Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 31-12-2024 por JARVIII
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Transferencia al modo cuerpo a cuerpo del Warframe desde la Actualización 31.5

El Estallido del Vacío (por defecto: E ) es el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo predeterminado del operador.

  • Liberando energía del vacío en una ráfaga corta, es un ataque de área de efecto en forma de cono que derriba a todos los objetivos dentro de 4 metros de radio del ataque y reparte 200 puntos de daño de VoidTearIcon b Vacío, que disminuye con el rango.
    • Estallido del Vacío cuesta 20 de energía para poder usarlo.
  • También se puede usar para desarmar a un guardián Kuva de su Kesheg.

Focus Enhancements

Void Blast may be enhanced or altered by the following Enfoque powers:


Flame BlastERROR: No such focus Flame Blast found
ERROR: No such focus Flame Blast found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Flame Blast found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Flame Blast found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Flame Blast found

Community notes  
Rising BlastERROR: No such focus Rising Blast found
ERROR: No such focus Rising Blast found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Rising Blast found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Rising Blast found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Rising Blast found

  • At max rank, uncharged and partially charged Rising Blast deals 1,000 Calor n Calor damage.
    • When fully charged, Flame Blast deals 3,000 Calor n Calor damage.
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Guardian ShellERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
ERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found

  • Creates a frontal shield when the Void Blast key is held.
  • Currently, enemies with beam attacks will ignore the shield.
  • Channeling Void Blast does not cost any additional energy.
  • Operador energy can regenerate while channeling Void Blast.
Community notes  
Guardian BlastERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
ERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found

  • The blast can grant overshields to your own Warframe, Friendly Warframes and other Operadors up until the standard overshield cap.
  • For reference, Warframes can have up to 1,200 overshields (except for Harrow's 2,400 overshield cap), and Operadores can accumulate up to 500 overshields.
Community notes  


Estallido desorientador
FocusNodeRing b
Estallido desorientador
Estallido del Vacío tiene una probabilidad del 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% de confundir a los enemigos durante 4s / 8s / 12s / 16s, causando que no puedan distinguir entre aliado o enemigo.
FocusLensFocus b25,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b40,000 / 54,142 / 80,000
FocusPool 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Estallido desarmador
FocusNodeRing b
Estallido desarmador
Los enemigos golpeados por Estallido del Vacío tienen un 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 35% / 50% de probabilidad de ser desarmados.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000 / 226,969 / 306,274
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11


Magnetic BlastERROR: No such focus Magnetic Blast found
ERROR: No such focus Magnetic Blast found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Magnetic Blast found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Magnetic Blast found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Magnetic Blast found

Unairu WispERROR: No such focus Unairu Wisp found
ERROR: No such focus Unairu Wisp found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Unairu Wisp found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Unairu Wisp found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Unairu Wisp found

  • The Unairu Wisp shares the same model as Espíritu de Cetus and is most often found laying on the ground.
  • Multiple wisps can be picked up by a single Operator, refreshing their duration.
  • The wisp grants a multiplicative damage bonus
Community notes  
Basilisk GazeERROR: No such focus Basilisk Gaze found
ERROR: No such focus Basilisk Gaze found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Basilisk Gaze found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Basilisk Gaze found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Basilisk Gaze found

  • Basilisk Gaze will increase the range of Void Blast from 4 meters to 5 / 5 / 6 / 6 / 6 meters radius.
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