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Un '''contrato''' es una serie de misiones otorgadas por [[Konzu]] en [[Cetus]]. Cada una de las misiones otorga una recompensa al ser completada, incluyendo [[reputación]] para [[Ostronita]]. Actualmente, el único lugar donde se pueden recibir y completar contratos es en [[Las llanuras de Eidolon]].
Un '''contrato''' es una serie de misiones otorgadas por [[Konzu]] en [[Las llanuras de Eidolon#Cetus|Cetus]]. Cada una de las misiones otorga una recompensa al ser completada, incluyendo [[reputación]] para [[Ostronita]]. Actualmente, el único lugar donde se pueden recibir y completar contratos es en [[Las llanuras de Eidolon]].

Revisión del 14:14 28 sep 2018

Última edición, 28-09-2018 por Zeusmystic

Un contrato es una serie de misiones otorgadas por Konzu en Cetus. Cada una de las misiones otorga una recompensa al ser completada, incluyendo reputación para Ostronita. Actualmente, el único lugar donde se pueden recibir y completar contratos es en Las llanuras de Eidolon.



Lista de contratos

El panel de contratos genera periódicamente una lista de contratos que están disponibles durante un ciclo de día y noche de la ciudad. Los jugadores pueden seleccionar solamente uno a la vez. Antes de seleccionar un contrato, es posible ver el nivel aproximado de los enemigos, la reputación conseguida y las posibles recompensas al cumplir cada una de las etapas.

Al seleccionar un contrato, un marcador indica al jugador que debe acercarse a las puertas de la ciudad para entrar a las llanuras y dirigirse al objetivo de la primera etapa del contrato.

Los contratos son una serie de misiones que comparten una misma temática u objetivo. Cada misión u objetivo se conoce como etapa y un contrato puede tener entre 3 y 5. La ubicación de los objetivos es aleatoria. Para finalizar una etapa, el jugador debe completar el objetivo. Las misiones de cada etapa son aleatorias pero son muy similares a los asaltos.

Los contratos que tengan enemigos de mayor nivel necesitan un mínimo de Rango de Maestría para ser seleccionados. Pueden ser jugadas siempre que en el escuadrón haya un jugador que cumpla los requisitos.


The bounties provided in the bounty board are tiered by difficulty, with the topmost bounty being the easiest, and the bottom one the hardest. Consequently, the rewards offered are different between bounties, with higher level bounties rewarding better and more exotic items. As rewards are given at the end of each stage, higher level bounties also give more rewards than the shorter low level bounties.

Each level bracket has a set of three reward pools, which are changed every Bounty cycle. The active pool determines what rewards are available. Each pool is in turn broken into several rarities,which will affect the items' drop rate, or their chance of actually appearing as a reward. The levels are bronze for Common, silver for Uncommon, and gold for Rare. Later Stages in the Bounty will make these rarer rewards available, and so these Stages are like the later reward Rotations in Endless missions. The last stage in a bounty will only award Uncommon or Rare rewards.

Completing each Bounty stage will reward the player with one of the possible rewards for that Bounty, as well as a small amount of Standing. The Bounties can be repeated for the item and Standing rewards.

3-Stage Bounty 4-Stage Bounty 5-Stage Bounty
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 4: Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 4: Common, Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 5: Uncommon, Rare

Cetus Bounties (Plains of Eidolon)

Before a Tenno can access Cetus bounties, consisting of Field Bounties and Ghoul Purge Bounties, they must first prove themselves to Konzu by completing an introductory bounty (Level: 3-5).

Field Bounties

Field Bounties are accessible by default from Konzu at any time of the day. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours (a full day/night cycle in the Plains) and will offer different rewards and mission theme every time. Each tier has a Rango de Maestría lock, as follows:

  • Level 5-15: No Mastery lock
  • Level 10-30: Requires Rango de Maestría 1
  • Level 20-40: Requires Rango de Maestría 2
  • Level 30-50: Requires Rango de Maestría 3
  • Level 40-60: Requires Rango de Maestría 5

Plains of Eidolon/Rewards

Ghoul Purge Bounties

Ghoul Purge bounties are accessible only when a Ghoul Purge event is occurring. During the event, the Plains of Eidolon will be populated with Ghoul enemies, and Konzu will subsequently offer two more Ghoul-themed bounties within their bounty boards.

Plains of Eidolon/RewardsGhoul

Eidolon Hunt Bounties

Eidolon Hunt bounties are only accessible when the Plains of Eidolon has entered nighttime and the Tenno possesses an Amp. These bounties do not provide any rewards, and are only used for matchmaking purposes with fellow Tenno with similar goal. There is no difference in gameplay or reward Eidolon hunting with, or without these bounty.


  • Returning to Cetus, or leaving the Plains of Eidolon before the bounty is complete will cancel it. Players will have to go back to Konzu to activate the bounty again.
  • While Bounties are designed such that each stage will have its own unique mission, it is occasionally possible for a Bounty to have the same mission type repeat in its stages.
  • Bounties are the only way to obtain the component blueprints for building Gara and Revenant
  • Prior to Update 22.8, Bounties gave Standing only once and upon repetition, rewarded only the items. The "completed" status is a leftover from that and currently doesn't indicate anything.

Ver también

  • Asaltos, contratos de un solo objetivo que aparecen al azar al estar en las llanuras.
  • Incursiones, otra mecánica del juego que trabaja con una serie de misiones.

Patch History

Revisión 22.20.4
  • Tweaked how Assassination Targets spawn in Assassinate Bounties to fix recurring issues of failed Bounties due to the Target not spawning. The Bounty will now attempt to procure a spawn location for the Target for 30 seconds, and if it fails, the Bounty will successfully advance. Geometry and split-second timing play into factor here, and failing a Bounty due to unavoidable situations does not grant Konzu his early lunch!

Revisión 22.13.1

  • Konzu’s Bounty board now displays an auto-refresh countdown timer when no Bounties are currently available (approx 1 minute of downtime between refresh).

Revisión 22.12.3

  • Fixed Assassination Bounty stages not progressing when killing the Commander very quickly.

Revisión 22.11.2

  • Tweaked the Bounty reward rotations to eliminate patterns of repeated rewards.
    • For clarification: This change does not affect what rewards you can get in a given Bounty run. This change made it so that we make sure you see all 3 reward rotations of those in a given 7.5 hour span (since each day is 2.5 hours).

Actualización 22.11

  • Final stage of all Bounties now rewards an item from tier 1 or 2 (instead of tier 0,1, or 2).

Ghoul Bounty Changes:

  • Ghoul Lore Fragments are simply way more likely to drop within Bounties now.
  • Ghoul Bounty tables have received new items including Nitain, Cetus Wisps, and Breath of the Eidolon!

Revisión 22.10.3

  • Reduced the time between Bounty stages from 8 seconds to 4 seconds so you’re not waiting around for Lotus to tell you where to go next.

Actualización 22.10

  • Bounties are now Rango de Maestría tiered! In the current system, a player of any Rango de Maestría could queue up and join any Bounty, even the highest level ones! In order to avoid a mismatch in experience, we've simply set each Bounty to have a default Rango de Maestría .
    • Level 5-15: No Mastery lock
    • Level 10-30: Requires Rango de Maestría 1
    • Level 20-40: Requires Rango de Maestría 2
    • Level 30-50: Requires Rango de Maestría 3
    • Level 40-60: Requires Rango de Maestría 5

Actualización 22.8

  • 4 New Bounties: Ghoul Purge!
    • Ghoul threats have arrived! These recurring bounties feature the Ghoul monstrosities. Help defend Cetus and destroy the Ghouls.... but their destruction may not be permanent! Expect the Ghouls to re-emerge regularly.
    • Ghoul Purge will introduce new Grineer Ghoul Enemies and Variants
  • You can now replay Bounties for Standing!
  • Fixed a timing issue where Konzu's Bounties would not refresh properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD wouldn't update when accepting bounties.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Bounty Accepted' transmission wouldn't play when taking on a new Bounty.
  • Fixed an issue where you'd have to leave Cetus and return to see a new Day's bounties.

Actualización 22.4

  • Focus Lenses are now rewarded less frequently as Tier 3 and 4 Bounty rewards. This also shuffled around some other Bounty reward frequencies to balance the mix.
  • Fixed not being able to Capture an enemy if you died attempting your first Capture during a Bounty.

Actualización 22.3 Bounty Changes:

We have made ways to the way Bounties reward you! This new system is a take on the 'AABC' rotation system we have in endless missions, but applied to Bounties using the Common, Uncommon, and Rare rewards.

  • You now get a reward for every stage of the Bounty completed
  • The tier of rewards you get are determined by how many stages are in the bounty

3 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

4 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon
  • Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

5 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon
  • Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
  • Fifth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

Re-balanced the quantities of some of the rewards. Right now this only applies to select items. Plains of Eidolon specific reward quantities are untouched (i.e it could be possible to get 25 x Breath of the Eidolon in a single 5 Stage Bounty or 6 Cetus Wisps in a 5 Stage Bounty).

  • Credit Rewards have been halved.
  • Kuva rewards have been reduced.
  • Endo Rewards have been reduced.
  • Cetus Wisps are now Uncommon in various tables.
  • Cryotic and Oxium are now in various tables, replacing Void Traces in some cases.
  • Fixed the last stage of a failed Bounty restarting if a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed the Bounty changing missions types if a Host Migration occurred while you were escorting the Drone.
  • Fixed Konzu’s Bounty reward board displaying the ‘NEW’ tag on Mods that you recently acquired.

Revisión 22.2.5

  • Replaced the duplicate Gladiator's Resolve Mod with Gladiator's Might Mod in Bounty rewards.

Actualización 22.2

  • 'Sabotage Bounty' has been renamed to 'Prototype Sabotage'.
  • Increased the Cetus Standing reward for each Bounty tier.
  • Added Plastids, Circuits, Oxium and Cryotic as rewards for Bounties in the first two tiers.

Revisión 22.0.7

  • Changed bounty reward tables:
    • Lower level bounties will have less stances, and more useful mods for new players.
    • Higher level bounties will offer Kuva and Void Traces.

Actualización 22.0

  • Introduced.
Last updated: Revisión 22.20.4