Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 23-09-2019 por JARVIII

Sigue a un objetivo al tiempo que lo ataca con láseres.

Los Drones Langosta son pequeños robots desplegados por Portanaves y por Gox al autodestruirse. Aunque son físicamente débiles, los Drones Langosta llevan láseres de alta precisión que no se pueden esquivar, lo que inflige daño constante en los escudos y la salud del jugador.


  • Locust drones tend to strafe and reposition themselves a lot in combat. It can be helpful to draw them into a tightly enclosed space, so that they pin themselves in place. This is especially true when trying to scan them.
  • Using Archwing abilities such as the Odonata's Disparos buscadores o Elytron's Eclosionador can be useful in case of multiple Locust drones attack since it can target the small drones and exterminate them all at once.


  • In The Profit, what appears to be a Locust Drone can be seen projecting a hologram of the Corpus Board for Alad V, nearly a year before players would encounter it.
Archivo:Frohd and Locust Cameo.png

A Locust Drone projecting members of the Board during The Profit trailer. Frohd Bek is also visible (furthest from left).
