Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 26-12-2022 por Sekram

Si tuviera un corazón, estaría roto. Si mis ojos pudieran llorar, estaría ciego. ¡Mira lo que han hecho contigo! Eres una diosa. ¡Eres una reina! Pero de alguna manera, las abejas te tienen como rehén. ¿Será que aún puedes reconocerme?
—Erra a Lotus durante el preludio a la guerra

Erra es un consciente de alto rango. Hijo de Hunhow, y hermano mayor[citación requerida] de Natah, él hizo su primera aparición en el tráiler de La nueva guerra durante la TennoCon 2019, y apareció oficialmente en la cinemática de la aventura Erra.



A finales de la antigua guerra, Erra dirigió un asalto a Lua junto a otro consciente, supuestamente Hunhow. Él llegó a una cueva llena de embalses, en donde agarró por la cabeza a una Dax todavía con vida. Fue entonces cuando Lotus, rodeada por seis Tennos le ordenó que la dejara marchar, Erra se sintió devastado al verla ahora del lado del enemigo, e intentó hacerla recordar quién solía ser como Natah y que volviera al lado de su gente. Pero falló, y los Tenno le atacaron usando rayos del Vacío, haciéndole gritar de agonía.

En el presente, Erra y Natah se reúnen, mientras él sujeta a Ballas con una correa. Él le informa de lo mucho que ha cambiado el sistema desde que ella fue "desentrañada". Natah le reprocha a Ballas haber creado a los Tenno. Erra le pide a su hermana que cante para su gente, para traerlos de vuelta a casa, cosa que ella hace.

El Creador[]

Erra is telling Natah that their mother is gone and urges her to finish the war as she still has "her fire". Natah notes that she remembers ordering the Tenno to attack Erra and he was apparently destroyed. Erra and Ballas appear to be taken aback by this before the former objects, stating that she remembers wrong and will need time to completely heal from what the Makers had done to her. Natah points at leashed Ballas and asks if he is one of the Makers.

Erra then suddenly grabs and throws Natah at the pedestal behind him, trapping her in an energy field. Erra tells her once more to finish the war and drops the leash from his hand. Revealing that his imprisonment was a deception, Ballas stands as both he and Erra then silently watch Natah.

La nueva guerra[]

As the Conscientes begin invading the Origin System with a Murex appearing above Cetus and crashing into the Unum's Tower, Erra stands before an Ostronita child and removes their Excalibur mask, telling them not to be afraid. He later approaches Kahl-175 in the Plains of Eidolon after his attempt to bomb a Condrix mysteriously fails to detonate, also telling him not to be afraid.

As Ballas tortures the Lotus by forcing her to watch Teshin succumb to a Velo Narmer, Erra fights Teshin as he tries to resist. After Teshin forcefully removes the veil, Erra grabs him by the head and deems him a lost cause, killing him by snapping his neck. Erra is then shot by the Operador, who looks on in horror at the turn of events. Erra silently watches as Ballas banishes the Lotus and the Operador to the Void.

Without the Tenno, the Conscientes have won. The Origin System is now ruled by Ballas's Narmer empire with Erra as his second-in-command. Erra's Arcontes, hybridized Sentient-Warframe abominations named Boreal, Amar, and Nira, served to instill fear in dissent and ensure loyalty throughout the system. The Viajero works against Narmer, teaming up with Hunhow to restore the Lotus and the Operador. Hunhow unsuccessfully tries to convince his son that Ballas is just using him and that he is acting no better than a Dax in servitude to Orokin, rebuffing that Narmer has allowed peace and prosperity for the Conscientes and swearing they will reclaim the Lotus and return her as Natah.

After the death of two Archons, the partial restoration of the Lotus, and the Operador's return, Ballas senses the Tenno and is enraged. Erra attempts to placate him, stating that he has won and that every living thing in the Origin System, biological or not, worships him. Ballas however, sees this as hollow victory, as he believes that every denizen of the Sol System all wish for "that piss-warm comfort of being told what to think." Knowing that he cannot control the Tenno, Ballas orders Erra to recall the Sentient fleet and plots to control the Lotus to kill her child.

After Ballas announces his plan to use the Consciente Mothership Praghasa to feed on the sun to destroy the Origin System and sacrifice his Narmer empire to fuel the ship to escape to the Sistema Tau, Erra realizes Ballas intends to doom the Conscientes and defects. As soon as the Tenno dock onto Praghasa, Erra destroys a Typholyst and holds up his hands to surrender. Instructing the Tenno to follow him, he guides them to the third and final Archon in hopes it will fully restore the Lotus, only to sacrifice himself to hold up debris before being crushed.


Although The New War has ended since the death of Ballas, the threat of Narmer did not completely fade away. Erra himself was weaponized into an Arconte, his head replaced by that of a demonic ram, now leading Narmer under the name Pazuul. Kahl-175 calls Pazuul's "body is dead worm", suggesting that Erra did die during The New War and his corpse was reanimated by Narmer.

During Archon Hunts, the Lotus discovers that Erra's consciousness is suppressed by Pazuul and the revived Archons, who grew vengeful towards their maker as they deemed their creation an act of shame. Erra briefly resurfaces to apologize to the Tenno and asks for their forgiveness. The Lotus hopes that defeating the Archons will free her brother.


  • Erra is voiced by Antonio Greco.
  • The name probably comes from Erra, an Akkadian plague god known from an 'epos' of the eighth century BCE.
  • When Erra first appeared in The New War trailer, there was no mention regarding his name or who he is.
  • Unlike most Conscientes, Erra has eyebrow-like structures in his head, which change position depending on his emotions. He also walks, as opposed to levitating like most smaller Conscientes do including Natah.
  • Erra always refers to the Tenno as insects, calling them bees in a flashback during Erra and aphids during The Maker.
    • Oddly, while aphids don't have queens in their life cycle, Erra calls Natah "Queen of the aphids".
  • Erra is the third notable Consciente to ally with the Tenno, after Natah and (possibly for a time being) Hunhow.