Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 04-11-2020 por JARVIII

Disparo alternativo ( Alt-Fire para abreviar, también conocido como disparo secundario) es una característica de algunas armas que realiza una acción diferente a sus modos de disparo normales o interactúa con su modo de disparo principal de alguna manera. A partir de la Actualización Actualización 17.0, el disparo alternativo se puede vincular a un botón/tecla especifico (predeterminado Mouse3  en PC y R. Thumbstick  en PS4, XB1 y NSW).

Armas con disparo alternativo[]

Armas primarias[]

Arma Disparo alternativo
Argonak Argonak
Battacor Battacor
  • Carga un potente rayo con un ancho de 0.5 metros, creando un área de efecto de explosión de 3.4 metros al impactar con un enemigo y una explosión de 6 metros al impactar con una superficie.
  • Consume 0 de munición y requiere un breve período de carga antes de que pueda volver a disparar.
    • En vez e consumir munición, el disparo alternativo consume las "cargas" obtenidas al matar enemigos con el disparo principal, y cada carga multiplica el daño infligido. La Battacor puede almacenar hasta 5 cargas y todas las cargas se consumen cuando se usa el disparo alternativo.
Basmu Basmu
  • Lanza una baliza que se adhiere a una superficie o enemigo. Los disparos primarios se concentrarán en esa baliza.
    • La baliza durará 20 segundos, o hasta que el objetivo al que está conectada la baliza muere o se dispare una nueva baliza.
    • Si la baliza se adhiere a un enemigo, el arma gana un 50% adicional de probabilidad crítica durante la duración de la baliza.
  • Consume 10 rondas de munición y no funcionará si el jugador tiene menos de 10 rondas en el cargador.agazine.
Cernos Prime
Cernos Prime Cernos Prime
  • Toggles between Horizontal Spread or Vertical Spread.
    • Both modes have the same stats.
    • By default, the Cernos Prime starts any given mission in Horizontal Spread.
  • Makes the beams generated by this weapon to spread outwards and sweeps back inward, as opposed to focusing inwards when holding down the Primary Fire key/button.
  • The beams will continuously sweep as long as the Alternate Fire key/button is held down. Releasing it will make the beams return to their original position.
  • Fires an explosive shot that detonates after travelling 20 meters, dealing Explosión n Explosión damage in an 8 meter area of effect with a guaranteed proc.
    • If the shot hits an enemy before it detonates, the shot will instead deal reduced Impacto n Impacto damage to that enemy with a guaranteed proc, and if it hits a solid object, it will bounce off harmlessly. Both interactions cannot be overcome with Atravesar.
  • Consumes 1 round of ammunition.
  • Throws the Ferrox up to 50 meters, dealing Eléctrico n Eléctrico damage in a 7 meter area of effect, chaining to any nearby enemies.
  • Every 5 seconds, the Ferrox generates an Eléctrico n Eléctrico pulse that damages enemies (with a high chance to proc) and passively pulls them closer to the Ferrox. This effect persists until the player retrieves the Ferrox.
  • The Ferrox will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
  • Throwing the Ferrox does not consume ammunition.
  • Fires a harpoon that pulls any enemy it connects with close to the player and causes a guaranteed Perforación n Perforación proc.
  • Consumes 1 round of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire.
  • Has a limited range of 50 meters.
  • Throws the Javlok up to 50 meters, dealing Impacto n Impacto damage to any enemy it directly hits and Calor n Calor damage in a 7 meter area of effect.
  • The Javlok will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
  • While throwing the Javlok does not consume ammunition, the explosion will consume all ammo in the magazine, forcing reload on pickup.
Quanta mutalítica
Quanta mutalítica
  • Launches a slow-moving cuboid orb that deals Radiación n Radiación damage to any enemy it makes contact with, and has a guaranteed chance to proc. It will remain in the air for 9 seconds then detonate, dealing damage in an area of effect.
    • The orb will bounce off surfaces and can be manipulated with melee attacks.
    • Shots fired at the orb will pass through and gain bonuses to Damage, Critical Chance and Critical Damage.
    • Can only have a maximum of 2 orbs active.
  • Consumes 15 rounds of ammunition and will not function if the player has less than 15 rounds in the magazine.
  • Levitates a spinning sawblade that continuously damages enemies who make contact with it and staggers them.
  • Will only consume ammo every second it deals damage when active.
  • Has a limited range of 5 meters.
  • Fires a harpoon that pulls any enemy it connects with close to the player and deals damage over time.
  • Consumes 1 round of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire
  • Has a limited range of 50 meters.
Penta Secura
Penta Secura
  • Detonates any active grenade(s), dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage.
    • Only 5 grenades can be active at any given time. You will be unable to fire another until you have manually detonated the grenades with the Alternate Fire Button.
Quanta Vándalo
Quanta Vándalo
  • Launches a slow-moving cube that detonates on the first surface or enemy it comes in contact with, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage. Otherwise, it will remain in the air for 9 seconds then detonate, dealing damage in an area of effect.
    • The cube can be manually detonated by attacking it, making it deal extra damage.
  • Consumes 10 rounds of ammunition and will not function if the player has less than 10 rounds in the magazine.
  • Throws the Scourge up to 50 meters, dealing Impacto n Impacto damage to any enemy it directly hits and Corrosivo n Corrosivo damage in a 7 meter area of effect.
  • Every few seconds, the Scourge will generate a pulse that creates Magnetizar bubbles on the heads of nearby enemies, increasing the likelihood of scoring headshots. This effect persists until the player retrieves the Scourge.
  • The Scourge will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
  • Throwing the Scourge does not consume ammunition.
Simulor Synoid
Simulor Synoid
  • Detonates any active orb(s), dealing Eléctrico n Eléctrico damage and causes a guaranteed proc. Otherwise the orb(s) will remain in the air for 8 seconds then detonate by themselves.
  • Toggles between Automatic and Semi-Automatic firing modes.
    • The Semi-Automatic firing mode increases Damage, Critical Chance, and probabilidad de estado at the expense of Fire Rate, and vice versa.
    • By default, the Stradavar starts any given mission as an Automatic.
  • Fires a charged shot that, compared to its Primary Fire, has increased Critical Chance and Critical Damage in exchange for reduced probabilidad de estado.
    • Consumes 10 rounds of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire.
    • Will not function if the player has less than 10 rounds in the magazine.
  • Toggles between Cannon and Barrage firing modes.
    • Cannon mode fires an explosive projectile in an arc that explodes on impact, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage and splitting into 6 projectiles that spread from point of impact, each dealing additional {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage.
    • Barrage mode works like a shotgun, shooting 6 pellets in a wide spread, each dealing 1/3 of the Zarr's base damage as Physical Damage. There is no damage fall-off with distance; but pellets will deal no damage at all if target is further than ~15 in-game meters away.
    • By default, the Zarr starts any given mission in Cannon Mode.
  • Launches the Zenith's disc, where upon landing it will make any enemy visible through walls, provided the enemy is within a ~20 in-game meter radius of the disc.
    • The disc itself will last for ~20 seconds, though players can cancel the disc and its bonuses early via the Alternate Fire button.
    • While the disc is out, the Zenith switches from automatic fire to semi-automatic fire and gains infinite Atravesar for the duration of the disc, effectively allowing the player to shoot through walls.
    • Additionally, the Zenith gains increased damage, and its stats shift from Cortante n Cortante-oriented damage and probabilidad de estado, to Perforación n Perforación-oriented damage and probabilidad crítica and daño crítico.
  • While launching or cancelling the disc does not consume ammo, the Zenith will consume 5 rounds per shot while the disc is active.

Secondary Weapons[]

Weapon Alternate Fire
  • Ejects its magazine, where after it comes to a rest it hovers above the ground and acts as a turret, firing in a cross-shaped pattern that rotates clockwise until all ammunition is expended.
    • Multiple instances of the magazine-turret can be active simultaneously.
    • Once the turret expends all its ammunition it explodes, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage in an area of effect.
  • Consumes all ammunition in the Azima's magazine, forcing the player to reload afterwards.
Castanas Sancti
Castanas Sancti
  • Detonates any active charge(s), dealing Eléctrico n Eléctrico damage and causing a guaranteed proc.
    • Only 6 charges can be active at any given time. Throwing a charge when 6 charges are already out will cause the earliest-thrown charge to detonate prematurely.
Euphona Prime
Euphona Prime
  • Fires a spread of projectiles, as opposed to the primary fire's focused shot.
  • Consumes 1 round of ammunition.
  • Throws a horizontal spread of 3 knives.
    • Each knife deals the same base damage as the primary fire, but has reduced Cadencia de fuego and drastically reduced Critical Chance.
    • Although the Arsenal display shows an increase to probabilidad de estado, this is actually spread across all 3 knives, thus the probabilidad de estado per knife is lower than it appears.
  • Consumes 3 rounds of ammunition and will not function if the player has less than 3 rounds in the magazine.
  • Manually detonates any airborne torpedoes, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage in an area and launching 3 bomblets that spread from the point of detonation.
    • Will only function if there are any torpedoes airborne.
  • Fires all remaining ammunition in the magazine as a quick burst, forcing the player to reload afterwards.
    • Duration of the burst is affected by Magazine size and can be increased or decreased accordingly. In the event that the player gains infinite ammunition (such as the appropriate Reactant Buff), the burst will only last the Pandero's maximum Magazine size.
    • Damage, Critical stats, and probabilidad de estado from the burst is identical compared to the primary fire but it suffers from high recoil and reduced accuracy, and the player cannot zoom in while burst-firing.
  • Charges a single, more powerful Corrosivo n Corrosivo blob.
    • Only stack up to 6 blobs in a single area. Stacking additional blobs will only refresh its duration.
  • Consumes up to 6 rounds of ammunition.
  • Detonates any active charge(s), dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage and causing a guaranteed Perforación n Perforación proc.
    • Only 8 charges can be active at any given time. Throwing a charge when 8 charges are already out will cause the earliest-thrown charge to detonate prematurely.