Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 10-09-2020 por JARVIII

Destrucción del mago es un aumento arcano para el Operador. Whenever the Operator performs a Estallido del Vacío on an enemy, they will have reduced resistance to Perforación n Perforación damage.


Rango % Reduced resistance
0 12.5%
1 25%
2 37.5%
3 50%


Can be bought from Vox Solaris for 10,000‍ReputationLargeBlack upon reaching the rank of Instrument.


  • The reduced resistance is effectively a multiplier to the Perforación n Perforación damage dealt to the enemy.
    • At max rank, the player will deal 1.5x Perforación n Perforación damage to enemies hit by one Void Blast.
  • This does not increase the damage modifier against armadura types.
  • The effect will stack with the number of Void Blasts done to an enemy up to 100% reduced resistance, regardless of the rank of the arcane.
    • At a close enough proximity, Void Blast will hit enemies twice which will maximize the reduced resistance in one void blast at max rank.
  • Has no effect on Eidolons.


Historial de actualizaciones[]

Actualización 24.2
  • Introducido.