Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 12-02-2019 por Zeusmystic

Hit Points, listed in the Códice as "None", is a placeholder Salud class. As of writing, it is only used by Maroo and by Consejero Vay Hek in all his forms. "Hit Points" is very similar to the Object Salud type in that it has no weaknesses or resistances, though unlike Object it is susceptible to Critical Hits.

Note that while Hit Points have no specific weaknesses or resistances, Vay Hek is considered to be armored with armadura de ferrita. Thus, he still resists Cortante n Cortante and Explosión n Explosión damage, but is vulnerable to Corrosivo n Corrosivo, Toxina n Toxina}, and Perforación n Perforación damage.
