Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 28-09-2020 por JARVIII
They trained to Counter the Enemy, and move with an opponent's attacks in order to nullify them. They maintained constant awareness in order to defend against all aggression.
—In-Game Description

Not to be confused with the D Vazarin Polaridad.

The Vazarin way is a school of the Protectors. The Tenno of Vazarin excels in the arts of emergency support, self-sustenance, recovery and warding power. Those who mastered the Vazarin school are granted defensive benefits.

  • Through an increased Afinidad radius, their Warframes are able to provide aid from further away.
  • They have a higher Salud pool and regeneration, further augmented by a highly regenerative Modo del Vacío.
  • They are able to inflict a burst of crowd control with Rapidez del Vacío to provide immediate and emergency recovery, supplementing a brief respite to injured allies along the way.
  • They can absorb and offset damage taken by allies, while bestowing to them additional escudos with Estallido del Vacío.

The treeways of the Vazarin school.

Mending UnityERROR: No such focus Mending Unity found
ERROR: No such focus Mending Unity found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Mending Unity found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Mending Unity found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Mending Unity found

  • Abilities that scale off affinity range, such as Bendición, Pacto y Penitencia, are affected by Mending Unity's affinity range increase.
  • Activates on entering the mission.
Community notes  
Mending SoulERROR: No such focus Mending Soul found
ERROR: No such focus Mending Soul found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Mending Soul found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Mending Soul found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Mending Soul found

  • Number of charges per level are given to both your Warframe and Operador and cannot be refreshed.
    • i.e. at level 4, Mending Soul gives a total of 8 charges, 4 for your Warframe and 4 for your operador
  • Instantaneous revives applies to other players and yourself in Desangrado
    • Interacting with a downed player instantly revives them and you will be instantly revived if other players interact with you when you are downed
    • Note that you can still revive yourself using Afinidad when the Desangrado timer ends, not consuming any charges
  • Activates on entering the mission.
Community notes  
Enduring TidesERROR: No such focus Enduring Tides found
ERROR: No such focus Enduring Tides found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Enduring Tides found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Enduring Tides found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Enduring Tides found

  • Enduring Tides works off the Operador's current health, including health provided by Vigordelmago64 Vigor del mago.
Community notes  
Rejuvenating TidesERROR: No such focus Rejuvenating Tides found
ERROR: No such focus Rejuvenating Tides found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Rejuvenating Tides found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Rejuvenating Tides found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Rejuvenating Tides found

  • Operador will continue slowly regaining health even when not out on the battlefield.
Community notes  
Guardian ShellERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
ERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Guardian Shell found

  • Creates a frontal shield when the Void Blast key is held.
  • Currently, enemies with beam attacks will ignore the shield.
  • Channeling Void Blast does not cost any additional energy.
  • Operador energy can regenerate while channeling Void Blast.
Community notes  
Guardian BlastERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
ERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Guardian Blast found

  • The blast can grant overshields to your own Warframe, Friendly Warframes and other Operadors up until the standard overshield cap.
  • For reference, Warframes can have up to 1,200 overshields (except for Harrow's 2,400 overshield cap), and Operadores can accumulate up to 500 overshields.
Community notes  
Rapidez protectora
Allies hit by Void Dash are granted immunity from damage for 2s / 3s / 4s / 5s and healed 25% / 35% / 45% / 60% over 5s.
FocusLensFocus b50,000 to unlock

FocusLensFocus b80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000
FocusPool 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

  • Works on allied Warframes, Operadores, Companions, NPC allies including Eidolon Lures, Venari y summoned ally units.
  • Dashing through your own Warframe will heal it. Making it valuable when using with Ira mod. The invincibility will not be granted after returning to it though.
    • Works exceptionally well with Inaros, since it heals a percentage of life.
  • Dashing through defense or mobile defense objective will grant them invincibility, but healing effect will work only if the object has started regenerating after not taking damage for a while. Extractors on excavation missions will be granted with both healing and invincibility effects, but the invincibility effect won't be shown on the UI due to a bug.
    • Cryopods in the Void and Derelict defense missions cannot be affected by Protective Dash, which might be a bug.
Community notes  
Sonic DashERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
ERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Sonic Dash found

  • Stunned enemies are vulnerable to finisher attacks for the duration of the stun.
  • Does not (seem to) proc protective dash with the new AoE.
Community notes  
Void RegenERROR: No such focus Void Regen found
ERROR: No such focus Void Regen found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Void Regen found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Void Regen found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Void Regen found

Void AegisERROR: No such focus Void Aegis found
ERROR: No such focus Void Aegis found
FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Void Aegis found to unlock

FocusLensFocus bERROR: No such focus Void Aegis found
FocusPool ERROR: No such focus Void Aegis found

  • Creates a bubble shield that grows over time and absorbs damage, but explosions will pass through the shield.
Community notes  


  • The Vazarin school tree requires 6,929,367 focus points to fully maximize.
  • A fully levelled Vazarin Operador is capable of:
    • Warframe Passive: Increases Afinidad radius by 25 meters, and the next 4 Desangrado revives are instantaneous.
    • Operador Passive: Increases the Operador's Salud by 150% and health regeneration by 4 points per second, and the next 4 Desangrado revives are instantaneous.
    • Estallido del Vacío: Can be charged to create a shield that drains energy for every 400 damage absorbed, and while channeling every ally hit within 8 meters recovers 160 escudos but consumes 25 energy.
    • Rapidez del Vacío: Allies hit are immune to damage and regenerates 60% health over 5 seconds. Enemies hit are no longer displaced and instead emit a shockwave 14 meters wide that travels 8 meters, stunning every enemy it hits.
    • Modo del Vacío: Heals 25 health per second and creates a shield that grows up to 12 meter radius over 5 seconds, but consumes 9 energy per second while en modo del Vacío.

Historial de actualizaciones[]

Revisión 23.10.1
  • Fixed Vazarin Enduring Tides level 2 and 3 giving the same value. Level 3 changed from 50% to 100%.
