Última edición, 03-12-2024 por FOV-01
El Cargador Balefire is Hildryn 's signature Arma exaltada, which can only be used when her Balefire ability is activated. This pistol launches bolts of Eléctrico that deal area-of-effect damage in a large area, and can be charged to deal more damage. Its massive damage is offset by its low probabilidad crítica, multiplicador crítico y probabilidad de estado.
This weapon deals primarily Eléctrico damage.
- Highest base damage of all Arma exaltada secondaries.
- Innate Eléctrico damage – effective against Maquinaria y Robóticos.
- Releases shots that explode in a 1/2/3 meter radius, depending on the rank of Balefire.
- Does not inflict self-damage.
- Pinpoint Precisión.
- Fuerza magnum's Precisión penalty is minimal on this weapon.
- Does not use ammunition and does not need to reload.
- Innate two polarities.
- Innate Eléctrico damage – less effective against Armadura de aleación.
- Damage cannot be increased with Cortante, Impacto o Perforación mods.
- Very low probabilidad crítica.
- Low multiplicador crítico y probabilidad de estado.
- Slowest cadencia de fuego of all secondaries in the game.
- Projectile has travel time.
- Requires Escudos to activate and consumes shields per shot.
- As an Arma exaltada it cannot contribute towards the Set Bonus of any Mod de conjunto.
- Cannot equip mod de acólitos (e.g., Balas afiladas) o Mod Amalgama (e.g., Difusión de cañón Amalgama).
Configuraciones para el arma[]
- Revisa una configuración del arma para ver como los jugadores modifican esta arma.
- Revisa guías para la configuración del arma para guías sobre cómo usar esta arma de forma efectiva.
- Para más ayuda general con armas, navega por guía para armas.
- The Balefire Charger uses Pistol Mods.
- The Balefire Charger is the only weapon that can be used while using the Tormenta Aegis ability.
- The Balefire Charger cannot zoom in when used with Tormenta Aegis.
- While Hildryn holds two Balefire Chargers instead of one while Tormenta Aegis is active, this is a purely cosmetic feature and has no effect on the weapon's effectiveness.
- The Balefire Charger's explosion radius is affected por el rango de habilidad mods.
- Escudo cost to activate and cost per shot is affected por la eficiencia de habilidad mods.
- When Hildryn has Overshields, Balefire Charger shots will ragdoll enemies.
- While charging, the increased damage and shield consumption scales with the amount charged, e.g. 50% charge deals 50% more damage. At full charge, the Balefire Chargers deal 100% more damage and consumes 450 shields.
- While Balefire Charger's low base probabilidad de estado make it less effective at removing shields and armor, it synergizes well with Hildryn's Pillaje, as this ability can drain shields and permanently remove armor.
- The Balefire Charger is the first Arma exaltada to not be channeled via Warframe's fourth ability.
- The Balefire Charger is the third secondary Arma exaltada, after Reguladoras y Dex Pixia.
Historial de actualizaciones[]
Actualización 24.6
- Hildryn is no longer restricted to move at walking speed when charging Balefire.
- Introducido.