Die folgenden Update Notizen beziehen sich auf alle Updates, Erweiterungen und HotFixes der Version 23 von Warframe. Teilweise können die Informationen hier auf Englisch oder Deutsch verfügbar sein. Je nach vorhandener Sprache steht vor jedem Forum Post entweder (deutsch) oder (englisch). Die Änderungen und/oder HotFixes befinden sich in einer Liste unter dem jeweiligem Update.
Kurz Erklärt
Das Wort Update kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet übersetzt Aktualisierung. Anders ausgedrückt heißt Update, etwas am momentanen Zustand zu ändern. Wenn etwas geupdated wurde, kann man auch sagen, es ist „up to date“, also auf dem neuesten Stand. Im EDV- bzw. IT- Bereich bezeichnet das Wort die Aktualisierung bzw. die neue oder fehlerfreie Version von Software oder Daten. Wenn sich ein Update auf den Bereich der Computersicherheit bezieht, wird es auch Security-Update genannt. Der Sinn von Updates besteht darin, ein Programm zu verbessern, indem die Funktionen erweitert werden, oder bestehende Sicherheitslücken zu schließen.
Von einem Hotfix ist die Rede, wenn eine Software vom Hersteller sehr schnell repariert werden soll. Daher auch die Namensgebung Hotfix. Übersetzt ins Deutsche bedeutet das hot = heiß und fix = reparieren. Sinn solcher so genannten Hotfix ist der, das schwere Fehler oder auch Sicherheitslücken schnellstmöglich behoben werden. Ein Hotfix bringt in der Regel deshalb auch keine erweiterten Funktionen für die Software. Er dient einzig und allein der Fehlerkorrektur.
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Update Verlauf: Version 23
Update 23.10.0
12. Oktober, 2018 englisch Forum Post - Chimera Prologue
C̶̹̃h̴̊̍̐͜i̶͓̩͛̽m̸̨̈́͘e̴̤̒ŕ̸͉͋̕å̸̙̭͕: Update 23.10
The launch of The Sacrifice back in June 2018 was the last Mainline update to go out, and it was no doubt a hefty one. There was much for the entire DE team to comb through and we find this to be the case with all Mainlines. As we say with all Mainlines, we can’t catch everything that may fall through the cracks, meaning you may see some WIP or unintentional things that are not meant to be live.
Enjoy Update 23.10 and we’ll be here for Hotfixes and the usual!
C̶̹̃h̴̊̍̐͜i̶͓̩͛̽m̸̨̈́͘e̴̤̒ŕ̸͉͋̕å̸̙̭͕ has come....
Arbitrations: Lethal Alerts
A new type of challenge is available to players that have completed the entire Solar Map! ARBITRATIONS are here, read on to learn everything you need to know! If you have not completed the entire star chart, you can go to the Arbiters of Hexis in any relay and talk to this NPC. They will tell you what nodes in the Star Chart you must complete to unlock Arbitrations!
The Arbiters of Hexis are providing you with the chance to fight with something unknown to most Warframe missions: Mortality! Arbitrations are single-life missions that put you in a scenario where you have to make your only life count!
Every hour you'll be presented with a new Arbitration.
- These missions are always Endless!
- Rewards are earned at double-the-usual interval (every 10 Defense waves, every 10 Survival minutes), etc.
- Rewards are on an ABCCCCCCCCCCC (repeat C to infinity) rotation.
- Any A/B/C interval reward you receive is kept after you die or fail the mission (anything picked up off the ground is lost though)!
- Missions feature a new Arbiter-themed drone enemy that effectively shields nearby enemies. A keen team will coordinate to take these protective units out!
- Each successful interval will earn you a new "Vitus Essence" resource that can be used to build some new cosmetic items offered by an Abiters NPC in the their respective Arbiters Enclave in any Relay.
- PER PLAYER BOONS! Every Arbitration features a custom boon to you! A given Warframe and Weapon will receive substantial bonuses if used
Endless Arbitration missions play out a little differently for an added challenge...
- Survival: Life Support Capsules are worth 75% of what they're normally worth!
- Interception: Towers controlled by enemies fill the "Opponent" progress bar at double the rate!
- Defense: You're protecting an NPC and have much less downtime between waves!
- Excavation: Increased Defense time to 3:00!
- Defection: Rescue targets have no revive state!
- Infested Salvage: Consoles have half their normal Health!
Unique Rewards can be found within Arbitrations, including:
- 6 x Mods:
- Sharpshooter (Sniper): +15 Energy on Headshot Kill
- Cautious Shot (Unique): -90% Self Damage, -15% Total Damage
- Power Donation (Aura): -30% Power Strength, +30% Power Strength for teammates
- Vigorous Swap (Warframe): On Equip: +165% damage for 3s, +100% Holster Speed
- Rolling Guard (Warframe): On Dodge: Become invulnerable for 3s and remove all Status Effects. 7s cooldown.
- Adaptation (Warframe): When Damaged: +10% resistance to that Damage Type for 20s. Stacks up to 90%.
Arbitration exclusive Resource known as "VITUS ESSENCE" used for crafting Arbitration Cosmetics!
Note: Failure is a rare thing in Warframe, in the month of September only 2.5% of all missions were Failed. Prepare yourself for a new reality where failure may become the norm for these missions - can you overcome the odds!?
NEW WEAPONS PUPACYST A two-pronged attack; the bone-grafted cocoon at the tip of this staff rends flesh, while the viral mass living within spreads itself into the wounds of each new victim.
FALCOR Carve through enemies with surgical precision using this Corpus-tech Glaive.
Find both these new weapons in the Market or in your Clan Research!
NEW WEAPON SKINS ZASTRA DUAL DAGGER SKIN Artistry meets lethality with this elegant Dagger Skin.
KLUDGEKIL MACHETE SKIN Bludgeon, hack, and maim with this improvised Machete skin fashioned out of broken Grineer weapons.
Find both these new weapon Skins in the Market!
Junction Changes:
- Removed “Defeat 3 Eximus enemies on EARTH” requirement from Venus Junction.
- Lowered “Defeat 10 Eximus enemies on Venus” requirement on Mercury Junction to 5 Eximus enemies in any region.
- Lowered “Defeat 10 Sentient enemies on Lua” requirement to 5 Sentient enemies.
- Lowered “Collect any 3 Mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua” to 1 Mod.
Daily Tribute Changes:
The much discussed changes have arrived - they are quite straight forward, but if you want to really dive deep into them please start with our Dev Workshops for history!
Parts 1 & 2: Workshop1 — Workshop2 Milestones!
On the major Milestone days (every 50 days between 0-1000) you will be presented with up to 3 Choices! These choices will still respect the original chronological release, and by the next time you reach a given category, you'll see a new item appear in place of what you've already chosen (if applicable).
1. Sigils and Resources. Days 50,150,250, etc. 2. Primed Mods. Days 200,400,600, etc. 3. Weapons. Days 100,300,500, etc.
Day 1000 and beyond!
Starting at Day 1050, Evergreen reward choices will be rotated every 50 Days though the following options:
Evergreen Choices A (choose one): 3 x Forma 3 x Exilus Adapter 4 x Weapon Slots
Evergreen Choices B (choose one): 50,000 Kuva 7-day Boosters (Affinity, Credits, Resource) 30,000 Endo
Evergreen Choices C (choose one): 3 x Rifle Riven 3 x Melee Riven 3 x Secondary Riven
Scaling Day-to-day: Scale all the things!
One important thing to clarify is that the in-game items received on the non-Milestone Days in Daily Tribute system now scale based on the amount of days you have logged on. Endo is an example well documented in the past Workshop, but this also applies to Credits, Booster Durations, Resources, Syndicate Medallions, Relics, and Forma Blueprints. The way this Scaling works is that we have chosen a base amount of a given item and applied a multiplier that reflects your current amount of Days logged in - it does vary by item type! For example, on Day 1 I get 1 x Tellurium, but on Day 1000 I get 6 x Tellurium!
Additional Information:
- There is now a fixed Day 5 Reward of 25,000 Credits and 1000 Endo.
- Our goal is to make it only slightly more flexible while still respecting the core need to login frequently. *Personalization is a huge part of Warframe and we think that this changes the Daily Tribute system to better reflect that.
- The Lodestar Syandana and the Lodestar Armor Set - they are staying at Day 800 / 1000 respectively.
- We have added custom lines and videos to each Daily Tribute which brings a Warframe NPC out to greet you on your new day.
Saryn Changes:
We recently made the surprising discovery that Miasma’s damage multiplier for targets affected by Spores never actually worked. It has been fixed and will now work as we’ve intended it to originally. That said, seeing as it has been absent until now, we have increased the damage multiplier from 2x to 4x to encourage even more synergy between the two abilities.
Seasoned Saryn players will notice the change immediately, as it can make quite an impact on the spread of Spores via Miasma kills. By increasing the damage multiplier we have reduced the following to compensate for the change:
- Miasma base Damage has been halved.
- Spores scaling damage per second cap has been reduced from 10 to 7.
As always, we watch for your feedback and encourage you thoroughly test out the changes first before leaving your thoughts. Thank you!
Operator Suit Mesh Changes:
As we have added more complex Operator outfits and Armor Sets, we've made revisions to the some of the existing cosmetics to allow for better sharing of aesthetics among sets. There are now new seams on the shoulders, neck, and waist of multiple outfits which will make mix & matching less jarring!
Revenant Changes & Fixes:
- Revenant’s Reave wall width is now affected by Range Mods.
- Revenant’s Reave now also sheds Status Effects on cast and applies them to targets it hits.
- Fixed Revenant's Thralls not granting Affinity when killed.
- Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre being able to damage Nullifier bubbles (and then killing the Nullifier).
- Fixed enemies affected by Revenant’s Enthrall and then a Radiation Status Effect being able to enthrall the Defense target, preventing the wave from ever ending.
- Fixed Revenant Reave not using Modded Health/Shield steal values.
- Fixed Revenant’s Reave Abilities page not properly showing the Modded Health/Shield steal values.
- Fixed Revenant’s Thrall death pillars blocking projectiles.
- Fixed various Syandana clipping issues with Revenant.
Phantasma Alt Fire Changes:
- Phantasma’s Alt Fire homing projectile amount is no longer based on charge time. Alt Fire now releases 5 total homing projectiles.
- Phantasma’s Alt Fire damage per projectile now scales based on charge time.
Dojo Additions & Changes:
- Over 40 FX Decorations and 7 structural Decorations have been added for your decorating enjoyment!
- A brand new Sandbox room has been added! Check your Dojo Room Building options for the 'INSPIRATION HALL'! This empty great hall is a blank slate awaiting inspired designers!
- All Display Decorations are now usable in Dojos, as well as a 'Text' Decoration!
- The Clan Chat tab now displays the following Clan activity in green:
- Player left Clan
- Player invited
- Player joined
- Color Research started or unpaused
- Player Hierarchy change
- Clan Tier change
- A confirmation prompt now appears when a Clan Chat Moderator attempts to kick/ban a player.
- Added a toggle to ‘Show All’ or ‘Hide Owned Blueprints’ in the Energy, Bio, Orokin, and Chem Labs.
- Added 3 more options in the Contribution screen under Alliance header for donating Credits, Decorations, and Resources to other Allied Clans.
- Initiates can no longer purchase/replicate Clan Research (contributing allowed). This prevents new recruits from joining and bailing once they have taken their fill of Research.
- You can now toggle ‘Disable Operator’ on/off from the Dojo Obstacle Course console at the entrance of the room!
- The Clan screen now displays the remaining time to those who have not yet participated in the Ascension Ceremony (if one is active).
- Ammo is now successfully restored when a Dojo Duel is over.
- Improved visibility of the room rotate button in the Dojo Architect menu, and added shortcut indicators for mouse and keyboard, and for controllers.
- Added “Duplicate” button to Dojo (and Orbiter) Decoration modes. Pressing it duplicates the aimed at Decoration, including its scale (where applicable) and rotation.
UI Changes: Numerous UI screens have received updated Theme revisions, such as various Zaw weapon screens (Hok), Daily Tribute, generic menu screens, and more. This is our continued UI rollout as noted here.
Melee Sound Additions & Changes: Melee 3.0 continues in development, but the Sound Team has gone above and beyond to bring hot fresh sounds for all Melee weapons!
From the desk of Audio Director George: ‘We started working on Melee 3.0 sounds and made so many cool improvements to low-level things like hit effects, Foley, field-of-view, and general sound cleanup that we wanted to get it out ASAP. We still have a bunch of new sounds that will be releasing with the full Melee 3.0 overhaul as well.’
- New impact sounds for all Melee weapons.
- New slam sounds for all Melee weapons.
- New heavy attack sounds for all Melee weapons.
- New slide attack sounds for all Melee weapons.
- Added Melee sounds to Valkyr’s Hysteria ability.
- Cleaned up Melee weapon sounds when hitting floors and walls during combat.
- Removed music occlusion when bullet jumping.
Incubator Changes:
- Shortened default Stasis Recovery time from 3 hours to 30 minutes.
- Changed cost of Stasis Rush cost from 10 Platinum to 10,000 Credits.
- Tenno with the Nutrio Incubator Segment installed now have instant recovery from Stasis at no cost!
- Reduced Platinum cost of Companion Name Change from 25 to 15 Platinum to match weapon entitlement costs.
- Removed pickup limit on Kubrow Eggs!
Weapon Aiming Changes: While this is largely under the hood, we want to detail out some changes we made to how Weapons are fired, particularly projectile weapons. We've added some new behavior that makes it easier to hit targets very close to the camera, eliminates strange sideways flying projectile and can be applied to any projectile (projectiles with gravity were previously excluded from the coolness. The basic idea now is: if you're aiming at it, you'll hit it.
Forest Sabotage Changes/Fixes:
- Added a progress wheel to UI to show Antitoxin Strength.
- Antitoxin console disables when strength is at 100% to avoid wasting Antitoxins.
- Slightly increased strength score of common and uncommon Antitoxins.
- Fixed incorrect Affinity reward scaling for Antitoxins.
- Fixed broken materials on the Antitoxin console.
Controller Changes/Fixes:
- Disabled the “Change Loadout” button from appearing when an invite is up on screen. Additionally disabled the “Invite” button from appearing at the same time. The invite must now be dismissed before trying to invite someone to your game. This fixes the issue of being unable to accept invites while on Navigation using a controller since X opened the “Change Loadout” screen.
- We no longer force double-click to equip Arcanes when playing on a controller.
- Changed controller D-Pad icons to a solid button shape.
- Added quick button (X) for the Invite Button on the Invite Player screen when using a controller. Option can still be selected with the Virtual Cursor if desired.
- Controller icon callouts will now be displayed for currently bound actions when changing bindings.
- Fixed missing button callouts when placing decorations in the Dojo while using a controller.
- Fixed attempting to place decorations in Dojo by selecting the “Decorate” option doing nothing while using a controller.
- Fixed virtual cursor not highlighting options in the Dojo Room Options window while using a controller, making it unselectable.
- Fixed terms and policies text and Start button under the Warframe logo on login screen being incorrectly positioned when using a controller.
- Fixed being unable to select Warframes after purchasing a few Warframes consecutively while using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the pause menu button on controller causing a brief UI transition to mouse mode.
- Fixed being unable to move cursor with the D-Pad or use most quick buttons while searching for an item in your inventory using the on screen keyboard with a controller.
- Fixed D-Pad navigation going to the category tabs when attempting to modify some options near the top of the screen.
- Fixed the Clan search screen not having D-pad functionality.
- Fixed an issue with D-pad functionality not working on Polychrome in the Dojo.
- Fixed an issue where a list would 'snap back to top' when scrolling with a Controller.
- Fixed pressing the tutorial button in the Upgrade menu in the Arsenal incorrectly showing combos instead of the Modding tutorial when using a controller.
- Fixed being unable to back out of the Market after opening chat and selecting an item while using a controller.
- Fixed customizing your Operator causing them to spin while using a controller.
- Fixed being unable to select the Taveuni node on the Kuva Fortress if highlighting the text with the cursor while using controller.
- Operators now have an A / B / C Customization config option for clothing and accessories!
- New Sentinel Precepts (available from Simaris’ offerings):
- Dethcube - Energy Generator: Dethcube drops an Energy Orb after assisting in 10 kills.
- Shade - Ambush: When Ghost invisibility is broken, Shade’s owner is granted 120% Damage for 3s.
- New infinite Gear spiral! Is it truly infinite? No. BUT 99 Gear items is a lot and we challenge you to reach the limit.
- Also featuring new drag/drop sounds!
- 7 new Syndicate Captura Scenes purchasable with respective Standing once Quest requirements are met (with the exception of Simaris’):
- LUA CONTAINMENT SCENE (Arbiters of Hexis)
- MYCONA COLONY SCENE (Perrin Sequence)
- KUVA THRONE SCENE (Steel Meridian)
- We've added a library of new sounds for the general social experience. You will now hear new and custom sounds for:
- DMs and Squad Chat
- When someone joins your Squad (no longer just a visual bumper)
- A ‘Relics' category has been added to the player Inventory menus.
- Added objective marker pointing players to Konzu when entering Cetus for the first time.
- Added new aiming in/out transition sounds for Archwing weapons. We added these for primaries and secondaries in 22.16.0, but now you get to hear them in SPACE!
- Added the ability to purchase multiple Forma Bundles from the Market at once.
- Added a new in-game Challenge:
- Joyride: Travel over 10,000 meters on a stolen Dargyn across the Plains of Eidolon.
- Added more Community Fan Art to the Codex for your Display decorating enjoyment!
- Introduced ‘BEAST’ category for Kubrows, Kavats (instead of COMPANIONS) and the Helminth Charger, and added ‘ROBOTIC’ category for Sentinels. Remaining Mods that indicate ‘COMPANION’ are useable across all Companion types.
- Mask of the Revenant quest has been added to the Codex.
- Archwing Launchers are now infinite use! It will also auto-equip instead of having to locate/pickup the Launcher spawn.
- Primed Quickdraw is now tradable!
- The Klebrik Scaffold now resets Sentient resistance as it was intentionally meant to.
- Increased Staticor's charged shot AoE size from 2m to 8m and is no longer affected by charge level.
- Energy, Health, Shield and Ammo restores have a new look! Their refreshed look helps them visually indicate what they restore, with an added range ring to indicate if you’re in close enough proximity to the Restore. Now you will no longer have to guess what flavor of pizza your fellow Tenno dropped!
- Ammo Stations in the Plains now only generate Ammo used by the weapon of the player who activated it. Also lowered the *Ammo Station cooldown by half.
- Adjusted chances for Kavats to use the Pet Bed to prevent unrealistic bed usage. Reddit has shown us that we have fake cats in Warframe.
- Improved ability to parkour your way across a sloped wall.
- Optimized away more shader memory.
- Players with an active Radiation Status Effect can no longer trigger Radiation on other players.
- Tweaked audio on Khora's Accumulating Whipclaw Augment.
- Tweaked start times of dynamic music in The Void.
- Optimized the Clem Noggle to not load up erroneous content that impacted performance.
- We now show un-owned 'bundle-only' skins in the Arsenal where appropriate (i.e viewing a single Sword Appearance options). The Price tag will reflect these are 'bundle only'.
- Tweaked the Convectrix and the Attica to have better combat sounds.
- Made various optimizations to NPC path-finding.
- Simulacrum enemy level selection popup now defaults to currently selected enemy level.
- Changed the Archwing max height in The Plains of Eidolon to 100 meters (previous intentions were a max height of 50 meter).
- Corpus enemies now have a consistent FX color (common blue/teal) instead of various shades.
- Improved Emblem visibility on Kubrows when equipped with Armor.
- Fishing Hotspots should now be identical between all players (Host & Client)!
- Improved scaling of inventory and vendor menus on ultra-wide screens.
- Updated weapon FX for the Arca Plasmor, Castanas, and Sancti Castanas.
- Improved AI pathing logic in the Lua tileset.
- Changed Ambulas’ dropship emissive to have distance fade.
- Made slight animation polishes to Isaah in The Sacrifice Quest.
- Darkened yellow in the Orokin Theme for the floating content highlight text to improve visibility.
- Improvements to performance when streaming into the Plains of Eidolon.
- Tweaked random encounter position selection to increase enemy activity in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Made some aperture improvements to the Plains of Eidolon.
- Shortened mission titles for The Archwing Quest to fit better on star chart.
- Updated windows in some of the Grineer Spy mission vaults to prevent NPCs from spotting players through the glass.
- Made shade adjustment to the Equinox UI theme so that the highlight color on select content matches the background better.
- Made several TAA improvements: fixed blurring under motion, much higher quality, and much sharper results!
- Updated the Exilus Adapter Inventory description to ‘Fuses with a Warframe to unlock the Exilus Mod Slot’ to reduce confusion.
- Improved the Grineer Courier’s flight navigation in Archwing Pursuit missions.
- Operators no longer play their Idle Animations when customizing them - similar to Warframes.
- Updated the header art and simplified the description for Hunter Set Mods!
- Promo codes are no longer case-sensitive when entered in-game or on the Warframe website!
- Updated Melee slam and elemental FX!
- Cleaned up Melee FX when hitting an enemy.
- Polished and fixed various Plains of Eidolon objective UI.
- Enhanced our Two-Factor Authentication system. Learn how to keep your account safe by activating 2FA here.
- Improved systems for detecting driver compatibility issues on legacy graphics cards.
- Nightwatch Napalm's napalm fireball origin no longer block projectiles.
- Corrected the Gram Prime’s Melee Combo Counter values to be the same as other Melee weapons (excluding Venka Prime).
- Smoothed out some stuttering when holding Volt’s Electric Shield.
- Changed Coupon wording from ‘-50%’ to ‘50% OFF’ for clarity.
- Darkened the Captura Play button in the advanced camera controls to improve visibility.
- Linked items in Chat that can’t be purchased with Platinum now have a Build tab which explains where to build the item.
- Made Sentinel movement smoother by basing Sentinel rotation and position on the player’s movement primarily.
- Made minor improvements to the Moa Noggle animations.
- Lowered the brightness of Amphis’ Energy lighting.
- Improved Melee weapon swap and block hints for Vor’s push beam in the Vor’s Prize quest.
- Updated Arcane Rank Icon colors so they will be easier to read on light backgrounds.
- Changed how Noggles scale to improve the quality of detail.
- Improved the Loki Kodama Skin brightness and clarity.
- Changed the color of the Health Restore Gear Wheel item to green.
- Slightly tweaked the direction of ejected weapon clips during reload animation.
- Valkyr’s Warcry buff indicator now displays the buff value in addition to the duration.
- Improved the way players perceive gun fire and explosion sounds at long distances in the Plains of Eidolon. The sounds are now more believable at long distances and give players a more accurate perception of enemy distance.
- Increased the odds of Bounty objectives spawning in caves in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Reorganized Aura Mods to display in order of lowest to highest given Mod capacity
- Increased Capture end timer during Void Fissure missions from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Players now have more time to collect Reactant when cracking Relics in these missions.
- Made a micro-optimization to casting Nidus' Ravenous, Oberon's Hallowed Ground, or Octavia's Amp.
- Made some micro-optimizations to numerous beam effects (weapons, Shield Auras, etc).
- Made a micro-optimization to drawing certain types of lights.
- Made some micro-optimizations to particle systems and cloth simulation.
- Optimized loading into well-decorated Dojos and fixed memory-limit crashes caused by the unoptimized code.
- Repositioned camera placement for Zaw and Amp screens.
- Tweaked the Ki'teer Cornu Diadem tint/diffuse to allow two color customization.
- Updated our Discord Integration - if you're running discord please make sure it's updated as well.
- Fixed Sentient Cores disappearing after a Host migration occurred.
- Fixed blinding Eidolon fights among other things by making sure adaptive exposure was working on all FX in dark settings.
- Fixed a bug that inadvertently boosted Geometry Detail in some cases which led to performance issues on low-end machines, and poor looking distance details on high-end machines. All systems benefit from this bugfix, and now geometry will look better at a distance too!
- Fixed Stalker and Zanuka unable to target players after being Enthralled by Revenant or Chaos'd by Nyx, even after Ability expires.
- Fixed ability to damage allies upon firing the Lenz and having Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors expire before it explodes.
- Fixed certain wave projectiles (e.g. Arca Plasmor) bouncing off hit proxy shields (e.g. Volt’s Electric Shield, Gara’s Mass Vitrify).
- Fixed Void Strike (Madurai) not affecting the damage output of Flame Blast (Madurai).
- Fixed Transferring into Operator causing hold Abilities to continue holding until you Transfer back into your Warframe (e.g. Ember Fireball charge).
- Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram stuttering for some Clients.
- Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram flight path getting blocked by Swarm Mutalist MOA’s spores.
- Fixed blinding/deafening effects on NPCs clearing if their perceiver is unregistered and re-registered (e.g. stunned).
- Fixed inability to equip Pistol Skins on the Zylok.
- Fixed Nyx’s Chaos Sphere Augment being removed when another cast occurs.
- Fixed Nyx’s Chaos Sphere Augment script error.
- Fixed Clem Clones being infinitely spawnable in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Mote Amp having Arsenal stats for a secondary fire, even though it only has a primary fire.
- Fixed Zenith alt-fire projectile showing enemies with the Warframe Energy color. It now uses the Zenith Energy color.
- Fixed Tennogen Skins not applying the base Chroma mesh when toggle Prime details is flagged off.
- Toned down the FX for Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones when firing the Phantasma.
- Fixed numerous Syandana placements when equipped on Rhino/Rhino Prime.
- Fixed the Syrinx Leg Plates partially clipping into the Banshee's leg.
- Fixed Sugatras clipping through the Warframe’s hands when equipped on the Orthos.
- Fixed several Syandanas clipping through Trinity Primes skirt.
- Fixed certain Syandanas clipping through Chroma’s Dynasty Skin.
- Fixed the Ba'Geth TennoGen Tonfa Skin clipping through the Warframe's arm when equipped.
- Fixed the Nosos Syandana clipping when equipped on the Banshee Soprana Skin.
- Fixed many Syandana's clipping with Nezha's Empyrean Skin
- Fixes towards the Icarius Syandana clipping with several Warframes.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect text descriptions for Ruk's Claw.
- Fixed misaligned Interception points in the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed a pillar with no collision in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed marker icons potentially having inconsistent scaling.
- Fixed overlapping screens when opening Navigation right before getting an Apothic transmission during The Silver Grove quest.
- Fixed Clients sometimes seeing a broken 'progress' bar throughout a Interception mission when joining a game-in-progress.
- Fixed seeing numerous copies of owned Syandanas. This cluttered up the Syandana Arsenal screen, so you will now only see 1 even if you own/are Gifted multiple.
- Fixed the mission timer stopping if the Host enters Navigation while it is counting down.
- Fixed the Eos Shoulder Plates causing Emblems to be different sizes on Deluxe Warframe Skins.
- Fixed an issue where guns that appear to fire from both barrels on every shot would only play the recoil animation on the right hand.
- Fixed several weapons appearing to have misaligned firing VFX.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't bullet jump off of a zipline.
- Fixed the Kunshu Syandana clipping with the back spine of Hydroid Prime with the Graxx Skin equipped.
- Fixed shields (Sigma & Octantis, etc) equipping oddly on Chroma Prime’s arm.
- Fixed Operator Arcane customization screen not actually saving Arcane changes.
- Fixed inability to use the Zanuka Beacon if Zanuka had captured you in the past.
- Fixed numerous crashes.
- Fixed enemies being able to detect you through the glass in Grineer Galleon Spy Vaults.
- Fixed scrolling to the bottom of the Syndicate Tab in the World State Window and switching to the Fissure Tab sometimes resulting in no fissure missions being displayed.
- Fixed final door not opening in the first mission of the Glast Gambit Quest.
- Fixed player shadow flickering caused by welding lights in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed duplicate "distance to target" labels in Archwing Exterminate missions.
- Fixed equipping weapons on your Operator when recovered during Operator form in Zanuka recovery missions.
- Fixed bright flickering on Rell's Donda market diorama in Iron Wake.
- Fixed weird player shadow flickering caused by welding lights in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed Silva and Aegis custom hoster positioning issues during certain attacks and when capturing targets.
- Fixed Sentinel "Sacrifice" mod sometimes failing to activate if a teammate tries to revive you and then fails at the last second.
- Fixed Operators walking funny on ziplines after aiming down sights as per.
- Fixed camera being stuck inside Martian Ancient Settlement Rock Formation decoration when attempting to place it too close to the camera in the Dojo. Now moving the camera back should help free you from its rocky embrace.
- Fixed buffs/debuffs permanently stacking on Zaws after activating and deactivating Titania's Archwing. A common result was melee speed getting slower and slower. Now you'll be slow no mo'!
- Fixed a hole that would allow players to leave the map in the Grineer Fortress tileset.
- Fixed a problem where some characters' knees and elbows would move the wrong way.
- Fixed Limbo’s silhouette missing his hat when viewed through terrain or other obstructions.
- Fixed being unable to preview Instrument Pack sounds when clicking on them via the “Swap Melody/Bass/Percussion” menus.
- Fixed being teleported to the entrance of the (non-custom) Dojo Obstacle Course room when falling off the edge in Operator mode, instead of being teleported to the beginning of the Course as intended.
- Fixed being able to bullet jump out of the elevator and out of the map in the Infested Ship Tileset.
- Fixed an issue with the platforms being far too bright white in Mastery Rank 10 making it hard to see.
- Fixed some decos in the Plains of Eidolon and Cetus remaining dark while everything else brightened during the Night to Day transition. Also fixed an issue with some decos suddenly popping to bright day colors.
- Fixed flicker in the sky during Day/Night transition in the Plains of Eidolon and Cetus.
- Fixed a progress stopper in The War Within’s "Infiltrate the Grineer Asteroid Fortress" mission.
- Fixed players being able to progress in Vor’s Prize even if they have not crafted the Ascaris Negator and completed the tutorial.
- Fixed Eximus units sometimes not having their red aura.
- Fixes towards fly in cinematic showing Galleon ship instead of Planet Earth during The Silver Grove Quest.
- Fixed Mastery Rank 23 test failing causing the game to lock up if completed with very little time remaining.
- Fixed Corpus Outpost skybox fog issues causing there to be floating terrain in the distance.
- Fixed clipping issues with Umbra’s loin cloth.
- Fixed black and untextured wreckage pieces in the Archwing Interception mission.
- Fixed enemies getting stuck in ice walls in Stöfler Defense mission on Lua.
- Fixed an issue where chosen UI theme or background options on the login screen would show defaults from the previously logged in player.
- Fix Umbra being equipped if you fail/abort the "Confront Umbra" mission and then inventory sync fails.
- Fixed other players being capable of activating vanishing platforms in Dojo custom obstacle courses while another player is running the course.
- Fixed Clients being unable to see the portal VFX in Lua Rescue missions.
- Fixed enemies getting stuck climbing boxes on loop in Earth Defense missions.
- Fixed the Lex and Lex Prime having no revolver magazine or fire sounds with the Perla Pistol Skin.
- Fixed an issue where using the Codex, Mod screen, Foundry or Incubator would leave your head tracking stuck at whatever the last "diegetic position" was.
- Lowered brightness on key skylights to mitigate incredible blowout on white walls in the Orokin Moon tileset.
- Fixed blowout on foliage from spotlights in Cetus.
- Fixed an issue where Clients joining in progress missions may not be able to find the player who picked up a pickup, resulting in the pickup becoming available again if that client then became the Host after a host migration.
- Fixed rare case where player could get stuck in falling boulder while playing the Apostasy Prologue.
- Fixed minimap border being visible in full map in Corpus Ice Planet missions.
- Fixed the Treasure Hunter challenge not working for Clients.
- Fixed door at the base of the elevator appearing black in Corpus Outpost Defense missions.
- Fixed steam clouds in Grineer Settlement missions appearing much more intense then they once were.
- Fixed hostage standing in the rescue room with all of the portal panels instead of hiding in one of the portals on Zeipel, Lua.
- Fixed issues with enemy AI in Grineer Shipyards Defense missions.
- Fixed Gems mined in the Plains of Eidolon not showing up in the Mining tab in the Foundry after they’ve been refined.
- Fixed map remaining on screen in decoration mode in the Dojo.
- Fixed crash that would occur on the first mission on Earth during The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed script error that could make it impossible to use Transference with Umbra during the Chase Umbra mission in The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed death cam appearing out of the level when killed by Umbra during the “Confront Umbra” mission in The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed Umbra running around in circles lost looking for player if the player is standing on a specific ledge during the “Confront Umbra” mission in The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed nav issue in the Grineer Shipyard Defense tileset.
- Fixed invited guests in Orbiter seeing Warframe Statue stuttering in Personal Quarters.
- Fixes towards Ambulas dropship material issues.
- Fixed electric water in the second mission of Vor’s Prize not dealing damage to players.
- Fixed bugs related to previewing UI themes.
- Fixed a number of issues with AI animations when deciding to switch between cover, shooting, running, and flanking.
- Fixed issues with AI getting stuck in spawn areas on Lua Defense missions.
- Fixed issues where the Mastery Rank 13 test could become uncompletable.
- Fixed an issue where Warframe hands and Melee weapons would jitter when rotated.
- Fixed an issue where opening the Starchart would hang if a player has an overabundance of ship decorations.
- Fixed reload animation issues with the Rubico Prime.
- Fixed issues with Excalibur's Pendragon helmet cloth lagging at lower framerates.
- Fixed issues with Excalibur Umbra's scarf disconnecting at times.
- Fixed an issue where using Arching Launchers in the Plains of Eidolon and a Remote Observer would permanently detach a player's camera.
- Fixed an issue where Archwing Launcher would not play proper sounds when unequipping.
- Fixed Mods not displaying on pickup when driving a Dargyn.
- Fixed issues with Vauban's Citadel Axe Skin now showing proper open/closed states when browsing. This also fixes a similar problem with the Silva and Aegis.
- Fixed an issue with missing Affinity when destroying an Eidolon Synova while not in Operator mode.
- Fixed an issue with the Music Volume slider not affecting Mandachord songs in the Somachord.
- Fixed an issue with missing 'Zenurik' Mod filtering options when Modding Archwing.
- Fixed an issue that would occur with Squad markers turning into a green circle in some transitions.
- Fixed an issue with cloth separating from the body at low framerates.
- Fixed issues with Articula not playing nicely with nun-chuck style weapons.
- Fixed an issue where getting stuck in a forward-walking position could occur if activating a context action while moving.
- Fixed issues in Europa tiles where players could escape the map.
- Fixed numerous clipping issues Syandanas on Ash Prime, Hydroid, Trinity Prime, and Frost TennoGen Skins.
- Fixed an issue with Sentient Cores disappearing after a host migration.
- Fixed missing Syandana offsets on Nezha Empyrean skin.
- Fixed issues with the Kronen Prime not behaving nicely in the Foundry and Arsenal.
- Fixed issues with armor and Emblems not playing nice with the Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin.
- Fixed a missing idle animation for the Gammacor.
- Fixed gravity not affecting certain Warframe abilities at all when aim-glide was held.
- Fixed some gear items not being consumed as Operator (i.e Scanners).
- Fixed Steel Meridian Allies not reloading correctly.
- Fixed health bars over enemies and decorations remaining visible when they are no longer on the screen.
- Fixed Gram Prime not using correct sound FX.
- Fixed the Attica playing sounds at a lowered pitch.
- Fixed various audio issues with Chroma’s Spectral Scream ability.
- Made numerous fixes to Discord Rich Presence.
- Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Settlements on Mars.
- Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Forests on Earth as well as improved navigation for AI.
- Fixed an issue where certain elemental FX would appear behind the player in the Arsenal.
- Fix an issue where switching from Sentinel to Kavat/Kubrow in the Simulacrum Arsenal would lead to heavy spot-loading.
- Fixed see-through platform on the Grineer Shipyards tile set.
- Fixed holes in the vents on Laomedeia Spy on Neptune.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to use unlocked colors via the favorite colors menu.
- Fixed Grineer patrollers standing around when night falls on the Plains of Eidolon if they were too far from base. Now they will continue their patrols when the sun sets instead of taking an extended break.
- Fixed bushes getting a little too excited in medium/high wind on the Plains of Eidolon. They should sway more realistically now.
- Fixed Plains of Eidolon capture objective failing if no players could be found near the Capture Target.
- Fixed some enemies changing color upon death.
- Fixed squadmate riding a Dargyn not being teleported to Cetus doors when the extraction timer hits 0:00, resulting in them having to walk/fly to extraction themselves before the team can extract.
- Fixed Nikana Zaw unsheath and spin sounds not playing on idle animation.
- Fixed issue where the Arsenal would freeze when loading a large number of Melee weapons.
- Fixed issue where Landing Craft cutscene didn’t play when entering a Relay and Landing Craft didn’t appear at the Hangar.
- Fixed some Refined Relics not appearing as owned in the Codex.
- Fixed the Revenant Warframe Blueprint not appearing in the Codex as a reward under any Eidolon variant.
- Fixed Cold Status Effect icons not appearing on certain Mods.
- Fixed changing the color of a Cernos weapon resulting in the bow string to be loose and then pulled back.
- Fixed the Tigris firing when doing a roll animation.
- Fixed issue where players were forced to wait for the countdown timer to finish in Endless Void Fissure missions if the “Sort by” menu was active when the timer began.
- Fixed a crash in the Sacrifice that occurred if an Operator hadn’t been upgraded.
- Fixed roman numerals in titles using both capital and lowercase characters. They now appear as all capitals.
- Fixed issue where pressing enter in the Arsenal equip menu would equip the items that are already equipped and close the menu
- Fixed enemies frequently spawning behind walls on the Mars tileset.
- Fixed a level hole in the Cambria tileset on Earth.
- Fixed level holes in Lua Extermination tilesets.
- Fixed level holes in the Grineer Asteroid tilesets.
- Fixed “Press 5” prompt not appearing during The War Within Quest, halting progress.
- Fixed issue where some large fish would clip through the Warframe’s head when the fish was being held.
- Fixed script error that appeared when selecting an incubating Kubrow from the Arsenal.
- Fixed the musical note trail moving erratically during Octavia’s Anthem Quest.
- Fixed cases of audio being muffled during Void Defence missions.
- Fixed issue where a hacked door panel would not open until the player had moved away from the door.
- Fixed deselecting an Arcane not removing the complete Credit value in the Inventory sell screen.
- Fixed issue where, when players reviewed their Profiles while in the trade item selection window at Maroo’s Bazaar, their information would appear behind items.
- Fixed issue where two cursors appeared when players selected their first Warframe.
- Fixed rocks in Cetus and on the Plains of Eidolon appearing shiny and damp even when it was not raining.
- Fixed Vauban Citadel Skin and some Syandanas having invisible collision which caused them to float or get twisted when equipped.
- Fixed issue where Umbra would stand still if the Operator jumped onto a certain platform during The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed missing textures on the Xiphos Landing Craft.
- Fixed issue in Landing Craft Decoration mode where fast camera movement would clip out of the Landing Craft.
- Fixed issue in the Plains of Eidolon where fishing Bait and Dyes did not float after a Host migration occurred.
- Fixed script error occurring when interacting with Polychrome in the Dojo.
- Fixed issue in Stolen Dreams where Maroo would stand still instead of dropping to the ground when the player would take her down to Capture her.
- Fixed Rescue Target AI breaking if players hacked the rescue cell with their Operators then switched back to their Warframes.
- Fixed issue where the Index would get stuck if there was a Host migration during the rewards screen between rounds.
- Fixed issue where there was a large hitch when a player clicked Randomize under the loadout button.
- Fixed Noggles appearing excessively large for a frame or two when first logging in.
- Fixed a map hole on Lua.
- Fixed issue where weapons held by Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones made a firing sound. Now, only Mirage’s weapon can be heard.
- Fixed Bombard animation freezing while changing weapons in the Plains of Eidolon
- Fixed kills achieved by Warframe Abilities that summon AI (Rumblers, Shadows, etc) not counting towards Conclave Challenges.
- Fixed an issue where ending a Conclave match with a Radiation Status Effect would treat you as if you were on the opposing team.
- Fixed not being able to pick up the Cephalon if it was dropped in the air in Conclave.
- Fixed Cephalon Carrier time not resetting upon getting a kill in any Dedicated Server matches.
- Fixed Lunaro lobby lighting being too bright to show team flag designs in Conclave.
Update 23.10.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.10.8 HotFix==
25. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 23.10.7 HotFix==
24. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
==Update: 23.10.6 HotFix==
18. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Chimera: Hotfix 23.10.6 As we inch closer to the eventual and inevitable launch of Fortuna, it’s a better time than ever to enable 2FA. It’s quite simple, hit that ‘enable’ on https://www.warframe.com/user and you’re all set after verifying it. AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
==Update: 23.10.5 HotFix==
18. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
==Update: 23.10.4 HotFix==
16. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post As mentioned in Hotfix 23.10.3, the team has two plans in place to get your Operator fashion frame back into shape as quickly as possible: a revert and a more careful re-release. This revert itself is also very involved due to the large quantity of content that was changed, but we’re very close to putting the revert live after a bit more testing! Please continue to point your Chimera issues to our Megathread. Chimera Fixes (SPOILER WARNING):
AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
==Update: 23.10.3 HotFix==
15. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post As mentioned in Hotfix 23.10.2, the earliest ETA on fixes for Operator cosmetic issues were designated for today, but it's taking longer than expected. The team has two plans in place to get your Operator fashion frame back into shape as quickly as possible: a revert and a more careful re-release.. This revert itself is also very involved due to the large quantity of content that was changed, so this will take a bit more time. Worry not, they’re dedicated to restore and elevate Operator Fashion Frame to its glory - we thank you for your patience! A more careful re-release that better respects seams and existing looks will come! Please continue to point your Chimera issues to our Megathread. AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
We’re aware and investigating an issue with the Mask of the Revenant quest not progressing once you meet the prerequisites listed in the Codex - hold tight while we solve!
==Update: 23.10.2 HotFix==
13. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Please note that Operator cosmetic issues are known and the team are working to smooth out these wrinkles. Earliest ETA on fixes for these are Monday - please continue to point your Chimera issues to our Megathread. Missed QoL Change: You can now swap your A B C Appearance loadout order in the Arsenal! Link Änderungen:
==Update: 23.10.1 HotFix==
12. Oktober, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 23.9.0
25. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - Chroma/Prime
Become the true elemental master with Chroma Prime. This legendary warrior comes with the formidable Rubico Prime sniper rifle, the monstrous two-handed Gram Prime and more!
Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics have replaced all exclusive locations of Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime Relics:
- Plains Bounties
- Sanctuary Onslaught
- Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (Radiant)
- Added in numerous Endless mission modes
- And the list goes on! Check out the official public PC drop tables here.
- Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime Relics are also still out in the wild, just not in exclusive spots like Bounties or Onslaught.
Check out Chroma Prime Access for sleek Prime Accessories and more: Here!
Valkyr Prime, Venka Prime, and Cernos Prime have entered the Vault!
With this Vaulting comes the shift of the follow Syndicate sacrifices:
- Replaced Arbiters of Hexis sacrifice of Cernos Prime Lower Limb to Sybaris Prime Barrel.
- Replaced Perrin Sequence sacrifice of Venka Prime Gauntlet to Nami Skyla Prime Blade.
- Replaced Perrin Sequence sacrifice of Valkyr Prime Neuroptics to Hydroid Prime Neuroptics.
Rhino Prime, Nyx Prime, Boltor Prime, Hikou Prime, Ankyros Prime, and Scindo Prime Relics have also re-entered the Vault!
If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting. Änderungen:- Removed Titania’s Razorwing collision damage. Bonk those walls to your heart’s content!
- Made some micro-optimizations to the HUD code.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the Infested Salvage code.
- Updated Lotus’ Plague Star in-Orbiter Transmission formatting so it reads better.
- Fixed getting one-shotted through Revenant’s Mesmer Skin by a single very powerful hit.
- Fixed Ability immune enemies not decreasing the Mesmer Skin count when hitting Revenant.
- Fixed Revenant’s Thrall FX not attaching properly to Vomvalysts.
- Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors with very low Duration on laggy Clients possibly causing perpetual ‘ABILITY IN USE’.
- Fixed Konzu’s Plague Star Bounty reward list indicating the incorrect Relic. NEO V7 is now the correct AXI L2.
- Fixed Nyx’s Chaos Sphere Augment not always grabbing every enemy in its radius.
- Fixed ranking up Octavia's Conductor Augment not actually increasing the speed of Resonator.
- Fixed seeing 2 different Energy colors when casting Chroma’s Spectral Scream.
- Fixed Warframe Abilities affecting Dargyns (Chroma’s Elemental Ward) when an ally has mounted it.
- Fixed a rare case of Plains session timing out.
- Fixed casting Mesa's Peacemaker Ability unintentionally refreshing the Arca Scisco buff, but not actually increasing the Critical Chance. Casting Mesa's Peacemaker Ability should not activate/refresh the Arca Scisco buff .
- Fixed Gara’s Splinter Storm ability breaking Corpus reinforced glass.
- Fixed Archwing being deployable in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Nyx's Chaos illusions' Syandanas not applying the chosen Energy colour.
- Fixed Maroo’s Bazaar minimap being disconnected.
- Fixed Dojo MOTD not indicating that a Herald Role is required to edit.
Update 23.9.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.9.1 HotFix==
27. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: HotFix==
25. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Hotdropped a fix for Plague Star Bounty rewarding the incorrect Relics.
Update 23.8.0
12. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Embody the grace of a falling star, and the terror of its impact, with this celestial collection for Nezha. Includes the Nezha Empyrean Skin, Buzhou Syandana, Teng Dagger Skin and the Nezha Empyrean Helmet.
Descend from the heavens like a burning star to smite all challengers.
The standard issue helmet for the Nezha Empyrean Skin.
The strength of the mountain; the grace of flowing water.
Doom in the sting of a serpent’s tooth. Converts any single Dagger Melee Weapon into a blade worthy of legends.
[DE]Pablo has been working hard on tweaks, with two primary goals in mind:
- Making Nezha feel smoother and more fluid in gameplay
- Increasing Nezha’s power overall by giving him added team support value and internal synergies
With that said, let’s break down the changes in order!
- Increased max rank health from 225 to 375
- Decreased max rank shields from 225 to 150
- Changed from a channeling ability to duration-based.
- Why? As a channeled ability, keeping Firewalker active would block all energy regeneration. Making the ability a single cast with a long moddable duration solves that problem, encouraging more frequent use.
- Cast animation changed to a small hop that doesn’t restrict movement.
- Cast animation has been sped up, and no longer restricts movement.
- Enemies hit by the disc are “marked” for a moddable duration, greatly increasing the damage they take from all sources. Marked enemies have a chance to drop energy orbs.
- Why? Adds great team value to Nezha’s kit - increasing damage taken helps all allies, and energy orb drops enable frequent recasting.
- Killing enemies while they are marked will now produce healing orbs, instead of the current healing pulse.
- Why? The current radial heal is invisible and very small, usually only benefitting players in melee range - most players don’t even know it’s there! Health orbs make the result more visible, while introducing other mod synergies.
- Increased the number of targets the disc will try to hit before recalling, and improved some cases of faulty lock-on targeting.
- Added a charged throw, causing the Chakram to fly straight forwards and backwards, dealing extra damage to enemies in its path.
- Why? For a consistent flight path unaffected by lock-on targeting, use the new charged throw. Great for hallways!
- Teleporting will no longer cancel Fire Walker.
- HUD now shows a custom counter, indicating how much damage absorption is left, instead of a simple numeric percentage
- Warding Halo now only blocks 90% of damage taken. Will still block status effects and other procs.
- Why? When considering Nezha’s revamped kit, he is excellent at mitigating enemy damage - Firewalker and Divine Spears offer great area/crowd control, Blazing Chakram offers healing and self-sustain, and his outstanding movement can make the player a hard target to hit. In this context, Warding Halo’s 100% damage resistance was completely overshadowing his other options - why heal or CC when I never take any damage?
With 90% damage resistance, Nezha is still very capable of tanking, but encouraged to rely on his other tools to avoid getting overwhelmed. Taking minimal health damage allows for synergy with Blazing Chakram’s health orbs, not to mention new modding avenues like Equilibrium, Health Conversion and various Arcanes. The change also allows us to improve survivability in other ways, such as the increased health pool, and major Warding Halo quality-of-life buffs listed below.
- Damage absorption invulnerability phase now begins as soon as you cast the ability. Cast animation also sped up.
- Increased incoming damage multiplier during invulnerability. Damage absorption multiplier also now scales with power strength.
When the health of the Warding Halo runs out, it will do an AoE heat status effect and give you a short period of invulnerability.
- Why? This gives the player precious time to react, helping survivability while controlling the enemies immediately around you. Your next Warding Halo can be recast during this window to ensure you’re always protected!
(Brief aside: as a Nezha main, I was originally skeptical of the 90% damage resistance change, and I suspect many readers will be skeptical too. However, playing the rework myself quickly changed my mind. The various buffs really outweigh the negatives, making Nezha much more capable in a supporting crowd-controller role. If you doubt just how potent 90% damage resistance can be, try out Gara’s Splinter Storm at 130% or more power strength!)
- Sped up the casting/slamming animations, while removing the mandatory slam at the end of the Spears’ duration. (slam can still be triggered manually)
- Hitting a speared enemy with Blazing Chakram produces a second Chakram, which fires at a nearby enemy.
On top of all that, Nezha’s sounds have been remastered, adding new auditory cues for important moments, like Blazing Chakrams returning to the player, or Warding Halos running out of health!
- Slight improvements to Blazing Chakram’s enemy tracking.
- Players will receive a HUD icon indicating the Health of a Safeguard Halo they received from Nezha.
Revenant Ability Changes:
We have a big batch of changes to Revenant based on constructive player feedback. Specifics per ability follow below, but a big thanks to everyone who took the time to login, play, and visit a space (forums or otherwise) to give their thoughts. It's crucial to the iteration process. Thank you!
THRALLS: We have made changes to have Thralls have more value in life AND death - just as Revenant did. The general rule Thralls will follow is they provide CC in Life, Damage in Death. The goal is simply to have an easy supply of Thralls to make use of in both Life and Death.
Currently Enthrall has the following uses:
You can get up to 7 enemies Crowd Controlled - they won't attack you or allies and will draw Aggro from AI. It spreads / is transferred - the Enthralled state is contagious! You can Reave Thralls for greater scaling Health and Shield Leeching. If Thralls are killed by Danse Macabre, overshield drops are created.
It creates a damaging pillar, and that's it. Not useful enough in death at all!
- We've added the following with this update:
- While active, the pillar creates homing projectiles similar to the Vomvalyst attacks and Revenant's Signature weapon, the Phantasma!
- The pillars can now be exploded to output their damage radially if hit by Danse Macabre.
On the development build before release, Mesmer Skin was recastable but we removed this due to balance concerns. But, our gut reaction was right and thanks to your feedback we've changed it back to how it was and you can now recast Mesmer Skin to recharge it!
- Lowered Energy cost to 50.
- Revenant is now fully immune to damage while Reaving - it's meant to be a life-saver!
- When Reaving Thralls with Mesmer Skin active, it restores a charge.
- When Reaving Allies with Mesmer Skin active, it adds the protective energy to your allies who happen to be in range. A small protective bonus!
- When REAVE is cast while in DANSE MACABRE, Energy cost lowered to 25. This allows for quicker, risk-free placement of Revenant for tactical maneuvering.
- The Direction of Reave now follows last Reticle aim point which makes casting more responsive to intent.
Revenant Fixes:
- Fixed Revenant’s Reave using the wrong value (Health) for Shield gain.
- Fixed inability to damage Revenant’s Enthralled enemies with the Arca Plasmor.
- Fixed Revenant’s Enthralled enemies still attempting to hack terminals during Interception missions.
- Fixed Gara’s Mass Vitrify blocking Revenant’s Danse Macabre lasers.
- Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre and Strangledome names being in ALL CAPS.
Oxium Osprey Changes: As a result of a review from the Capture Mission changes that affected Oxium acquisition (Galatea, Neptune) and Oxium acquisition as a whole, we have made tweaks to better benefit your Oxium grofit:
- Oxium Ospreys now appear within the first 5 Waves/Rounds of all Corpus Defense/Interception missions.
- Slightly increased the spawn chance of Oxium Ospreys in all Corpus Defense/Interception missions at higher Waves/Rounds.
Dojo Changes:
- A ‘Founding Warlord’ Role has been added to the Clan hierarchy! This hierarchy is above ‘Warlord’ and there can only be one. Founding Warlord has all the permissions of a Warlord, but can also freely change the rank of any member. They also have the option of promoting any Warlord to Founding Warlord. This uses the new type of confirmation where you must type a keyword (in this case "PROMOTE") to go through with the change. The Founding Warlord now becomes visible to others and cannot leave the Clan unless they are the only member or promotes another Warlord to Founding Warlord. If a Founding Warlord wishes to be demoted, they must promote another Warlord, thus switching the Roles. If a Clan has a Founder already set (via Support), that person is automatically given the Founding Warlord Role (even if they weren't Warlord), otherwise the Warlord with oldest join date is made Founding Warlord.
- This also alleviates a longstanding issue where the Founder of a Clan can leave, but they are still considered the Founder if they come back (and if they don't, the Clan has no member with Founder status).
- Reworked the Vault contribution screen to reduce the number of steps you must take to contribute. You can also now browse the Resources and Decorations in the Vault! Previously you could only Donate and never knew what was already in there.
- Rhino now has a HUD buff indicator for his Iron Skin!
- Reduced numerous costs of required items for various quantity locked activities. Less grind more grofit:
- Reduced the cost of Nav Coordinates required to craft the Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key from 3 to 1.
- Reduced the cost of Animo Beacons required to fight Ambulas on Pluto, Hades from 40 to 20.
- Reduced the cost of Vestan Moss scans required to craft the Sunrise Apothic from 25 to 12.
- Changed Health Conversion to only remove stacks on Health damage. Previously it removed stacks on any damage, which was counterproductive when the damage was on Shields as they are not affected by Armor.
- The emissive on Operator Facial Accessories is now controlled by suit Energy colour.
- Increased the Anspatha Brace recharge from 30/s to 45/s.
- Made some micro-optimizations to AI path-finding.
- Made some micro-optimizations to some core math routines used by Visibility and Zoning.
- Made some micro-optimizations to Zoning code used by Sound Effects, Cameras, and Weather Effects.
- Made a micro-optimization to runtime object creation.
- Made a small optimization to the process of binding textures and samplers (dx11 only).
- Reduced the smoothing window for the frame rate/time values. This may make things like Dynamic Vsync kick in a bit more promptly.
- Improved AI pathing in the Corpus Gas City tileset to reduce enemy crowding in certain areas.
- Removed ability to unintentionally equip Hydraulic Crosshairs and Sharpened Bullets on Mesa’s Regulators. Although the buff appeared to trigger, it never actually applied due to the "on aim" criteria not being fulfilled (unless you had a very specific loadout with the Mesa Waltz Augment equipped).
- Resource descriptions now indicate their "Locations/where to find" list to aid new players.
- Removed special Warframe HUDs (Nidus, etc) from being displayed in the Dojo.
- Fixed a progression stopper in the Sands of Inaros quest as a result of the first phase of the boss fight being skipped and Inaros becoming invulnerable. Also fixed the Tomb Protector in Sands of Inaros attacking while invisible and having floating weapons instead of being entombed while you fight the Golems.
- Potential fix for crashes when transitioning between Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if two people managed to tether themselves together (Nyx Chaos or Radiation Status Effect on two Grineer Scorpions, two M-W.A.M. Brokers in the Index, etc).
- Fixes towards crashes caused by input repeating from held-down buttons (Spearfishing wheel, etc).
- Fixed inability to equip Sinister Reach on the Phantasma.
- Fixed ability to trigger Exodia Arcanes on Exalted Melee weapons. Exodia Arcanes still apply to Zaws, just not in Exalted Melee (Excalibur, Valkyr, etc) form.
- Fixed being able to spawn more enemies/crash the game by spamming the 'Simulate' button in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed ability to spawn an infinite amount of Corrupted Heavy Gunner Specters instead of the new Corrupted Heavy Gunner replacing the old one.
- Fixed Transferring to Operator in a Void Fissure mission overwriting squadmates' Reactant counter UI.
- Fixed the Anspatha Brace recharge rate not showing up in the Operator Arsenal stats.
- Fixed issue where when Donating Decorations/Resources, it would also donate 1 Credit to Vault as well.
- Fixed John Prodman spawning but is nowhere to be found in The Index.
- Fixed Clients scanning their last Frame Fighter Fragment, getting the poster locally, but then losing it after a Host migration.
- If you are in the affected pool please message here to get your Frame Fighter poster!
- Fixed inability to see how many Stars are in your Ayatan Sculptures when trading them to another player.
- Fixed accessing the Menu within the Ayatan Treasures screen resulting in the Menu being displaying in the background.
- Fixed being able to use purchasable UI Themes that you did not purchase.
- Fixed Warframe Ability banner showing when playing with controller even with the ‘Show Ability Banner On Cast’ setting is disabled.
- Fixed the Zylok’s "low clip" sound from being audible everywhere.
- Fixed voice sounds for Rana Del (Index).
- Fixed Squad info panel displaying filepaths when accepting a Bounty.
- Fixed blank characters in Set Mod descriptions.
- Fixed broken code in text when Consigning a pet in Spanish.
- Fixed Riven Challenge descriptions containing incorrect icons.
- Fixed a script error when using Octavia’s Conductor Augment.
- Fixed edge case script error that could occur if you received a game invite while loading into a mission.
- Fixed script error in when joining a Dojo Duel if the Duel had been cancelled while the join was in-progress.
Update 23.8.0 HotFixes | ||||||
==Update: 23.8.2 HotFix==
19. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Operation: Plague Star is back on PC starting TODAY at 2pm ET until September 30 at 2pm ET! The infested boil that threatened the Plains is back, uglier and more putrid than before. Vay Hek possesses a toxin that can destroy the boil at the meteorite crash site, but he refuses to help. Steal his toxin and destroy the boil before the Infested make their way to Cetus. Ergänzungen:
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==Update: 23.8.1 HotFix==
14. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
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==Update: HotFix==
12. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
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==Update: HotFix==
12. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 23.7.0
6. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Gara - Mending Splinters (Splinter Storm Augment):
For each target affected, Splinter Storm heals 3 Health/s.
Khora - Accumulating Whipclaw (Whipclaw Augment):
Hitting 3 enemies will grant a 35% stacking Damage Bonus to subsequent Whipclaws. Bonus will decay after 10s.
Octavia - Conductor (Resonator Augment):
Reactivate the ability to command Resonator to move to your aim point at 150% Speed.
Wukong - Enveloping Cloud (Cloud Walker Augment):
Allies within 4 meters of the cloud become invisible to enemies for 14s.
Please note: The stats shown are for Augment Mods at Max Rank. Ergänzungen:- A Search bar has been added to the Friends and Clan screen!
- Added a new timer animation to the Mission Voting UI.
- Input message boxes have received a new stylized look that matches your chosen UI theme!
- You can now Donate MULTIPLE Resources and Decorations to your Clan Vault (Alliance remains Credits only)! An input message box will appear requesting that you enter the word ‘DONATE’ to confirm your donation. See Video here.
- Be warned that you cannot retrieve these back to your Inventory once Donated.
- When Consigning a Pet to the Lotus, an input message box will appear requesting that you enter the name of the Pet you’re consigning to confirm. This extra step ensures you’re absolute confirmation on sending the desired Pet on a permanent vacation.
- Removed Grineer Commanders from Simaris’ possible daily Synthesis Targets as it never functioned properly.
- Made some micro-optimizations to host performance in the replication system.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the level zoning and visibility system.
- Made some micro-optimizations to particle system recycling and initialization.
- Made some micro-optimizations in the dynamic music system.
- Made some micro-optimizations to ragdoll setup.
- Returned the controller functionality of pressing (Y) to open the Matchmaking dropdown menu.
- Focus Conversion now uses chosen themed UI for Eidolon Shard selection.
- Changed Inventory sell list to show total sell price for each row, instead of price for just one item, even when *multiple were selected.
- The pause menu UI now automatically displays the first 3 loadout items (Warframe, Aura, etc). Aura has also been moved to always be the second line under your Warframe.
- We’re aware and working on improved line breaking for longer text Auras like Corrosive Projection, etc.
- Fixed a loss of functionality for Clients after completing The Pyrus Project and receiving the Project completion Inbox message.
- Fixed a soft lock when manually skipping the ‘Riven Capacity Reached’ message.
- Fixed breaking Gara’s Mass Vitrify by standing on an incline not always increasing your Splinter Storm timer/damage (when both active).
- Fixed Melee weapon not appearing in Chroma’s hands after casting Vex Armor.
- Fixed the Host not receiving confirmation that they have invited someone into a Captura session.
- Fixed Clients having the voting UI stuck on their screen upon entering the Plains if they entered Cetus first.
- Fixed some UI menus (Market, Foundry, etc) not displaying your Mastery Rank.
- Fixed the Mute and Unmute buttons not updating player's current mute state when enabling/disabling them.
- Fixed misaligned button callouts when launching a mission with a controller.
- Fixed wide aspect ratios having lost usable space under the new UI Inventory screen.
- Fixed common crash that was being submitted to us on game-shutdown.
Update 23.7.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.7.1 HotFix==
6. September, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 23.6.0
30. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - The Pyrus Project
Live now on PC until September 13 @ 12:30 PM ET!
Almost four years ago, Vay Hek launched an unprecedented attack on our Relays. We defeated his Fomorians, but not before three of our Relays were destroyed.
Now it's time to rebuild.
Cressa Tal and Steel Meridian are marshaling the reconstruction efforts. Tal is in dire need of valuable resources to rebuild the Strata Relay on Earth. Find them, deliver them, and she will reward you for your efforts. Be warned: Sargas Ruk and the Grineer will not make things easy for you, Tenno. Show them that we will not be intimidated.
Read our Guide to The Pyrus Project and more here.
Revenant Fixes & Changes:
- Enthrall cap for thralled enemies increased from 4 to 7.
- Developer Note: We listened to the feedback that 4 was too few, so we’ve buffed the number to match Nekros’ max Shadows.
- Danse Macabre energy cost increased from 12.5 to 20 energy per second.
- Developer Note: In keeping with changes we've made to Warframes in the past to deter from the "set it and forget" approach, we have increased the energy per second on Danse Macabre. We are hoping that with Enthrall's cap increase you can benefit from more overshield pickups with Danse Macabre. We’re always looking to iterate on your feedback, please leave yours in the dedicated Revenant feedback megathread!
- Reave now looks more like the Vomvalyst charge.
- Added FX and sound when Mesmer ends.
- Fixed Danse Macabre showing 0 energy/second in abilities screen.
- Fixed Danse Macabre becoming stuck while sliding.
- Fixed script error if you cast Revenant's Enthrall on a roller or other similar enemy.
- Fixed Mesmer not reflecting Status effects.
- If you have Revenant building in your Foundry, the final stage of The Mask of the Lost One quest will now progress, instead of requiring you to claim the completed Warframe.
- Developer Note: For those of you who offered feedback about the guidance within the miniquest, we are working on improving the player experience. This will take a little time, but thank you to everyone who offered constructive criticism on our first foray into this miniquest. In the meantime, you can read our step-by-step guide in the first spoiler here.
- Fixed a case of obtaining Revenant blueprint without obtaining final Fragment.
- We have more Mask of the Lost One fixes slated for a future hotfix as well!
- Phantasma alt-fire will now seek targets in all directions, instead of behind the projectile.
- Tweaked Deth Machine Rifle sounds to handle high fire-rates better.
- Made numerous micro-optimizations to runtime object creation, level-loading and NPC path-finding.
- Fixed Pause in Solo not working.
- Fixed Splinter Storm not renewing if Mass Vitrify ends just as it touches them.
- Fixed rare cases where Capture Targets would die instead of being incapacitated by a blast from a high-multi-shot weapon (usually a shotgun).
- Fixed a Capture Target that could not be captured in the Plains.
- Fixed Kasha armor not using Energy colors.
- Fixed lighting in Natah quest diorama.
- Fixed navigating the cursor over the search field in the Market blocking other inputs.
- Fixed Golden Maw appearing blurry after it dies.
- Fixed Golden Maw not staying burrowed if you’re holding/toggle Sprint.
- Fixed diorama for nunchaku weapons using improper animations.
- Fixed Ordis' glass material used in Octavia's Anthem boss battle.
- Fixed excessive bloom on the tubes in Orokin Engine Room.
- Fixed a bug that let you get outside the level during The War Within.
- Fixed some LOC typoos.
Update 23.6.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.6.2 HotFix==
31. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post The Pyrus Project Fixes:
The Pyrus Project Spoiler Fixes:
==Update: 23.6.1 HotFix==
31. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Mask of the Revenant fixes:
Update 23.5.0
24. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - Maske des Revenant
Nakak has discovered a new oddity - Once you’ve reached Observer (rank 2) with the Quills, visit her in Cetus to uncover its mysterious connection with the Plains of Eidolon…
Since this is a miniquest, and therefore isn’t included in the Codex for easy tracking of steps, we’ve laid out the process below for you all. This contains spoilers for what to do in the Quest, but not for the lore contained in it -- read at your own risk!
Prerequisite: Rank of “Observer” or above with The Quills Syndicate.
Step 1 - Visit Nakak in Cetus and select the “Mask” dialogue option. Purchase the Mask of the Lost One from Nakak and equip it to your Operator You can do so straight from Cetus by going to Equipment > Operator via the ESC menu while in Operator Mode!
Step 2 - Go out into the Plains of Eidolon during the night with the mask equipped. There will be a marked area with an item for you to find -- listen to Nakak’s dialogue for hints!
Step 3 - Once you have found the item, you must return to Cetus and talk to Konzu. Using the Bounty Board, select a Bounty with a Revenant Blueprint in its droptable. Complete the Bounty until you receive the Blueprint.
Step 4 - Build the Blueprint and claim it from your Foundry.
Step 5 - Repeat steps 2 - 4. NOTE: The Revenant part you build needs to be different than the one you completed in Step 4.
Step 6 - Return to the Plains of Eidolon with the Mask of the Lost One equipped and find the item within the marked area. After doing so, yet another marker will appear in your minimap. Search the area, find the item, and follow Nakak’s instructions.
You’re done!
Introducing the 36th Warframe, Revenant! Afflicted by Sentient energy, Revenant rises from the shadows to prey on the weak and unwilling.
Shield depletion smashes nearby enemies with a knockdown shockwave.
Convert a target into a zealous thrall. Thralls turn on their allies and enthrall through damage. On death, they disintegrate into a damaging pillar of energy. The thrall horde remains under Revenants spell until this ability runs out.
Become enveloped in Sentient energy, which redirects damage and stuns all those who dare attack. Stunned enemies can be Enthralled at no energy cost.
Dash through enemies as a wall of Sentient energy, leeching shields and health from any encountered, enhanced for thralls.
Erupt with a multitude of Eidolon energy beams and sweep a circle of death around Revenant. Incoming damage is redirected to the beams. Hold fire to boost range and damage, while also increasing energy consumption. Damage type can adapt to select defenses. Thralls killed by this leave overshield pickups.*
- To invoke a more Sentient theme with Revenant, the last detail to change since past Devstream presentations is his Danse Macabre Damage. Sentients in the wild can often adapt to your attacks...so the damage output of the Danse Macabre now can adapt to certain enemy defenses!
3 special adaptations exist for the damage types of Danse Macabre:
- Striking Armor will adapt Danse Macabre into Corrosive Damage.
- Striking Shields will adapt Danse Macabre into Magnetic Damage.
- Striking Infested Flesh will adapt Danse Macabre into Gas Damage.
This will be at a base 20% Status Chance, amplified by holding the default Left-Mouse Button.
Irradiate enemies with a continuous stream of deadly plasma. Charging secondary fire releases a glob of plasma that erupts with homing bomblets on impact.
A uniquely-style alternate helmet for Revenant.
Make Revenant whole with his signature armor.
The signature Kavat Armor of Revenant.
Frame Fighter Changes & Fixes:
- Movement is now disabled while crouching.
- Switched Equinox's Metamorphosis FX to match the ability outside of Frame Fighter.
- Equinox’s Night Form now gives damage reduction and Day Form now gives a Damage buff.
- Fixed inability to invite another player to Frame Fighter due to the session being full when choosing Frame Fighter and then backing out.
- Fixed aborting from Frame Fighter counting as a ‘Mission Failed/Quit’.
- Fixed Excalibur Umbra’s Radial Howl not working as intended. Radial Howl now removes the opponents jump and deals damage.
- Removed the open chat inputs. You can still open the chat while waiting for an opponent or with the pause menu open like in normal missions
- Fixed pause menu freezing your Warframe.
- You can now move, jump, and crouch using the D-Pad.
- Fixed Chroma's special being interrupted by grab.
- Chroma’s energy color no longer affects the damage.
- Fixed Nyx's special dealing more damage when shot up close to the enemy
- Added Revenant fragments the Origin System.
- Fixed EoM showing after leaving Frame Fighter
DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 Changes:
- Reduced memory footprint by over 2MB.
- Made numerous micro-optimizations to CPU performance.
- Hardened against crashes caused by corrupt shader data.
- Show your allegiance to the mighty Clem with the new Grineer Themed UI
- Added a watermark logo to vendor screens (Baro, Master Teasonai, etc).
- Slightly tweaked the loading spinner to increase visibility on certain backgrounds.
- Fixed ability to purchase Starter UI Themes that are intended to be free.
- For those who purchased, we have reimbursed the Platinum.
- Fixed a crash when firing the Phahd Scaffold Alt Fire.
- Fixed lingering FX from the Phahd Scaffold Alt Fire.
- Fixed missing ‘Hit Indicators’ for Operator Amps.
- Fixed unscannable Kuria in the Grineer Sealab tileset by placing it in a different location.
- Fixed an issue where default Loadouts would save localized text in the database, which could include illegal characters. Players with such a loadout would find the name displaying incorrectly when playing in other languages.
- Fixed projectiles that have trail FX sometimes stretching wildly when they kill an enemy.
- Fixed missing Arrow Dojo Obstacle Course Decoration.
- Fixed sometimes getting unintended colors on Venari when using the Randomize feature.
- Fixed Hok facing in the wrong direction when viewing the Zaw creation screen.
- Fixed wonky FX when casting Mirage’s Eclipse on certain Armor Attachments.
- Fixed some Ice Dojo Decorations having collision when ‘under construction’.
- Fixed offsets for several TennoGen Syandanas on Banshee Prime.
- Fixed Ki'Teer Sekhara so it appears properly when equipped.
- Fixed clients not being able to hear pitch changes on remote player weapons.
- Fixed sound spam when auto installing mods.
- Fixed Luciferin Gogalla Plant causing camera to go into your Warframe.
- Fixed ejecting from a Dargyn while in flight causing it to float in the air instead of landing.
- Fixed Nav and Menu options taking you to unfinished rooms in your Dojo.
- Fixed returning to an unfinished Observatory when you launch a mission from a finished one.
- Fixed enemy spawn exploit in Mobile Defense.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while loading into a mission.
- Fixed the Prisma Twin Gremlins not being tradeable.
- Fixed Prisma Twin Gremlins having incorrect damage in Conclave.
- Updated text across a wide range of text for better consistency, syntax, terminology, and grammar.
Update 23.4.0
16. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Challenge your friends to a side-by-side duel -- Warframes newest lunchtime project Frame Fighter has arrived!
Inspired by classic fighting games and long-time Warframe Fan LocoCrazy_, this arcade fighter will transform your Orbiter into a battleground! No quarters required!
Visit Simaris and acquire the Ludoplex -- a new home for all of Warframe’s minigames -- through Standing. Choose from Excalibur, Volt and Mag, each with their unique Ability. Unlock additional Frame Fighter Warframes by discovering Fragments throughout the Solar Chart. If the scanned Warframe’s Prime is in your Inventory, you can toggle to the Prime version of the acquired character - custom Fashion Frame applied as well!
Additionally, blast enemies in the side-scrolling ‘Wyrmius’ minigame, and flap your way through obstacles with the ‘Happy Zephyr’ minigame, both available through Simaris.
Rahn Prism: Pulses void energy through a fine-cut pavilion to riddle targets with flashing fire.
Phahd Scaffold: Launch energy discs that ricochet off victims and surfaces, vectoring toward a new target with each strike.
Anspatha Brace: A dual-purpose brace that reduces void energy regeneration delay, and decreases regeneration time, though not as quickly as a single-purpose brace.
Bring the outside inside to complete your hermit Dojo oasis! Choose from many nature themed Decorations such as (but not limited to):
- Asteroid Rock Wall
- Waterfall (Gentle)
- Ice Stalactite
- Spinklat Plant
- And so much more!
General Additions:
- Added a HUD Damage indicator for Gara’s Splinter Storm ability.
- Added a directional arrow Decoration for the Dojo Obstacle Course Architect!
Operator Amp Changes:
- Mote Amp:
- Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
- Damage increased slightly as part of the conversion
- Added +10 meter Range when Gilded
- Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
- Raplak Prism:
- Damage increased from 1000 to 3000
- Critical Chance increased from 30 to 38%
- Critical Damage increased from 2.2 to 2.6x
- Fire Rate decreased from 5.42 to 2
- Granmu Prism:
- Radial Damage increased from 1000 to 1400
- Radial size increased from 3 meters to 3.5 meters
- Direct Impact Damage decreased from 1200 to 1000
- Pencha Scaffold:
- Added a 2 meter Punch Through
- Klebrik Scaffold:
- Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
- Damage increased slightly as part of the conversion
- Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
- Optimized the Chesa Retrieve Precept to reduce significant frame-rate micro-stutters.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the Helminth Charger Proboscis Precept.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the Helminth Charger Trample and Huras Hunt Precepts.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the Sahasa Kubrow Dig Precept.
- A select sound will play when using middle click selection in the Inventory screen.
- Fixed presence and matchmaking problems that could occur in some cases if you relogged promptly after a crash or network outage.
- Fixed cases of enemies not spawning after destroying an Antiserum Injector console in an Infested Salvage mission.
- Fixed a scenario where Clients were unable to return to the Liset with their squad.
- Fixed the Opticor occasionally damaging a single enemy multiple times.
- Fixed Kuva Siphons disappearing when you get in close proximity.
- Fixed dead enemy corpses sometimes appearing as giant black squares.
- Fixed some enemies walking slower than intended.
- Fixed numerous Syandanas appearing to float or twist when equipped.
- Fixed certain Warframe Energy color customizing not reflecting change very well in the Arsenal.
- Fixed sometimes getting an incorrect Lotus transmissions when playing a Kuva Siphon mission.
- Fixed Grineer textures popping out of view in cinematics.
- Fixed Grineer Dropships not having their escape FX.
- Fixed numerous broken lighting textures in the Infested Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed the Wyrmius start screen having visible edges due to menu scaling and appearing stretched because of the aspect ratio.
- Reduced the damage of Vauban's Tesla in Conclave.
Update 23.4.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.4.2 HotFix==
17. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Capture Mission Changes: Capture Targets now have a 1 minute Bleedout timer after being downed for 30 seconds, upon which Lotus will now alert you that you’re running out of time to capture the Target. Capture missions had become an unofficial Endless mission with the tactic of leaving the Target squirming on the ground for hours while players dealt with the never-ending horde of enemies. The Bleedout timer has been added as a countermeasure to fix the unintended Endless Capture missions. Phahd Scaffold Changes & Fixes:
==Update: 23.4.1 HotFix==
16. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Clarity regarding Frame Fighter Fragment spawns: Before Update 23.4.0, there was a 50/50 chance of either a Somachord Fragment OR a Cephalon Fragment spawning if you already had your Personal Quarters unlocked, if not a Cephalon Fragment was guaranteed. With Update 23.4.0 and the addition of Frame Fighter Fragments, there is now a chance that all 3 Fragments can spawn, but the initial chance was lowered. With that said, we will be fixing this so that if you don't have your Personal Quarters unlocked, there is a 100% chance of a Cephalon Fragment spawning as before. Fixes:
Update 23.3.0
9. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
A fortress of ingenuity and style. Plus unique Citadel styled Tesla grenade!
Sunder all attackers with the signature weapon skin of Vauban Citadel.
The signature sugatra of Vauban Citadel.
Reinforce allies with this ingenious warrior. Contains the Vauban Citadel Skin, the Mortier Heavy Axe Skin, and the Marquis Sugatra.
Vauban Changes & Fixes:
- Vauban's Passive has changed! Vauban's new passive: "Deal 25% extra damage to incapacitated enemies".
- Whether by Vauban's own CC'ing abilities, or the abilities of others, Vauban can amplify his damage against the incapacitated!
- Tesla is now ‘held to charge’ for increased Damage & Status Chance.
- Increased the particle FX size for a fully charged Tesla.
- Repelling Bastille Augment now pushes additional enemies outwards every 4s.
- Fixed some particles on the projectile not using Energy colors for Clients.
- Empty Inventory Slots now appear with an ‘Empty Slot’ UI text for better recognition.
- Increased the gain on the ‘Your Creator’ Somachord tune.
- Fixed players not receiving their Steam Pinnacle Pack goods as reported here.
- Fixed inability to open the pause menu after viewing certain cinematic scenes during The Sacrifice quest.
- Fixed Drop Ships in the Plains sometimes carrying the Sabotage Beacon.
- Fixed Clients not getting credit for completing Jordas Golem Assassinate and Mutalist Alad V Assassinate missions.
- Fixed a large hitch each time you click Randomize under the loadout button in the Arsenal.
- Fixed not being able to donate the Mote Amp if you have multiple.
- Fixed Itzal Fighter Escort drones pausing if you get too far away from them.
- Fixed "Falcon" Operator voice missing dialog during first mission in The Sacrifice quest
- Fixed Kraken sounds not being muffled correctly during stealth effects.
- Fixed Drop Ships not playing incoming sound.
- Fixed Warframes playing the currently equipped Focus school idle animation instead of their standard Warframe idle animation when loading into the Plains.
- Fixed a script error when entering Operator Void Mode.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Stomp ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Prowl ability.
Update 23.3.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.3.2 HotFix==
13. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 23.3.1 HotFix==
9. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 23.2.0
2. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
New Noggles! Limbo, Atlas, and Chroma Noggles are available in the Market!
Designer Glyph Pack! A collection of Glyphs created by artists in the Warframe community.
Keep an eye out for our TennoCon 2018 Legendary and Make-A-Wish custom Glyphs that will be sported by their respective Tenno!
Controller Fixes:
- Fixed inability to place Komi stones in The Sacrifice quest if Jump and Move Up/Afterburner are bound to a different button when using a controller.
- Fixed missing quick button for Invite (RT) at the bottom right of the Navigation screen when using a controller.
- Fixed certain Chat options being off screen if Chat is moved to the far right (Emoji list, etc) when using a controller.
- Fixed selecting to view a Profile and then immediately backing out resulting in some UI elements disabling when using a controller.
- Fixed opening the Lens selection window in Archwing mode resulting in your Archwing weapon appearing to pierce through the UI when using a controller.
- Fixed the D-Pad not lining up correctly after changing Menu Scale when using a controller.
- Fixed having to move the virtual cursor on the purchase button to make a purchase on certain Market Bundles, instead of being able to press A anywhere when using a controller.
- Primed Quickdraw is now Tradeable.
- We’re aware and investigating why it does not show up in the Codex when owned.
- Updated the ‘High Contrast UI Theme’ based on feedback in an effort to better aid colourblind Tenno as seen here.
- Pressing ‘Enter’ when typing in the Chat window with a game invite open will now prioritize the Chat window over the game invite. This also applies when viewing the Market while typing in Chat.
- Weapons displayed on Hok’s Entitlement screen now show more information (Mastery Rank, Forma count, etc) to better reflect which weapon in your Inventory you’re Entitling.
- Personal Platinum and Credit values now appear in the Arsenal UI when in Cetus or a Relay.
- Fixed shared Affinity not properly spreading between all equipment, specifically when an Exalted weapon is active.
- Fixed abilities being permanently blocked (until death) in Sanctuary Onslaught if you enter a portal as Operator but Transfer back to Warframe right before the fade/teleport starts.
- Fixed Fishing breaking when switching Spears if you have no Bait or Dye.
- Fixed numerous missing Whip (Mios, Lacera, etc) animations as reported here.
- Fixed equipping Vicious Frost on the Orvius reducing the Cold Damage instead of increasing.
- Fixed Mod sets (Umbral, etc) not updating all values when equipping/unequipping Mods.
- Fixed sometimes spawning in a mystical grey box room that you totally weren't meant to see during some certain missions in The Sacrifice quest.
- Fixed Umbra sometimes falling out of the level due to not teleporting to safety when using Transference.
- Fixed Nyx Mind Controlled Shield Ospreys spawned from Corpus Tech and Attack Drones spawned from Fusion Moas not being friendly.
- Fixed numerous situations (casting Harrow’s Thurible, casting Mesa’s Peacemaker, etc) deactivating ‘Toggle Sprint’.
- Fixed sometimes becoming disarmed of all weapons in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Tether Grenades Mod distorting the look of grenades.
- Fixed inability to colour some lines on the Spektaka Liset Skin.
- Fixed Old Man Suumbaat Decorations appearing too close in the Market diorama.
- Fixed Warframe Helmet selection UI indicating you do not own the Warframe they are for when trading it in Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed inability to select/move Dojo Decorations that are perfectly embedded in the floor as reported
- here.
- Fixed selecting Equip/Upgrade/Appearance on a claw weapon with the Deimos Claw Skin equipped resulting in the weapon oddly rotating.
- Fixed Rhino’s Roar FX appearing on Nidus Phryke’s invisible armor (no stacks).
- Fixed the Nossos Syandana being offset on Hydroid.
- Fixed the Little Helper Hat not sitting correctly when equipped on the Helminth Charger Metus Kubrow Skin.
- Fixed the Metus Kubrow Armor clipping on Kubrow butts.
- Fixed Kavats spawning inside the railing and twitching when loading into the Corpus Ship Freight Captura Scene.
- Fixed the Ki’Teer Sekhara appearing dim and scaling incorrectly when in Archwing as reported
- Fixed Ordis saying idle VO lines during Vor's Prize.
- Fixed viewing the Penta in the marketplace (specifically the Penta Shock-Camo Skin) resulting in the ammo in the gun taking a second to load upon viewing it everytime.
- Fixed inability to rotate Dioramas while in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Platinum prices appearing when hovering over a Dojo Decoration in the ‘Place Decorations Menu’.
- Fixed some parts of Icarius Syandana disappearing if observed at certain angle.
- Fixed zooming in on an Operator Focus tree too quickly resulting in one of the Focus tree schools will be missing.
- Fixed choosing to skip the Relay fly-in cinematic resulting in your Landing Craft not docking correctly.
- Fixed door materials clipping in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed wonky door holograms being offset in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
- Fixed getting stuck in a small pile of debris on the Infested Corpus tileset.
- Fixed missing Lotus VO in sections of Vor’s Prize quest.
- Fixed some accented letters in Chat appearing as *.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Stomp ability.
Update 23.2.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.2.1 HotFix==
3. August, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 23.1.0
18. Juli, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - TennoGen Round 13
Warframe Skins
Warframe Skins
- Nova Corpra Skin by Frelling Hazmot
- Excalibur Ronin Skin by Rekkou
- Loki Kodama Skin by HitsuSan
- Nekros Graxx Skin by Faven
- Zephyr Strafe Skin by prosetisen
- Excalibur Exaltation Skin by Cheshire
- Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
- Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
- Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
- Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
Warframe Helmets
- Nekros Ion Helmet by Yatus
- Icarius Syandana by malayu, Scharkie, and Jadie
- Kunshu Syandana by BeastBuster
- Seraphim Syandana by led2012 and jaeon009
- Shurihoshi Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
- Sildarg Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
- Sydeko Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
Weapon Skins
- Aphria Polearm Skin by Arsenal
- Eisen Sword Skin by Rekkou
- Ogun Hammer Skin by Stenchfury
Liset Skins
- Protege Liset Skin by MaceMadunusus
- The Sacrifice is now replayable! 2 new original quest songs have been added to the Somachord from the Sacrifice soundtrack. You can find and scan the Fragments by re-playing the quest!
- These Somachord Fragments must be scanned in mission order from beginning to end in order to collect them all. If you miss one in mission 3 (for example) you can replay the quest and begin your search at mission 3 instead of back at mission 1.
- New Player Experience changes:
- After watching far too many people struggle (and reading many feedback threads) with the crafting of an Incubator Core in the 'Howl of the Kubrow' quest, we are making it easier! We now give 'Incubator Cores' as a reward for completing the Earth > Mars Junction. Anyone who has completed Howl of the Kubrow will receive one on login automatically.
- Fixed an issue with Clients not seeing Synthesis Target waypoints.
- Fixed an issue with being unable to mine on the Plains of Eidolon after a Host migration.
- Fixed a crash when reviving underwater or in Archwing.
- Fixed various game crashes and hangs particularly for long-running missions.
- Fixed a case where you could permanently lose the ability to cast Warframe abilities.
- Fixed an issue with the Sentinel 'Spare Parts' Mod not working.
- Fixed an issue where Clients would not see Djinn's Reawaken icon.
- Fixed an issue where Ivara's Artemis Bow was not properly consuming energy.
- Fixed the Sentinel 'Medi-Ray' Mod not working with Umbra.
- Fixed Magus Nourish not working with Umbra.
- Fixed an issue with the Juggernaut Behemoth not using all of his moves.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the state of Lua in the Plains of Eidolon skybox.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to sell a ranked Arcane enhancement through your inventory would fail.
- Fixed enemies not being visible for Clients if they were in a ragdoll state for the Host.
- Fixed a level issue in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset (Europa).
- Fixed various navigation issues in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset (Europa).
- Fixed an edge case where Clients could auto-fail Onslaught if they joined in-progress.
- Fixed Energy values being mismatched between Client and Host when switching to and from Archwing. This usually resulted in Clients having a lower Energy amount than they should until they used an ability. Also fixes sometimes continuously attempting and failing to use energy pickups on Client.
- Fixed a possible game freeze that could occur if an ineligible player joins a squad (e.g. someone joins your Sortie session without a rank 30 Warframe).
- Fixed an issue where Nakak's mask dioramas would not show the masks properly.
- Fixed an audio issue with the Quartakk becoming silent when rapid firing.
Update 23.1.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.1.3 HotFix==
26. Juli, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Embrace the terror within as Nidus Phryke. This new Deluxe Skin is available now on PC along with a new Claw Skin, Syandana and more! NIDUS PHRYKE SKIN From the depths of pestilence, a new horror emerges. Become the exalted master of blight with Nidus Phryke. This Deluxe Skin transforms as Nidus gains Mutation stacks. DEIMOS CLAW SKIN Tear through the still-beating heart of your foes. Bestow this eye-opening Skin to any Claw Weapon. NOSOS SYANDANA The signature Syandana of Nidus Phryke. HELMINTH CHARGER METUS SKIN Nidus Phryke’s loyal beast. METUS KUBROW ARMOR Adorn any Kubrow or Helminth Charger Pet with a battery of gothic spikes. NIDUS PHRYKE COLLECTION Everything you need to become the ultimate terror. Includes the unholy Nidus Phryke Skin, Deimos Claw Skin, Nosos Syandana, Helminth Charger Metus Skin and Metus Kubrow Armor. Controller Changes & Fixes:
==Update: 23.1.2 HotFix==
24. Juli, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - Prime Vault HotFix Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime are back! For the first time ever, the hypnotic Nyx Prime is leaving the Vault! Charging out beside her is Rhino Prime along with other high-demand Vaulted Prime Accessories, Prime Weapons and discounted Platinum. Thanks to your feedback, this is also the first time we’re offering separate Prime Accessory Packs! BRAINS AND BRAWN DUAL PRIME PACK FEATURES:
Visit Warframe Homepage to pick up these Prime Vault Packs before the Vault closes! All Relics can be found in the Void region while the Prime Vault is open! Controller Changes & Fixes:
==Update: 23.1.1 HotFix==
19. Juli, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post TennoGen Changes & Fixes:
Somachord & Mandachord Changes:
Controller Fixes:
Update 23.0.0
15. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - The Sacrifice
Well Tenno, it’s here… and we can’t thank you enough.
Who would have thought that we’d be launching our third cinematic quest. With the ambitious goal of telling Warframe’s story in a way we had never done before, The Second Dream started it all. The moments you shared with us while playing through the quest is a memory all of us at Digital Extremes will never forget. So we thought… wow, we did it… Can we do it again? And so it was, we burned heaps of midnight oil to launch The War Within and experience the roller coaster of feels with you all over again.
Witnessing your reaction to THE SACRIFICE teaser we showed at TennoCon last year is an emotion we can’t quite put into words. We’re pretty sure you guys shook the convention center and the internet. So we’re absolutely ecstatic that you can now continue your journey as Tenno in the Warframe universe in this new quest.
From all of us at Digital Extremes, thank you for sharing Warframe with us. This once small but growing studio in London, Ontario couldn’t have done any of this without your extraordinary support, Tenno.
We hope that you have enjoyed the ride so far. We look forward to seeing what Warframe has in store for all of us as we look toward the future.
THE SACRIFICE QUEST The Apostasy Prologue left a memento from the Lotus lingering in the Orbiter, calling back to the moment Ballas extended his hand to her. As they faded beyond grasp, nothing but fragmented transmissions from her remained.
Now, a foreboding vision leads the Tenno to hunt for a savage Warframe. Will you unmask the truth in this mind-bending new chapter of the cinematic storyline? THE SACRIFICE will bring you closer to uncovering what has fallen into shadow.
THE SACRIFICE Quest is available after completing The Second Dream, The War Within, Chains of Harrow and the Apostasy Prologue, and will be available in your Codex upon login. Bring your best Warframe and Operator loadouts to face the challenges that await you in THE SACRIFICE .
Umbra Armor Eclipse the darkness of Umbra with this Armor Set for any Warframe.
Umbra Companion Armor Embody the height of companion Fashion Frame with new Umbra-themed Kubrow and Kavat Armor Sets.
Operator Cosmetics Outfit your Operators with these golden-age Customizations.
Umbra In Action Glyph He’s mad but he’s also cute in chibi form. The Sacrifice Collection Cast a long shadow with these Umbra and Dax items [beware of spoilers!]
Dax Syandana Worn in battle and ceremony at late-Orokin Dax, this Syandana was seen as a symbol of power to all in the empire.
And more to be discovered upon completing THE SACRIFICE quest!
Currently, we have exactly 131 screens in Warframe that need an artistic pass to the new style. 8 are done and ready to go - they're here today! Themes similar to above are coming for the screens we have completed, and all subsequent screens will inherit whatever UI theme you've chosen (default or other purchased themes).
We have also have 2 free Themes specifically tailored for our visually impaired and color blind Tenno: the “Equinox Theme” (B&W theme) and the “High Contrast Theme”! We’d love to get your feedback on them so that we can increase Warframe’s accessibility: PC-Update 23: Visual Accessibility UI Themes
To change your UI theme, go to your Interface Options and select “UI Customization”.
There you can also change your Background from the 3 available options:
- Equinox Background
- Legacy Background
- Vitruvian Background
You can also change the UI sounds from the “Legacy” and “Vitruvian” options. Please see our Developer Workshop for more information: UI Redesign: Information & Timeline!
Warframes with unique Ability-driven (Exalted) Weapons can now be separately Modded in your Arsenal! This includes the ability to customize their appearance too!
If you own any of the following Warframes, their “Exalted” Weapon have been added to your Arsenal:
- Excalibur/Prime’s Exalted Blade
- We gave the Blade a partial physical design (hilt) so that you can customize its appearance (Energy color is still determined by Excalibur’s)!
- Ivara’s Artemis Bow
- Mesa’s Regulators
- If you own or purchase the Mesa Presidio Skin, you will automatically receive the Presidio Regulators skin to equip onto Mesa’s Regulators.
- Titania’s Dex Pixia + Diwata
- Valkyr/Prime’s Talons
- No customizing since her Talons’ design is all Energy-based!
- Wukong’s Iron Staff
Exalted Weapons work in the following ways:
- They appear in your Arsenal as an unranked moddable Weapon option once you’ve unlocked the Ability.
- All Exalted weapons use the Mod classes expected for the class of weapon.
- Melee Exalted Weapons have their Stance Mod permanently displayed in the modding UI with access to Combos!
- Titania’s Dex Pixia now uses Secondary Mods! More on that in the Titania Exalted Weapons Dev Workshop we posted at the beginning of this week.
- While Exalted Weapons can be ranked, they do not count towards Mastery Rank (with the exception of Khora’s Venari).
- Riven Mods are not generated for Exalted Weapons.
Limbo's Stasis has been changed to make it more cooperative! Now, Stasis only stops time for Enemies. Limbo's Gear and all Ally Gear will continue to function. But, because complete time-halting for enemies within the Rift is akin to godly power, the duration of the ability has been shortened overall - from base 30 seconds to 15 seconds. This is of course affected by Mods.
Please see our Developer Workshop for more information: Titania's Exalted Weapons + Limbo: A Quick Workshop!
The launch of virtual cursor controls on consoles brought many hotfixes to those platforms with much needed changes and improvements. Our first Dev Workshop looked at bringing D-Pad Functionality, while our second, a follow-up Action Plan, looked at what we planned on improving across platforms. Combined, the following changes are now live for our PC controller players:
- D-Pad support is here!
- Restored button shortcuts in the Arsenal.
- Changed Relic selection windows to preview content on hover. To choose a Relic, simply select it.
- Added the ability to auto-rotate your Warframe in the Arsenal (using the Right Trigger) while browsing item grid.
- Changed “preview” and “select” to be independent of one another in the Arsenal item selection (separate bindings displayed in bottom right of screen in Arsenal).
- Removed the need to hold down and drag in order to select a Mod in the Modding UI. Instead, selecting a Mod will make it stick to your cursor like it used to, allowing you to move it with cursor control or D-Pad. Additionally, hitting “back” will deselect the Mod from your cursor without exiting the screen.
- Increased the size of Star Chart node hitzones when using a controller.
- Fixed category switch with controller LB/RB on some screens when hovering over a category button.
- Fixed not being able to fish with Classic Controls.
- Fixed LB prompt in Ability Menu appearing permanently after opening fishing gear wheel.
- Fixed the cursor on controller moving to an arbitrary spot in the Inventory Sort Options drop down.
- Fixed cursor automatically snapping to a button on the right side of the screen if a menu is open.
- Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator while customizing with the Right Stick when your cursor is hovering over the item menu.
- Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator at all after fast traveling to the Transference room from “Operator” in the pause menu.
- Fixed the “X” callout button missing from the Lunaro Practice Mode, which made it appear that the Practice Mode could not be activated.
- Fixed button to send Amp Slots as a gift not actually sending the gift when using a controller.
- Fixed controller RB and LB loss of functionality after accessing Navigation, opening matchmaking and then pressing B to back out.
- Fixed pause menu button on controller causing a brief UI transition to mouse mode.
- Onkko has acquired new offerings! Trade Quills Standing for Landing Craft Decorations like Glowing Sentient Cores, Eidolon Relics, and more! Plus, acquire the Onkko's Cave Scene for your Captura desires.
- Old Man Sumbaat also has new offerings for the Tenno! Visit him in Cetus to trade Ostron Standing for everything from decorative fruit baskets, to baskets of spices, to... boots? Now your Orbiter can look (and smell) a little more like Cetus!
- Ask and ye shall receive! That closet full of Cetus Boots can now be crafted into a Boot Trophy from Fisher Hai Luk’s Offerings. We hope they haven’t been festering any fungal growth in the meantime.
- Added some sparkle to Octavia and Saryn’s Abilities with the new GPU Particle system.
- Added a new Challenge for completing THE SACRIFICE quest!
- Added a description to Captura Scenes that you own: “Explore this scene with access to advanced camera controls and visual settings”.
- Increased Excalibur Prime’s Armor from 250 to 300.
- Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst no longer have regenerated Shields immediately after teleporting from being stuck.
- Increased Titania’s Diwata damage to 200, Critical Chance to 20% and Critical Multiplier to 2x.
- Slightly lowered the Battalyst and Conculyst's base health from 1300 to 1150.
- Slightly reduced the Battalyst's projectile damage.
- You can now include “&” in your Zaw weapon Entitling.
- General audio polish for Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Following what we started in our previous mainline, we’ve made thousands more micro-optimizations to hundreds of scripts, including Warframe Powers, Precepts, Enemy Logic, Weapon Behaviors, Game-Modes, and the UI.
- Ancient and Scorpion grappling hooks no longer go through Gara’s Mass Vitrify wall.
- Moved UI Cursor Sensitivity setting from “Controls” to “Interface”.
- Moved Cetus Wisp and Maprico Tree spawn points a bit further away from water volumes in the NW corner of the Plains for gathering ease.
- After the target is captured in Capture missions, the level alert levels will automatically turn off after 1 minute, and enemy spawns will stop after 2 minutes.
- Updated the LOC for Banshee’s Sound Quake Augment to “Forgoes channeling to create a shockwave that deals 20x damage at the epicenter, gradually weakening as it expands out".
- Stunning or knocking down Conculysts during their whirlwind ability and Battalysts during their omnidirectional laser ability now cancels the ability.
- Removed Steam controller icons from the list of selectable sets and swapped them with the Xbox One icons.
- Removed the “Max Enemy Count Reached” message from Simulacrum enemy selector when first opening it and selecting enemies. It will now only appear when you attempt to spawn enemies and there isn't enough space. It will also no longer clear your previous selection when it happens to be over the limit when you first open it.
- Punch Through Mods no longer affect the Zenith’s Alternate Fire deployable disc.
- GPU particles are now part of melee slam sparks by default.
- Increased the size of Focus Lens icons to be more on par with the size of Forma, Mastery, and other icons.
- Optimized the Survival HUD slightly. This also fixes problems caused by playing with VSync disabled and joining a mission in progress with a poor network connection.
- Updated “Show Friend Invite Notifications” in your Gameplay options to “Show Friend Request Notifications” and “Receive Friend Invites From” to “Receive Friend Requests From”.
- Improved Decoration Placement camera collision.
- Updated some of the structures in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
- Operator Hoods will appear open and Masks removed when they are involved in a cut scene.
- Fixed a crash when trying to view the profile of someone who has Khora equipped.
- Fixed kill scan mechanic (Synoid Heliocor, Astral Autopsy Mod) not functioning.
- Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones applying Melee Stealth bonus 100% of the time.
- Fixed being perpetually stuck in Zephyr’s Dive Bomb animation when jumping through a Conduit in the same animation.
- Fixed very high bloom lighting in areas of the Lua tilesets and Grineer Settlement tilesets.
- Fixed the mini map overlapping the Trade item selection screen in Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed some waterfalls in the Plains not appearing in the correct orientation.
- Fixed puddles in the Grineer Shipyard tileset having a hard edge on their local reflections.
- Fixed Inaros' Desiccation GPU particles not applying chosen Energy color
- Fixed bad lighting with the giant eye sculpture in The War Within.
- Fixed cloth clipping in Trinity’s diorama.
- Fixed popping lens flare in Titania’s diorama.
- Fixed the Quartakk firing sounds getting cut off.
- Fixed Chroma’s Spectral Scream not using Energy colors.
- Fixed AI getting stuck on geometry in sections of the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed Syndicate Medallion FX not matching Syndicate colors.
- Fixed unintended difficulty when attempting to place Landing Craft Decorations as the Operator.
- Fixed Shotgun Scrambus projectiles not being deflected by Zephyr's Turbulence.
- Fixed the Zenith appearing to have 3 Alt-Firing modes in the Arsenal.
- Fixed some wonky clipping and holding poses on Warframe Articula when equipped with a Bow.
- Fixed flickering floor panels in Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed selected Warframe Ability resetting to #1 on controllers after loading into a mission or Reviving.
- Fixed fog FX from the Helminth Infirmary creeping more into the hallway than intended.
- Fixed a couple Obstacle Course strings having [PH] tags.
- Fixed issue where players could see outside of the orbiter if they looked through a small gap between the personal quarters ship doors.
- Fixed issue where the player would appear as an enemy if they flew a Dargyn that had been marked as a way-point. The marker will now update to reflect when a marked enemy or ally changes allegiance.
- Fixed the Volnus preview model rotating in the wrong direction when building in the foundry.
- Fixed issue where mouse UI would not transition to controller UI when the player was holding a decoration.
- Fixed gameplay stats not saving for ancient and ossified accounts.
- Fixed timed run score in Dojo Obstacle Courses being given to the hosting player instead of the client that ran it.
- Fixed a longstanding issue where you could spawn in the Dojo inside a deco and be stuck (often could jump out but not always).
- Fixed Kubrows investigating the same ragdolled enemy.
- Fixed colors not blending correctly into Equinox’s Night form design.
- Fixed AI getting stuck in ice walls in the Stofler node on Lua.
- Fixed being unable to back out of the Clan Permissions screen when using a controller.
- Fixed Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm’s tentacles sometimes appearing underneath the tile.
- Fixed a script error when using the Gear menu in the Arsenal.
- Fixed issue where opening Warframe customization in the Arsenal caused a script error.
- Fixed a script error if intended recipient of a gift has no Friends, and also has their gift mode setting set to "Friends Only".
- Fixed script errors when casting numerous Warframe Abilities.
- Fixed Clients sometimes instantly losing functionality and getting kicked from the squad after completing the first stage and transitioning to Archwing in the Jordas Golem Assassination mission on Eris.
- Fixed being unable to purchase multiple Sands of Inaros Quest Blueprints from Baro.
- Fixed a random Excalibur appearing unannounced (like really, no one invited him) at Onkko’s shop when attempting to assemble an Amp and at Hok’s Anvil when assembling a Zaw.
- Fixed blank Gear Wheel when returning from a Bounty in the Plains of Eidolon as a Client.
- Fixed the camera jittering wildly if you bullet jumped before you finished crouching in an area that was too small for you to be able to stand upright.
- Fixed Friend Invite notifications appearing regardless of whether the associated option is toggled on or off.
- Fixed Specters having trouble aiming at enemies who are not standing upright when using Equinox’s Metamorphosis Duality Augment.
- Fixed Nezha’s Warding Halo damaging ragdolled enemies impaled by Divine Spears at a much higher hit per interval than intended.
- Fixed a map hole in the roof of an elevator in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- Fixed Khora’s Venari disarming Vor after attacking him.
- Fixed Atomos missing its beam chain FX.
- Fixed Sugatras and other weapon attachments not simulating their cloth correctly if the weapon itself wasn't moving. This was most apparent on the login screen.
- Fixed there being no option to purchase Amp Slots in the Inventory screen under the Amp tab.
- Fixed an audio hang after mission debrief.
- The Silver Grove Quest fixes:
- Fixed missing bonfire decorations.
- Fixed missing objective text and transmission hints while searching for the Shrine in the first mission.
- Disabled Focus pickups in the Quest.
Update 23.0.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 23.0.8 HotFix==
9. Juli, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post Minor Optimizations:
==Update: 23.0.7 HotFix==
28. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 23.0.6 HotFix==
27. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post NEW WARFRAME AUGMENTS (Maxed Rank): Nidus - Ravenous - Insatiable:
Harrow - Thurible - Warding Thurible:
Octavia - Mallet - Partitioned Mallet (Community voted Augment!):
Ivara - Quiver - Empowered Quiver:
Visit the respective Syndicate Offerings for these new Warframe Augments! UI Improvements & Fixes:
Controller Improvements & Fixes:
The Sacrifice Quest Related Fixes:
==Update: 23.0.5 HotFix==
22. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post UI Improvements & Fixes:
Controller Improvements & Fixes:
The Sacrifice Quest Related Fixes:
==Update: 23.0.4 HotFix==
20. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post TOWSUN COLLECTION II Plains living is tough living, Tenno, especially in the sweltering summer. Channel the Ostron spirit of resilience with the Towsun Collection II! This collection includes:
Visit the Market to get this scorching-hot Collection for 180 Platinum now! VITRUVIAN GLYPH PACK Enjoyed The Sacrifice? Share your appreciation with the world with these Vitruvian Glyphs!
Each Glyph is available individually for 20 Platinum or as a bundle for 80 Platinum in the Market! UI Improvements & Fixes:
Controller Improvements & Fixes:
The Sacrifice Quest Related Changes & Fixes:
==Update: 23.0.3 Update==
19. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - Limbo Prime Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime have arrived - like magic! The Rifts are opening and a Cataclysm is about to begin. Wield the wily Void magician, bend the power of the Void to your will, and outwit your enemies. Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime Relics have replaced all locations of Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime, and Kronen Prime Relics:
Check out Limbo Prime Access here: Warframe.com PrimeAccess Nekros Prime, Galatine Prime, and Tigris Prime have entered the Vault! With this Vaulting comes the shift of the follow Syndicate sacrifices:
If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting. UI Improvements & Fixes:
The Sacrifice Quest Related Changes & Fixes: We have more Umbra/quest fixes queued up for our next Hotfix/Update. Thanks for your patience!
==Update: HotFix==
16. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post The Sacrifice Quest Changes:
==Update: 23.0.2 HotFix==
15. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post The Sacrifice Quest Fixes:
==Update: 23.0.1 HotFix==
15. Juni, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post The Sacrifice Quest Fixes: