Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 30-12-2024 por JARVIII

Los guardianes Grineer son unidades especiales que aparecen en las misiones de rescate, encargadas de proteger los complejos penitenciarios donde se mantienen los rehenes. Aparecen como artillero pesado o Balista en las misiones Grineer, artillero pesado corrupto para las misiones de Luna Orokin y Tripulante francotirador o Técnico Corpus para las misiones Corpus, y son más duraderas que las unidades normales. Sin embargo, son muy vulnerables a ataques Sigilosos y derribos.


  • Los guardianes solo se pueden encontrar en el escenario del complejo penitenciario de una misión de rescate, por lo general aparecen en cantidades de 3 a 4 unidades, aunque a veces pueden generar hasta un máximo de 10 unidades.
  • Cuando se detecta a un jugador, se activa rápidamente el sistema de ejecución del complejo penitenciario, que activa un temporizador que cuenta regresivamente hasta que el prisionero sea asesinado.


  • Due to their durability, Wardens can be tough to face head-on, which may make rescuing the hostage difficult. However, they are highly vulnerable to Ataques de sigilo, taking +1600% or effectively 16x more damage, therefore one can usually be killed in a single hit despite their durability. Use this to eliminate Wardens from a position of Sigilo.
    • Apart from Sigilo attacks, Wardens also share the same vulnerability to Counterattack Finishers, allowing players to kill them instantly if fighting them directly.
  • Wardens have a stricter and more predictable patrol route than most enemies, which can be used to avoid them or set up Sigilo kills.
  • The codex scanner can be used to highlight the location of any wardens, even through walls.


  • Despite being based off artillero pesados, Grineer Wardens will sometimes be seen carrying Vulkars instead. Corpus Wardens will also sometimes carry a Supra instead of their normal Lanka sniper rifles.
  • Like many other enemies, Wardens can also spawn as Eximus units. Warden Eximus units feature Life Leech ability and improved movement speed.


  • The Eximus of both the Grineer, Corpus and Corrupted Wardens have 601 Carne clonada and 401 Carne respectively.
    • These are the only Eximus variants to have 1 armor value higher than their non Eximus counterparts.
  • Corpus Warden currently cannot be cut to pieces by slash weapons. Other enemies that share this bug include the Elite Crewman and Grineer Commander.

Historial de actualizaciones[]

Véase también[]

  • Rescate, which introduced this enemy type.
