Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 30-01-2023 por Sekram

Destruye tus objetivos a base de proyectiles explosivos con este devastador cañón del archwing.

El Grattler es un cañón IconGrineerOnGrineer de cuatro cañones automáticos para Archwings. Sus proyectiles explosivos lo hacen ideal para eliminar grupos de enemigos, lo que se ve compensado por su alcance limitado y la velocidad de proyectil.


El plano de Grattler puede ser investigado en el laboratorio químico del dojo.

Requisitos de fabricación
Tiempo: 24 hrs
Acelerar: 35 Platinum
Precio del MarketIcon: 250 Platinum Precio del Blueprint2: 15,000 Créditos
Laboratorio químico ClanAffinity64 5,000
Tiempo: 72 hrs
Prereq: Ogris
Clan Fantasma x1   Clan Sombra x3   Clan Tormenta x10   Clan Montaña x30   Clan Luna x100


Este arma inflige principalmente daño de Perforación n Perforación.


  • Alto daño de Perforación n Perforación efectivo contra armadura.
  • Tiene una V ranura de polaridad.
  • Deals explosive splash damage.
  • Tiene atravesar innato.
  • Alta probabilidad crítica y probabilidad de estado para un arma Archwing.


  • Máximo rango de 350 metros.
  • Los proyectiles tienen velocidad de proyectil.
  • Las explosiones del proyectil pueden dañar al jugador si explotan muy cerca de ellos.
  • Tiene un breve tiempo de espera antes de alcanzar su velocidad de disparo máxima.


  • A partir de la Actualización 17.1, el Grattler tiene un corto tiempo de recuperación antes de alcanzar su velocidad de disparo máxima.
  • Aunque el arsenal enumera una cadencia de fuego de 4.17, esta es la cadencia antes del tiempo de espera. Una vez que este completamente cargado, el Grattler tiene una velocidad de disparo máxima de 6,25 disparos por segundo, 50% por encima de su valor de enumerado.
  • Aunque el Arsenal los suma, los proyectiles del Grattler y las explosiones de sus proyectiles tienen valores de daño separados. El proyectil inflige 175 de daño mientras que las explosiones infligen solo 100 de daño.
  • Aunque los disparos del Grattler tienen atravesar innato, estos explotan al golpear un enemigo. Por lo tanto el atravesar solo se nota al disparar superficies.


  • El Grattler fue visto por primera vez en Echoes of the Sentients Highlight Video.
  • El texto Grineer de los lados dice "Deth From Here" (Muerte desde aqui).
  • Esta es la primera arma de archwing (y la primera arma archwing en general) que no es origen Tenno.
  • Sin contar la Imperator o la Veritux (asi como las variante Prisma), el Grattler es la primera arma archwing que solo usa recursos para su construcción, en lugar de requerir partes de armas.
  • El diseño del Grattler y funcionalidad parece estar modelada en varias armas de la vida real cañones antiaéreos, que pueden tener múltiples cañones para una alta cadencia de fuego y en modelos anteriores dispararía proyectiles explosivos para nublar los cielos con metrallas.
  • Esto es reforzado porque los archivos asociados para Grattler se refieren a él como "ArchGRNAAGUN", que puede verse como una abreviatura de "Archwing Grineer AA arma".

Historial de actualizaciones[]

Actualización 32
Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.

Actualización 30

  • Made optimizations towards the Grattler FX that were affecting GPU time.
    • We’ve also scaled down the Grattler projectile size to further improve performance.

Revisión 27.4.3

  • Fixed Grattler projectiles sometimes immediately exploding when fired which sometimes resulted in a crash.

Revisión 27.4.1

  • Removed self-damage when in space. The Grattler will apply the self-stagger mechanic now while in space.

Actualización 27.4

  • Archwing Gun stats normalized - space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.
  • Proximity fuse has been added to Grattler rounds in space so they explode when they are near a target.
  • Polished the Grattler Heavy Gun’s fire and reload animations. Also fixed an errant animation that played when equipped.

Revisión 27.2.2
Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central impact that were all previously 90%:

  • Grattler: 50%

Actualización 27.2

Self Damage Changes

We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. This change completely removes the chance of killing yourself, and instead now creates scenarios where you will interrupt yourself - or ‘Stagger’ - to varying degrees if you aren’t careful.

The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger.

With this Self-Interrupt system, we have added dozens of new recovery animations that harness a ninja-like recovery experience. By pressing ‘Jump’ at the correct time, you can execute a ninja-skill-based knockdown recovery to ALL in-game knockdowns. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe.

In the original Dev Workshop, we said:
As a result of this overall systemic change, Weapons with Stagger will be getting approximately a 20% buff in Damage, with any weapons with AOE receiving a 50% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact.

This is no longer accurate after continued testing. What we are doing now is:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno.

Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices.

  • Increased the Grattler projectile lifetime so it can reach its intended falloff range.

Revisión 24.2.6

  • Shared Affinity gain now applies to Atmosphere Arch-Guns but only while equipped in the main hand.
  • Fixed not having an Arch-Gun equipped by default (if they own an Archwing primary weapon with the Gravimag installed) when changing Loadouts.
  • Fixed an issue where players with Arch-Guns in their loadout couldn't Wall Latch.
  • Fixed Chroma not playing Arch-Gun equip/charged fire animations.

Revisión 24.2.5

  • Changed the Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown timer to scale based on remaining Atmosphere Arch-Guns Ammo pool upon unequipping.
  • Increased Grattler Ammo capacity from 180 to 210 in Atmosphere Arch-Gun.
  • Removed unintentional ability to summon Arch-Gun in Melee Only Sorties.

Revisión 24.2.4

  • Arch-Gun Ammo pool increased by 2x for all Arch-Guns in Atmosphere mode.
  • Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes instead of 10.
  • Fixed Clients not hearing the Atmosphere Arch-Gun equip sound.

Revisión 24.2.1

  • Removed the dissolve FX when equipping your Atmosphere Arch-Gun.

Actualización 24.2
It’s time we equipped some serious floor firepower! All Arch-Guns can be used on the ground - or as we like to call it ‘Atmosphere’ - with the use of a ‘Gravimag’. Gravimag is obtained from Clan Research, or as a one-time reward from the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty, and can be installed on any Arch-Gun (with an Orokin Catalyst installed) via the Upgrade Arsenal - similar to installing a Catalyst.

Comparable to the Archwing and K-Drive Launchers, a respective Gear item known as the Archweapon Deployer is required to activate your Atmosphere Arch-Gun. The Archweapon Deployer can be obtained by completing the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty.

Atmosphere Arch-Gun General Changes:

  • Atmosphere Arch-Guns consume Ammo as opposed to unlimited Ammo/Battery in Archwing. Specifically new Heavy Ammo Drops which can be found from Corpus enemies in Orb Heist missions. Heavy Ammo Drops also reset the 10 minute cool-down when picked up, or replenish Ammo if needed.
  • Atmosphere Arch-Gun can be summoned in normal missions with the Archweapon Deployer, but once Ammo has been depleted there is a 10 minute cool-down until you can summon again. The intent here is to allow you moments of beefy damage output, and not become just another Primary/Secondary weapon.

All stat changes are for Atmosphere Arch-Gun mode, Mastery Rank changes are global:

  • Mastery Rank from 0 to 4.
  • Damage increased from 275 to 310.
  • Magazine size decreased from 60 to 30.
  • Ammo Capacity set at 90.
  • Reload speed set at 2 seconds.

Actualización 17.0

  • Introducido al juego.

Véase también[]

  • Grattler Kuva Grattler Kuva, la contraparte Kuva para esta arma.