su torpedo entra en contacto con un enemigo o una superficie, o si el jugador lo detona manualmente con el disparo alternativo, se detona y se fragmenta en 3 bombas más pequeñas, que se propagan desde el punto de impacto y también explotan al impactar.

Este arma se puede vender por 5.000 Créditos .

Requisitos de fabricación
Tiempo: 24 hrs
Precio del MarketIcon: 190 Platinum Precio del Blueprint2: 40,000 Créditos


Este arma inflige daño Explosión n Explosión.


  • Main projectile has the second highest initial damage of all the secondary weapons, beaten only by the Angstrum.
    • When including the damage of the cluster bombs the Kulstar deals the most damage.
    • Innate Explosión n Explosión damage — effective against Fosilizada enemies.
  • Can be manually detonated by pressing the disparo alternativo key/button — effective against enemies that have taken cover.
  • High damage and AoE translates to good ammo efficiency.
  • Has a D polarity.
  • Additional bomblets have a status chance independent of the main torpedo.


  • Torpedo has travel time, making it harder to hit targets from a distance.
  • Small magazine and reserve ammo size.
  • Receives reduced rounds from ammo Recoger.
  • Dangerous to use in close quarters due to both primary and bomblet explosions, especially if the Kulstar is heavily modded.
  • Less effective against isolated targets, as the bomblets may not explode close enough to damage the target.


  • Cluster bombs are launched in a loose arc away from the primary explosion in a similar fashion to spawning pods from Erupcionadores.
    • This may make it difficult to hit a single enemy with the primary explosion and cluster bombs, and makes it so that arcing bomblets constitute an extra self damage hazard.
  • Multidisparo mods will only affect the torpedo; the amount of bomblets generated per torpedo will always be 3.
    • Additional projectiles generated by multidisparo will assume a geometric formation, as per the Angstrum; 2 torpedoes will fire in a horizontal line, 3 torpedoes will fire in a triangle.
  • The primary AoE explosion deals 200 blast damage. The other 175 blast damage is the projectile damage and will only hit one target.
  • Each cluster bomb explosion deals 75 blast damage. Additionally, each projectile deals 75 blast damage if it hits an enemy.


  • Magnetizar will focus both the main projectile and its bomblets to a single target, delivering heavy damage to it.
  • Salón de espejos can be used with the Kulstar to devastating effect, saturating an area with explosions and wiping out entire squads. This combination can be further improved if Salón de la malevolencia is used.


Véase también[]

  • Angstrum, a similar secondary rocket launcher.