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The Infestation primarily infests or corrupts its victims through airborne spores, possibly the same kind of found floating around in the air on Infested [[Escenario]]s as moving colonies of orange particles. While no enemy or ally can ever become Infested in-game this is most likely due to limitations to the game itself, and may be added at a later date. The only exception is during [[Deserción]] missions, where it is possible to witness the only current "infestation" of a target in real time; Allowing a Grineer Defector to die to the poisons in the air will eventually cause them to sprout a large Infested mass around them, which explodes in a horrifying display of light gore and rot to reveal a uniquely colored [[Cargador#Variant|Carrion Charger]]. The transformation to these combat forms is seemingly quick, likely due to the Defectors weakened state due to the exposure to the spores for extended periods and possibly due to the Grineers already weak cloned bodies.
The Infestation primarily infests or corrupts its victims through airborne spores, possibly the same kind of found floating around in the air on Infested [[Escenario]]s as moving colonies of orange particles. While no enemy or ally can ever become Infested in-game this is most likely due to limitations to the game itself, and may be added at a later date. The only exception is during [[Deserción]] missions, where it is possible to witness the only current "infestation" of a target in real time; Allowing a Grineer Defector to die to the poisons in the air will eventually cause them to sprout a large Infested mass around them, which explodes in a horrifying display of light gore and rot to reveal a uniquely colored [[Cargador#Variant|Carrion Charger]]. The transformation to these combat forms is seemingly quick, likely due to the Defectors weakened state due to the exposure to the spores for extended periods and possibly due to the Grineers already weak cloned bodies.
While the Infestation was always able to seep into electronic and [[Plástidos|nano-based technology]], until Alad V created the Mutalist strain it was never able to ''control'' more than small masses, to the point where systems would simply corrupt and shut down (see non-[[Nave infestada]] [[Escenario]]s) rather than be vulnerable to control or influence. With the Mutalist strain however, the Infestation is able to infect inorganic circuitry to control basic robotics, and even modify their weapons systems to spray payloads of [[MOA Mutalítico Escupebrea|Corrosive Sludge]] or take advantage of flight technology to [[Halieto Mutalítico|Disperse Toxins]] into the air. While this is an impressive feat even for the seemingly mindless Infestation, it is less impressive when Corpus robotical AI is taken in account, as it is fairly easy even for the Tenno to [[Bursa|Hack]] or [[MOA Cabinet Spawner|Reprogram]] them, so a complete takeover of their precepts may not be necessary for them to fight for the Infestation.
While the Infestation was always able to seep into electronic and [[Plastids|nano-based technology]], until Alad V created the Mutalist strain it was never able to ''control'' more than small masses, to the point where systems would simply corrupt and shut down (see non-[[Nave infestada]] [[Escenario]]s) rather than be vulnerable to control or influence. With the Mutalist strain however, the Infestation is able to infect inorganic circuitry to control basic robotics, and even modify their weapons systems to spray payloads of [[MOA Mutalítico Escupebrea|Corrosive Sludge]] or take advantage of flight technology to [[Halieto Mutalítico|Disperse Toxins]] into the air. While this is an impressive feat even for the seemingly mindless Infestation, it is less impressive when Corpus robotical AI is taken in account, as it is fairly easy even for the Tenno to [[Bursa|Hack]] or [[MOA Cabinet Spawner|Reprogram]] them, so a complete takeover of their precepts may not be necessary for them to fight for the Infestation.
More impressively however is the ability for the Mutalist strain to adapt and corrupt even a [[Céfalon]]. In the case of the [[Golem Jordas]] it somehow gained control of one despite several times during the game and in quests it it was explained that Cephalons exist on a very advanced electronic plane of existence called the "weave", something which [[Hunhow]] (who's origin is machine-based) could only barely control and eventually lose when he attempted to take over [[Céfalon Suda]]'s portion of it. Even in his transmission projections Jordas is physically Infested with tissue on his portrayal, although this may just be a visual representation of his state and not necessarily prove he is actually Infested. It is possible that the equipment that stores Jordas' information is corrupted instead, essentially the same situation as other Mutalist robotic enemies. Either way, this shows that the Infestation is far more insidious than it was in the past thanks to the meddling of Alad V.
More impressively however is the ability for the Mutalist strain to adapt and corrupt even a [[Céfalon]]. In the case of the [[Golem Jordas]] it somehow gained control of one despite several times during the game and in quests it it was explained that Cephalons exist on a very advanced electronic plane of existence called the "weave", something which [[Hunhow]] (who's origin is machine-based) could only barely control and eventually lose when he attempted to take over [[Céfalon Suda]]'s portion of it. Even in his transmission projections Jordas is physically Infested with tissue on his portrayal, although this may just be a visual representation of his state and not necessarily prove he is actually Infested. It is possible that the equipment that stores Jordas' information is corrupted instead, essentially the same situation as other Mutalist robotic enemies. Either way, this shows that the Infestation is far more insidious than it was in the past thanks to the meddling of Alad V.
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