Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 21-10-2020 por JARVIII

Un modelo altamente modificado de los Bursas negadores, diseñado para asegurar las transferencias de los fondos que están fuera de línea. Este robot blindado protege los intereses financieros de la Corporación Anyo.

Auditor es uno de los muchos corredores que el jugador puede encontrar mientras participa en El Índice, y sirve como una Bursa de negación modificada de la línea Bursa de Corpus Proxies. A diferencia de su diseño base, el Auditor cambia sus orbes ralentizandonos, su rayo cegador y su rifle de plasma por la alternativa a distancia de su Onda de choque ondulante, un escudo frontal desplegable y la capacidad de desplegar barreras láser en todo el mapa.


  • Auditor can deploy itself into a shield configuration usually after it deploys its Laser Barricade ability, it will block most, if not all damage in a frontal 135 degree cone and will become immobile, facing the direction it had last took damage from.
    • This can be troublesome for lone Tenno if the Auditor takes cover within a corner or next to an angled wall.
    • The Auditor will pack up after several seconds if there are no valid targets in sight or if they collect an index point.
  • Auditor's signature ability, Laser Barricade, can only be used within select areas of the map and is not applied globally and will sometimes not use it throughout the course of El Índice depending on its behavior and spawn.
    • This renders the ability useless when the Auditor is in the open or isolated from doorways.
    • Auditor's Laser Barricade deals significant Magnético n Magnético damage, as well as its proc.
  • Auditor's Laser Barricades are visibly the same as the regular Barrera lásers found within Corpus missions excluding that they are wider and are lined vertical instead of horizontal.
  • Unlike its base model counterparts, the Auditor will not give a limited window of time for Tenno to piratear its exposed back panel, it will; however, play the opening animation to such before exploding harmlessly.

