Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 20-08-2020 por JARVIII
Bombardeo tempestuoso Bombardeo tempestuoso simbolo
Bombardeo tempestuoso
Apunta a un área e invoca un bombardeo de furia líquida. Carga este ataque para incrementar la letalidad del embate.
AbilityStrengthBuffFuerza:50 / 75 / 100 / 150
AbilityDurationBuffDuración:2 / 3 / 4 / 5 s
AbilityRangeBuffRango:∞ (cast range)
3 / 5 / 8 / 10 m (barrage radius)

  • Hydroid marks a location, calling forth an artillery barrage-like salvo of water blasts from above to strike enemies within a radius of 3 / 5 / 8 / 10 meters for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds. The water blasts impact at a rate of 4 per second, and each water blast inflicts 50 / 75 / 100 / 150 Impacto n Impacto damage within an area of effect.
  • The barrage distinctly resembles a salvo of cannon-fire from an old warship. Like said salvo, it is not terribly accurate, but can threaten a wide area for several seconds and an enemy can be struck multiple times.
  • Water blasts have a high chance to strike both grounded and airborne targets directly.
  • Tapping the button (default 3 ) initiates the ability cast immediately, while holding the button highlights the barrage area around the aiming reticle in Hydroid's energy color, allowing free aim before releasing the hotkey to cast Tempest Barrage at the target location.
    • The barrage will be centered on the spot where the reticle is pointing up to the first solid object within view. This allows Tempest Barrage to be cast at distant locations as long as one has line of sight. Note that it tends to fall short if cast through a door or gateway.
    • The barrage spot is decided immediately upon beginning the cast; you can move the reticle freely during the cast animation without changing the target location.
    • When cast on Globo de nieve it will not be able to strike through it, but when cast within it will fall through it normally.
  • Cast animation is affected by Talento natural. Casting interrupts movement and other actions.
  • Can be recast while active to create multiple instances.

Bombardeo corrosivo
Artículo principal: Bombardeo corrosivo

Bombardeo corrosivo es un mod de aumento de warframe para Hydroid donde cada proyectil de la habilidad bombardeo tempestuoso tiene una probabilidad de infligir un efecto de estado Corrosivo n Corrosivo.

  • Using range mods increases the area that bolts will fall. In this way, you can use its utility to knock things down in a large radius.
    • Conversely, reducing the range with a corrupted mod will concentrate the area that the bolts will fall, allowing better concentration of damage.
  • Because it does primarily Impacto n Impacto damage, it is extremely useful against the Corpus.

Maximización es una forma de especialización: los mods pueden ser mezclados para dar lugar a valores que varían entre los límites de gama alta listados aquí. Haga clic en cualquier enlace de maximización para aprender cómo construirla.

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