Última edición, 01-11-2022 por JARVIII
Acelerador del mago es un aumento arcano para el Operador. Cada vez que el Operador realiza Estallido del Vacío en un enemigo, tendrá una resistencia reducida al daño de Calor.
Rango | % Resistencia reducida |
0 | 12.5% |
1 | 25% |
2 | 37.5% |
3 | 50% |
Se puede comprar en Vox Solaris por 10,000 al alcanzar el rango de Sombra.
- The reduced resistance is effectively a multiplier to the Calor damage dealt to the enemy.
- At max rank, the player will deal 1.5x Calor damage to enemies hit by one Void Blast.
- This does not increase the damage modifier against armadura types.
- The effect will stack with the number of Void Blasts done to an enemy up to 100% reduced resistance, regardless of the rank of the arcane.
- At a close enough proximity, Void Blast will hit enemies twice which will maximize the reduced resistance in one void blast at max rank.
- In other words, the player will deal 2.0x Calor damage to enemies hit by the Void Blasts.
- Has no effect on Eidolons.
Historial de actualizaciones[]
Actualización 24.2
- Introducido.