Disparo alternativo
- Alterna entre los modos de disparo automático y semiautomático.
- Carga un potente rayo con un ancho de 0.5 metros, creando un área de efecto de explosión de 3.4 metros al impactar con un enemigo y una explosión de 6 metros al impactar con una superficie.
- Consume 0 de munición y requiere un breve período de carga antes de que pueda volver a disparar.
- En vez e consumir munición, el disparo alternativo consume las "cargas" obtenidas al matar enemigos con el disparo principal, y cada carga multiplica el daño infligido. La Battacor puede almacenar hasta 5 cargas y todas las cargas se consumen cuando se usa el disparo alternativo.
- Dispara dos haces continuos que viajan hasta 9 metros, encadenando hasta 5 enemigos en un radio de 7 metros.
- Lanza una baliza que se adhiere a una superficie o enemigo. Los disparos primarios se concentrarán en esa baliza.
- La baliza durará 20 segundos, o hasta que el objetivo al que está conectada la baliza muere o se dispare una nueva baliza.
- Si la baliza se adhiere a un enemigo, el arma gana un 50% adicional de probabilidad crítica durante la duración de la baliza.
- Consume 10 rondas de munición y no funcionará si el jugador tiene menos de 10 rondas en el cargador.agazine.
Cernos Prime
- Toggles between Horizontal Spread or Vertical Spread.
- Both modes have the same stats.
- By default, the Cernos Prime starts any given mission in Horizontal Spread.
- Makes the beams generated by this weapon to spread outwards and sweeps back inward, as opposed to focusing inwards when holding down the Primary Fire key/button.
- The beams will continuously sweep as long as the Alternate Fire key/button is held down. Releasing it will make the beams return to their original position.
- Fires an explosive shot that detonates after travelling 20 meters, dealing Explosión damage in an 8 meter area of effect with a guaranteed proc.
- If the shot hits an enemy before it detonates, the shot will instead deal reduced Impacto damage to that enemy with a guaranteed proc, and if it hits a solid object, it will bounce off harmlessly. Both interactions cannot be overcome with Atravesar.
- Consumes 1 round of ammunition.
- Throws the Ferrox up to 50 meters, dealing Eléctrico damage in a 7 meter area of effect, chaining to any nearby enemies.
- Every 5 seconds, the Ferrox generates an Eléctrico pulse that damages enemies (with a high chance to proc) and passively pulls them closer to the Ferrox. This effect persists until the player retrieves the Ferrox.
- The Ferrox will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
- Throwing the Ferrox does not consume ammunition.
- Fires a harpoon that pulls any enemy it connects with close to the player and causes a guaranteed Perforación proc.
- Consumes 1 round of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire.
- Has a limited range of 50 meters.
- Throws the Javlok up to 50 meters, dealing Impacto damage to any enemy it directly hits and Calor damage in a 7 meter area of effect.
- The Javlok will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
- While throwing the Javlok does not consume ammunition, the explosion will consume all ammo in the magazine, forcing reload on pickup.
Quanta mutalítica
- Launches a slow-moving cuboid orb that deals Radiación damage to any enemy it makes contact with, and has a guaranteed chance to proc. It will remain in the air for 9 seconds then detonate, dealing damage in an area of effect.
- The orb will bounce off surfaces and can be manipulated with melee attacks.
- Shots fired at the orb will pass through and gain bonuses to Damage, Critical Chance and Critical Damage.
- Can only have a maximum of 2 orbs active.
- Consumes 15 rounds of ammunition and will not function if the player has less than 15 rounds in the magazine.
- Levitates a spinning sawblade that continuously damages enemies who make contact with it and staggers them.
- Will only consume ammo every second it deals damage when active.
- Has a limited range of 5 meters.
- Fires a harpoon that pulls any enemy it connects with close to the player and deals damage over time.
- Consumes 1 round of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire
- Has a limited range of 50 meters.
Penta Secura
- Detonates any active grenade(s), dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage.
- Only 5 grenades can be active at any given time. You will be unable to fire another until you have manually detonated the grenades with the Alternate Fire Button.
Quanta Vándalo
- Launches a slow-moving cube that detonates on the first surface or enemy it comes in contact with, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage. Otherwise, it will remain in the air for 9 seconds then detonate, dealing damage in an area of effect.
- The cube can be manually detonated by attacking it, making it deal extra damage.
- Consumes 10 rounds of ammunition and will not function if the player has less than 10 rounds in the magazine.
- Throws the Scourge up to 50 meters, dealing Impacto damage to any enemy it directly hits and Corrosivo damage in a 7 meter area of effect.
- Every few seconds, the Scourge will generate a pulse that creates Magnetizar bubbles on the heads of nearby enemies, increasing the likelihood of scoring headshots. This effect persists until the player retrieves the Scourge.
- The Scourge will remain where it landed until its wielder picks it up manually, or until 20 seconds have passed, where it automatically returns to the player's hands.
- Throwing the Scourge does not consume ammunition.
Simulor Synoid
- Detonates any active orb(s), dealing Eléctrico damage and causes a guaranteed proc. Otherwise the orb(s) will remain in the air for 8 seconds then detonate by themselves.
- Toggles between Automatic and Semi-Automatic firing modes.
- The Semi-Automatic firing mode increases Damage, Critical Chance, and probabilidad de estado at the expense of Fire Rate, and vice versa.
- By default, the Stradavar starts any given mission as an Automatic.
- Fires a charged shot that, compared to its Primary Fire, has increased Critical Chance and Critical Damage in exchange for reduced probabilidad de estado.
- Consumes 10 rounds of ammunition and requires a brief charging period before it can fire.
- Will not function if the player has less than 10 rounds in the magazine.
- Toggles between Cannon and Barrage firing modes.
- Cannon mode fires an explosive projectile in an arc that explodes on impact, dealing {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage and splitting into 6 projectiles that spread from point of impact, each dealing additional {Icono/Proc|Explosión|texto|negro}} damage.
- Barrage mode works like a shotgun, shooting 6 pellets in a wide spread, each dealing 1/3 of the Zarr's base damage as Physical Damage. There is no damage fall-off with distance; but pellets will deal no damage at all if target is further than ~15 in-game meters away.
- By default, the Zarr starts any given mission in Cannon Mode.
- Launches the Zenith's disc, where upon landing it will make any enemy visible through walls, provided the enemy is within a ~20 in-game meter radius of the disc.
- The disc itself will last for ~20 seconds, though players can cancel the disc and its bonuses early via the Alternate Fire button.
- While the disc is out, the Zenith switches from automatic fire to semi-automatic fire and gains infinite Atravesar for the duration of the disc, effectively allowing the player to shoot through walls.
- Additionally, the Zenith gains increased damage, and its stats shift from Cortante-oriented damage and probabilidad de estado, to Perforación-oriented damage and probabilidad crítica and daño crítico.
- While launching or cancelling the disc does not consume ammo, the Zenith will consume 5 rounds per shot while the disc is active.