Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
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Línea 96: Línea 96:
**Ensure that your Trinity is not built for low power duration, or your [[Vampiro de energía]] and link will not last long enough for the encounter.
**Ensure that your Trinity is not built for low power duration, or your [[Vampiro de energía]] and link will not last long enough for the encounter.
*Due to their health not having any weakness or resistances to any damage type, weapons modded with full corrosive is most effective, as it will deal bonus damage to their ferrite armor which is weak to corrosive. It will not however, remove any of their armor.
*Due to their health not having any weakness or resistances to any damage type, weapons modded with full corrosive is most effective, as it will deal bonus damage to their ferrite armor which is weak to corrosive. It will not however, remove any of their armor.
*After finishing [[La guerra interna]] quest, using the [[Operador]] makes the fight much easier as the Void Beam cannot be adapted to and removes all of the damage adaptations the drone gained during the battle. [[Amp]]s also makes fights against Conculysts significantly easier by providing additional firepower.
*After finishing [[The War Within]] quest, using the [[Operador]] makes the fight much easier as the Void Beam cannot be adapted to and removes all of the damage adaptations the drone gained during the battle. [[Amp]]s also makes fights against Conculysts significantly easier by providing additional firepower.
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