Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 01-06-2020 por Zeusmystic

El Artillero Pesado Corrupto es un Artillero Pesado de la facción Grineer controlados por los Orokin. Tienen las mismas habilidades y características que los artilleros pesados regulares. Sin embargo, los corruptos tienen el doble de vida que sus contrapartes regulares.


  • De igual manera que sus contrapartes regulares, los Artilleros Pesados Corruptos a menudo atacan rodeados de sus aliados, ganando tiempo para que su arma Gorgon alcance una alta cadencia de fuego y destroce los escudos del incauto Tenno, mientras sus aliados corruptos atraen el fuego enemigo.
  • El arma Gorgon del Artillero Pesado Corrupto tiene una precisión mediocre, por ello se recomienda a los Tenno que intenten abatirlos desde largas distancias.
  • It is ill-advised to get within melee range of a Artillero Pesado Corrupto, as they possess the same knockback ability as their contrapartes regulares.
  • Leech Eximus variants of the Artillero Pesado Corrupto should be prioritized as targets, before they are able to spool their Gorgon machine gun. Their fast rate of fire can enable them to continually heal themselves faster than some weapons can damage them.


  • Daño Eléctrico n Eléctrico, daño de Impacto n Impacto, daño de Calor n Calor y daño de Explosión n Explosión will stop them from firing their Gorgon and force them to respool, whilst also enabling them to be taken down without the worry of gunfire as to being temporarily unable to fire.
    • Stuns and other crowd-control powers do not prevent their knockdown attack from activating if they have already initiated the animation for it.
  • Given their large HP pool and the devastating Gorgon machine gun, Artilleros Pesados Corruptos are good candidates for Control mental.
  • Nyx's Caos ability can help prevent teams from being overwhelmed by multiple Artilleros Pesados Corruptos, by creating a temporary safe haven for Tenno to dispatch them from.
  • Being arguably the most dangerous enemy type in the void, it is recommended to deal with them first before other units unless another unit (such as a Anulador corrupto) is shielding them.


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