Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
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Línea 44: Línea 44:
*[[Armadura]] only reduces damage taken to [[Salud]], and not damage taken to [[escudo]]s.
*[[Armadura]] only reduces damage taken to [[Salud]], and not damage taken to [[escudo]]s.
**Therefore, this mod is most effective on the Carrier Prime due it having the most [[Salud]] y [[armadura]].
**Therefore, this mod is most effective on the Carrier Prime due it having the most [[Salud]] y [[armadura]].
*Before {{ver|11}} Sentinels didn't have armor rendering this mod useless.
*Before [[Update 11]] Sentinels didn't have armor rendering this mod useless.
**All regular sentinels have a base armor rating of 50.
**All regular sentinels have a base armor rating of 50.
**All [[Prime]] sentinels have 150 base armor.
**All [[Prime]] sentinels have 150 base armor.
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