Die folgenden Update Notizen beziehen sich auf alle Updates, Erweiterungen und HotFixes der Version 22 von Warframe. Teilweise können die Informationen hier auf Englisch oder Deutsch verfügbar sein. Je nach vorhandener Sprache steht vor jedem Forum Post entweder (deutsch) oder (englisch). Die Änderungen und/oder HotFixes befinden sich in einer Liste unter dem jeweiligem Update.
Kurz Erklärt
Das Wort Update kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet übersetzt Aktualisierung. Anders ausgedrückt heißt Update, etwas am momentanen Zustand zu ändern. Wenn etwas geupdated wurde, kann man auch sagen, es ist „up to date“, also auf dem neuesten Stand. Im EDV- bzw. IT- Bereich bezeichnet das Wort die Aktualisierung bzw. die neue oder fehlerfreie Version von Software oder Daten. Wenn sich ein Update auf den Bereich der Computersicherheit bezieht, wird es auch Security-Update genannt. Der Sinn von Updates besteht darin, ein Programm zu verbessern, indem die Funktionen erweitert werden, oder bestehende Sicherheitslücken zu schließen.
Von einem Hotfix ist die Rede, wenn eine Software vom Hersteller sehr schnell repariert werden soll. Daher auch die Namensgebung Hotfix. Übersetzt ins Deutsche bedeutet das hot = heiß und fix = reparieren. Sinn solcher so genannten Hotfix ist der, das schwere Fehler oder auch Sicherheitslücken schnellstmöglich behoben werden. Ein Hotfix bringt in der Regel deshalb auch keine erweiterten Funktionen für die Software. Er dient einzig und allein der Fehlerkorrektur.
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Update Verlauf: Version 22
Update 22.9.0
17. Januar, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post - TennoGen Round 11
TennoGen Round 11 is here, and it’s our biggest round yet!
It’s so big, in fact, that Darvo couldn't fit it all in one smuggling freighter without raising suspicion! As a result, TennoGen 11 will be delivered in three batches, with the first one available now!
TennoGen Round 11: Part 1 of 3:
Pistris Syandana by Stenchfury Steam
Cryona Syandana by led2012 Steam
Hydroid Poseidon Skin by Stenchfury Steam
Rhino Mastodon Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus. Steam
Vauban Graxx Skin by Faven Steam (please note that the screenshots display a white tint on his back. This is an older version, as the current in-game version has the artist intended change of tint coloring)
Saryn Napellus Skin by lukinu_u Steam
Wukong Auman Skin by Rekkou Steam
Phorcys Polearm Skin by Stenchfury Steam
Galatine Magesty Skin by prosetisen Steam
Dero Sword Skin by lukinu_u Steam
Oberon Ferosh Helmet by malayu and The_Grimmrock Steam
Market Changes: The following Market changes have been made to be more user friendly and easier to browse:
- The top left HOME tab has been renamed to CATEGORIES
- The Drop Down Icon has changed to an Arrow
- Renamed the first category in the drop down menu (currently called HOME) to FEATURED
- Updated Icons for CATEGORIES and FEATURED
- The TennoGen tab in the Market now has individual categories to better organize and sort the amazing growing collection of TennoGen items.
- Warframes and Weapons that you have fully ranked up will now display a ‘Mastered’ label in the items panel when viewing them in the Market diorama.
Quartakk Changes:
- Converted the Quartakk to a burst fire that fires all 4 rounds at the same time instead of a semi auto that fires 4 bullets per shot.
- Increased fire rate from 6.32 to 12.67.
- Increased Accuracy from 58.8 to 90.9.
- Reduced damage from 51 to 27.
- The War Within Choice Scene has been added to Captura! Completing The War Within for the first time will reward this in your Inbox. For those that have already completed The War Within quest, it has been retroactively added to your Captura Scene selection right on login.
- Melee weapons will now display a 'Block Damage' reduction stat in the Arsenal! This stat varies mostly between weapon categories, and while there are only select Mods that enhance the effects of blocking, the stat is still valuable to expose the mechanic. If you favour a melee playstyle, we hope you find this information valuable!
- Added a bit more variety to the dynamic weather in the Plains:
- Wind will become stronger if it is pouring. Currently rain and wind are independent of each other and cycle in a predictable pattern that we want to avoid.
- Increased Stubba's ammo pool from 285 to 399.
- Sarpa and Redeemer trace distance reduced to 300m to match the rest of the non-sniper weapons.
- Updated all mentions of "anti-matter" to read "antimatter".
- Update description of Nova's Null Star to reflect the damage reduction it gives per particle:
- Each active particle gives +5% damage reduction to Nova's Health, stacking up to 90%.
- Replace a vaulted Relic (Meso V2) with a current Relic (Meso H1) in the Daily Tribute rewards.
- The Plague Kripath now uses Rapier melee style instead of Sword melee style.
- Spearfishing spears can now kill Condrocs and Kuakas if you wish to do that.
- Optimized memory related to the Star Chart.
- Upon getting an OOM (Out Of Memory) crash, you will now be directed to here to guide you through some manual solutions.
- Fixes towards losing selected Bounty upon loading into the Plains with a full squad.
- Fixes towards Vomvalysts sometimes spawning at level 9999.
- Fixed Clients disconnecting on loading screen when entering a Captura Scene if the Host is Nidus and has the Mucusk Syandana equipped.
- Fixed the Corvette suddenly spraying and praying projectiles which led to getting insta-killed as seen here.
- Fixed getting stuck in the Operator customization screen when attempting to replay the Second Dream quest.
- Fixed getting no additional damage from Excalibur's passive when using Excalibur with a sword or rapier Zaw.
- Fixed having to restart the Zaw naming process all over again if you attempted to put an invalid character in the name. You will now be sent back to the Zaw naming input screen.
- Fixed enemies not spawning during the Defense portion of The War Within quest after following the ship through the asteroids.
- Fixed some cases where the Thousand-Year Fish Statuette was not awarded after scanning them all. You should now see it in your Inbox/Inventory.
- Fixed Mirage Hall of Mirror clones not properly applying weapon upgrades to projectile weapons.
- Fixed the Javlok no longer sticking inside of enemies that did not die from the javelin.
- Fixed the Javlok marker not displaying if Transferring to Operator before the Javlok lands.
- Fixed a Host Migration breaking the Grineer Sealab Sabotage mission if occurred at the beginning.
- Fixed sounds/visual FX playing in the Orbiter when certain loadouts were applied to Articula.
- Fixed the Articula changing to a random loadout upon switching Sentinels.
- Fixed Apothic Codex entries not being given during The Silver Grove quest.
- Fixed Emoting on a kneeling pad causing the context action to swap and the emote won't clear.
- Fixed an issue where not all birds (ground birds vs already flying birds) in Plains of Eidolon were counting towards the Pest Control achievement.
- Fixed Nezha Warding Halo ability timer not displaying when Transferring back from Operator.
- Fixed Noggles sometimes losing their head.
- Fixed only reloading 1 bullet (instead of the whole magazine) if you use alt fire on the Corinth while reloading the first bullet.
- Fixed some enemy navigation issues at the entrance of Vay Hek’s Assassination boss room.
- Fixed causing a Host migration after reaching point B in a Defection mission causing the defectors to not leave point B when you tell them to.
- Fixed another instance of Grineer gaining super leg strength and jumping 40 meters to greet you as seen here.
- Fixed the Simulor's Critical Chance displaying 2% instead of 12% in the Arsenal.
- Fixes towards objective marker not guiding you to each stage of Vay Hek’s Assassination boss fight.
- Fixed numerous spot loading issues when joining a squad.
- Fixed Titania ability script errors when entering the Simulacrum Arsenal while they are active.
- Fixed being able to Archwing out of the level during the Archwing phase in The War Within quest.
- Fixed not being able to Chat link the "Landing Craft Foundry Segment" and the "Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment".
- Fixed automatically hard landing when attempting to switch weapons while Aim Gliding.
- Fixed seeing a ‘Friend Note’ lingering when entering the tunnel to the Plains.
- Fixed some Relics showing "Cetus Bounties" multiple times in their Drop Sources list.
- Fixed the UI locking up when using a controller and attempting to add a friend.
- Fixed a small hitch when loading into any Earth mission.
- Fixed the Mercury Junction appearing as a tile texture when flying into it.
- Fixed receiving an error when attempting to sell the Mote Amp.
- Fixed a script error when casting Gara’s Mass Vitrify.
- Fixed the Invasion UI showing 3/3 completed missions after completing more than 3 missions.
- Fixed misaligned text in the Invasion tab in the World State Window.
- Fixed an unlocalized message when you have completed a Mobile Defense mission.
- Viper Wraith damage reduced in Conclave.
- Reduced the projectile width of the Arca Plasmor.
- Reduced dash distance of Conclave stance Fateful Truth's Leaping Blade.
- Conclave Mod Skull Shots can no longer refresh while it's effect is active.
- The Conclave Mod Overcharged description now correctly states that 100% of 50 Energy converted to Energy on respawn.
Update 22.8.0
21. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post - Ghoul Purge Bounties
4 New Bounties: Ghoul Purge!
Ghoul threats have arrived! These recurring bounties feature the Ghoul monstrosities. Help defend Cetus and destroy the Ghouls.... but their destruction may not be permanent! Expect the Ghouls to re-emerge regularly.
Ghoul Purge will introduce these new Grineer Ghoul Enemies and Variants:
Known colloquially as the 'drill sergeant', the Augur is fast-grown into its enhancements. As with all Ghouls, no regard is given to the proper development of its higher functions. Cantilevered leg augments propel the unit toward the fray at speed, while over- and under-mounted extendable drill carriages magnify both reach and penetrating power.
Whether through aberrant cognition or sheer brutality one specimen always moves to the front of each pack. It is from this individual that the other units take their lead.
Vay Hek's personal favorite, the Devourer is a maximal terror unit. Draped in shreds of the diapause bag that birthed it, this gap-mawed monstrosity barrels toward prey with furious intensity. Wrist-mounted hooks are welded to elbow joints and hyperpowered by a myotechnological winch system for maximum impact-and-pull.
The Expired are Ghouls who have succumbed to malnutrition or environmental poisoning during the early stages of development. Their backup nervous systems continue to drive them forward, however, making them ideal suicide troops.
Why this emaciated monstrosity chose to abandon its pack remains to be seen.
So named for its terrifying leer, the Rictus (AKA 'the Sawman') lives to divide and conquer its foes - literally.
GHOUL RICTUS ALPHA This specimen shows evidence of advanced cognitive abilities and greater, if rudimentary, situational analysis. Cold blooded and ruthless, t is easy to see how this specimen led its pack so ably.
New Tenno Weapons:
Deliver a massive punch with each blast of this shotgun, or launch a round that explodes mid-air knocking down nearby enemies. Find this weapon or its Blueprint in the Market today!
Lacerate attackers with two razor sharp warfans. Find this weapon or its Blueprint in the Market or Tenno Research lab today!
New Stance:
Fans: Slicing Feathers! Twirling acrobatic slashes with a refined touch!
New Grineer Weapons:
Annihilate targets with four simultaneous shots from this high-caliber Grineer rifle. Find this weapon in the Market or from Ghoul Bounty rewards today!
Inflict rapid-fire bursts of pain with this Grineer submachine gun. Find this weapon in the Market or from Ghoul Bounty rewards today!
New Grineer Cosmetics:
Victory over the Grineer, draped across your shoulders.
Grineer plate, trophies from battle on the Plains of Eidolon.
New Grineer Bundle:
Make a devastating entrance with the Maggor Assault Pack. Includes the Quartakk quad-barrelled assault rifle and hard-hitting Stubba submachinegun, with matching Maggor armor and syandana.
Invite Players to Your Orbiter!
Warframe’s shared-world experience now expands to your Orbiter with the option to invite your friends to come aboard! Players have been requesting this feature ever since we introduced the Landing Crafts back in Update 14. If you played back then, you’ll remember cabin space was very limited, but it has expanded over the years. To make room for your squad, we’re expanding your Orbiter further by adding the new Personal Quarters!
To receive the new Personal Quarters Segment Blueprint, you must complete The War Within. Players who have already completed the quest will receive the Blueprint automatically in their inbox.
Customize your Personal Quarters!
Vignettes: Choose the centerpiece of your Personal Quarters from the following 8 Vignettes. Each Vignette adds its own ambiance and flare to your space.
- Earth Vignette
- Aquarium Vignette
- Cephalon Vignette
- Europa Vignette
- Eidolon Vignette
- Mars Vignette
- Kuva Fortress Vignette
Purchase Vignettes individually from the selection list, or all of them from the “Vignette Bundle” located in the Market.
Stencils: Add some color and theme your Quarters’ walls with Stencils!
- Corpus Stencil
- Grineer Queens Stencil
- Grineer Stencil
- Ostron Stencil
- Tenno Stencil
Purchase Stencils individually from the selection list or from the Market.
Aquarium: Bring home the fish you’ve caught from the Plains with your own Aquarium! Simply select “Customize Quarters” to pick the tank you want to house fish from your inventory. Fish will be removed from your inventory, but can be retrieved at any time from your tanks.
Warframe Display: Put your Warframe on display! Choose from your loadouts to showcase your best look in full scale.
Somachord: Add ambiance to your Orbiter with the Somachord! Unlock songs by locating and scanning Somachord Tones scattered throughout the Solar System. Find them all to complete songs!
Increased Decoration Capacity: To accommodate all the new decorations coming in Update 23, capacity has been split into 4 different areas (Transference Room, Helminth Infirmary, Personal Quarters, and everything in between) with a capacity of 1200 EACH to hold all your ship’s flair.
And since we know some of you really enjoy personalizing your Orbiter, we will be overhauling decoration placement to be more streamlined in 2018! These currently unreleased changes (discussed in Devstream #103) will include grid snapping, placing floating decorations, and much more!
New Orbiter Decorations!
Warframe Articula: Posable scale models of your favorite Warframes are here! To place, open your decoration tool and select “Warframe Articula”. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, customize by selecting from your existing loadouts, choosing a pose from the “Warframe Gun Pose Set”, and swapping weapons! Due to their complexity, Articula take more Capacity than most decorations so placement will be limited. For example, you won’t be able to place a large number of Articula like you can with Noggles.
Trees, Planters and more! Explore a new line of decorations including some plants and decorative toys for your Companions!
New Operator Animation Sets!
There is a new Operator customization option available: School specific animations! Zenurik, Naramon, Unairu, Madurai, and Vazarin have their own set of idle animations. These are freely for the school of your choice. If you unlock each school, each set becomes available for your operator!
Captura improvements: Archwing & DoF!
- Archwing can now be deployed in Captura!
- Added a Depth of Field toggle in Captura! As opposed to the current Depth of Field slider, the toggle will completely turn it on or off.
A note on intent with announced Changes
As noted in our 2017/2018 Roadmap.
We are not shipping Damage 2.5 changes simply because we'd have less than a day to Hotfix issues. This applies to Volt changes too. We do not want to ship something that we are unable to Hotfix for more than a week.
We have plans to make 2018 kickoff with long overdue reviews. Enjoy your holidays with some new gear and more while we enjoy ours, and we'll return in 2018 well rested and ready to rock!
Bounty Fixes:
- Fixed a timing issue where Konzu's Bounties would not refresh properly.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD wouldn't update when accepting bounties.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Bounty Accepted' transmission wouldn't play when taking on a new Bounty.
- Fixed an issue where you'd have to leave Cetus and return to see a new Day's bounties.
- Fragments in your Codex are now categorized based on their origin (Cephalon, Cetus, Gara, and Ghouls).
- You can now replay Bounties for Standing!
- You can now use Emotes in your Orbiter! Deep bows all around.
- Mirage's Hall of Mirrors casting animation has been changed to match the style of the Mirage Prime trailer!
- Removed reticle animation when sprinting due to feedback.
- Improved sound ambience and performance on a Grineer Settlement tileset door.
- The body tendrils on Nezha’s Yaksha Tennogen Skin is now tintable and will take tints from the tertiary slot.
- Lieutenant Lech Kril changes:
- Lech Kril will now prioritize using his ice abilities instead of melee when he can.
- Upon destroying Lech Kril's backpack, his ice abilities will have their cooldowns reset to reduce time spent waiting around.
- Changed Lech Kril's Ice Wave ability so that it doesn’t halt the fight when players are meleeing him.
- Added FX to Lech Kril's weakspot that changes tint based on how much damage his backpack has taken to help make the objective clearer to new player.
- Very slightly tweaked hitbox location for backpack to try and achieve more consistent damage.
- When Decorating your Dojo, your selected Decoration will now be deselected if you type into the search bar and the Decoration in question does not appear on the results page. This should help prevent players accidentally building the wrong item!
- Ambulas is now immune to Viral Damage. This will fix issues where Ambulas becomes unhackable.
- Fixed Nova being able to Worm Hole her way out of the Kuva Fortress tileset on Dakata.
- Fixed Operator Vahd Greaves overlapping with other styles of Operator suit causing it to clip.
- Fixed Sentient Cores disappearing if they are on the ground and another player joins the session.
- Attempt to fix a progress stopper in Sealab Sabotage when killing Tyl Regor’s Project specimen before it steps off the platform.
- Fixed Client Zaw stats only showing Strike stats in the Simulacrum Arsenal instead of all components.
- Fixed Punch-Through projectiles hitting multiple times against Drones/Ships.
- Fixed a Rampart spawning inside of a wall in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed Mirage Prime’s Eclipse applying only the basic textures.
- Fixed Tusk Dargyn hovering above its target instead of flying around.
- Fixed Ferrox primary projectiles sometimes not appearing when in Limbo's Cataclysm and Stasis.
- Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors clones not playing the proper idles if an idle set is equipped.
- Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors clones inheriting customizations they shouldn't have in Conclave.
- Potential fix for Bounties overlapping in the UI when talking to Konzu.
- Fixed crash related to fighting Teralsyt.
- Fixed Clients disconnecting from host when trying to load into a Captura or Simulacrum session at the same time as the host.
- Fixed inaccurate and broken mini-map in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
- Fixed animation issue when charging an arrow immediately after firing a shot using Bows.
- Fixed mods like Quick Return and Power Throw not applying when dual wielding a throwing melee weapon.
- Fixed missing textures on Diriga during the purge sequence of The War Within.
- Fixed Survival UI for clients changing between two languages if their selected language is different than the host’s.
- Fixed Tusk Heavy Gunner using the incorrect textures.
- Fixed Reactant counters not showing properly for Squadmates if the Operator is out.
- Fixed various rocks in Cetus being unaffected by Rain.
- Fixed the Glaive consistently circling around the player. Sorry we know it was cool but not intended!
- Fixed an issue with the Varykor Sydon's Radial Blind looping its animation.
- Fixed an issue with Octavia customizations being overridden.
- Fixed an issue with Equinox's night form not playing nice with Archwing customization colours.
Update 22.8.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.8.4 HotFix==
11. Januar, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.8.3 HotFix==
11. Januar, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post We’re back with another Quality of Life Hotfix for 2018! As stated in Hotfix 22.8.2, we’re working our way towards refining content such as Khora, Damage 2.5, and more. You can expect news about TennoGen Round 11 and more this Friday on Devstream #104! Objective Text Changes:
==Update: 22.8.2 HotFix==
4. Januar, 2018 (englisch) Forum Post We’re back in the Warframe saddle for the first Hotfix of 2018! The team is still very focused on our 2018 proposals mentioned in the Early 2018 Roadmap (Khora, Damage 2.5, new Teralyst variants, etc). Stay tuned for an updated Dev Workshop post and more about these upcoming changes. For today, our main goals for this Hotfix were improvements towards Cetus>Plains matchmaking, and War Within quest progression stopping issues. With these major issues tackled, it’s all hands on deck for some juicy Warframe additions/changes! Quartakk Changes:
==Update: 22.8.1 HotFix==
22. Dezemeber, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: HotFix==
21. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.7.0
12. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post - Mirage Prime
Mirage Prime: Dazzle the opposition with this golden master of illusion and mayhem with increased Shield and Armor!
Deliver a golden knockout with these prime melee weapons.
Gilded rails adorn these two vicious bolt-launching pistols.
Bring the golden illusionist to life with Mirage Prime Access: [1]
Saryn Prime, Nikana Prime and Spira Prime have entered the Prime Vault, and their Relics are no longer be obtainable in the game.
*If you already wield the power of these Primes or if you already hold Relics in your inventory that house these Primes, they will remain in your inventory.
As a result of Saryn Prime, Nikana Prime, and Spira Prime entering the Prime Vault, the following Syndicate sacrifices have been swapped:
Arbiters of Hexis:
Saryn Prime Neuroptics swapped to Nekros Prime Neuroptics Spira Prime Blade swapped to Cernos Prime Lower Limb
Perrin Sequence:
Nikana Prime Blade swapped to Venka Prime Gauntlet
Red Veil:
Saryn Prime Chassis swapped to Banshee Prime Chassis
Steel Meridian:
Saryn Prime Neuroptics swapped to Nekros Prime Neuroptics Änderungen:- You can now swap to your primary weapon while holding Volt's Electric Shield, doing this will drop the Electric Shield. You can drop the Electric Shield as before to avoid switching to another weapon.
- Fixed being stuck in an unmovable state when attempting to return to Archwing during The War Within asteroid field phase.
- Fixed Naramon Disarming Blast breaking several boss fights as reported here.
- Fixed enemies never really ever attacking Octavia’s Mallet while following it.
- Fixed Clients not getting the combo bonus damage boost from Octavia’s Mallet when combined with Resonator.
- Fixed "Required In Vault" Dojo decorations not showing up in the list of placeable decorations.
- Fixed the Syndicate Medallion/Sentient Core redemption UI allowing you to redeem a decimal value. Medallions/Cores were never actually redeemed as this was purely a UI issue.
- Fixed disabling dynamic resolution not restoring the scale back to 100% for Temporal Anti-aliasing Jitter.
- Fixed "Abandoning Objective" text staying on screen if you blow by the objective in Sky Archwing in the Plains.
- Fixed missing Operator VO and subtitles during The War Within cinematics.
- Fixed a loss of functionality when attempting to purchase a Kubrow Egg from Darvo.
- Fixed crates spawning out of reach in the Orokin Derelict.
- Fixed sounds not playing properly when firing the Baza.
- Fixed a texture gap on the floor of the Grineer Forest tileset.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to dissolve a “new” Mod for Endo.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Prowl ability.
- Fixed the Combo list of a Modded melee weapon not showing up in the Conclave Arsenal.
- Fixed Daily/Weekly Conclave Challenges not completeing or tracking your progress as reported here.
Update 22.6.0
7. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
We’re bringing you what we call a “mainline” update today. This is every fix and QoL change we have been working on since October in addition to content drops. 22.6.0 sets the stage for a bigger end of year Update that includes Khora and more! It’s important to note that sometimes mainline updates can be rocky since they have deep overhauls for optimization within. We will be actively watching for bugs and your feedback on the additions and changes below!
Dynamic Weather in the Plains of Eidolon!
The Plains of Eidolon now have changing weather patterns! This new dynamic weather system brings rain, lightning, rolling thunder, as well as fluctuating wind and cloud patterns. The Plains can shift from sunshine to rain (and vice versa) during the day and night, and rain will linger for a reasonable amount of time.
Jumping in puddles isn’t the only good thing about being out in the Plains during the rain! Take advantage of increased fish spawns and reduced visibility for the Grineer while it is raining.
A rain slider has also been added to the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene. Adjust the slider from a light trickle to total downpour and capture your dramatic side!
Focus 2.5:
Since the launch of Focus 2.0 in Update 22: Plains of Eidolon, you have shared your thoughts and suggestions on where we could improve on Operator gameplay as a whole. Focus 2.5 is a reflection of what we’ve learned through your experiences, and acts as a jumping-off point for future implementations that need more consideration before they reach you (daily cap removal for example).
Below you will find a breakdown of what has changed in Focus 2.5. If you would like to read more about our intent and motivation for these changes, and some of our future plans for Operator gameplay, head on over to “The Features of Focus 2.5” Dev Workshop thread.
First things first!
- The following have been refunded so that you may redistribute as you please:
- Focus points: Similar to the Focus 2.0, points invested into the 5 Focus Schools will be refunded back to their correlating School. For example, Zenurik Focus points will be refunded back into Zenurik for redistribution.
- Brilliant Eidolon Shards: Shards invested in waybounds have been returned as items, while shards that have been turned into Focus points have been refunded as points.
- Installed Lenses have not been affected, and will remain on your Warframes and weapons.
- The cost of Focus as a whole is now roughly half of what it was before, thanks to the the millions of Focus points saved on pool capacity and node cost reductions!
- Focus abilities have been tweaked to improve usability and to bring overall power levels of the five schools closer together.
Shared Pool Capacity:
We have added shared pool capacity! You can now upgrade your pool size using the points from any School you wish, which increases the maximum capacity for every school all at once.
You can increase pool capacity from your active tree. Simply select a School of choice as your “primary” and use its Focus points to increase the shared pool capacity.
The ability to increase capacity from within the tree itself still exists, but these points will contribute to the shared pool instead.
Node Costs:
The costs of unlocking nodes across all trees have, on average, been reduced by almost 30%. The table below compares what a 5 rank passive node (like Zenurik’s Energy Pulse) costs before and after these changes:
Focus School ability changes:
- Void Singularity’s pull speed has been doubled.
- Lightning Dash now costs 10 energy per cast.
- Guardian Blast now grants 160 shields at max, up from 100.
- Protective Dash now grants 5s of immunity at max, up from 2s.
- Void Spines now reflects 100% damage at max, up from 25%.
- Stone Skin now adds flat armor, 60 for both Warframe and Operator at max.
- Void Strike now continues accumulating damage boosts over multiple uses of void mode, each rank adds additional attacks up to a max of 8.
- Blazing Dash now stuns enemies instead of ragdolling.
We are excited to see how you feel about these changes, and will be collecting your feedback on Focus 2.5 changes in the dev workshop we posted earlier this week.
Incursions in Plains of Eidolon Caves:
The following Incursions can now occur in Caves scattered around the Plains: Exterminate, Assassinate, and Cache Recovery. The objectives in these Incursions are the same as they are in the Plains, but there is now a chance for these to randomly take place in caves!
Bait, Dye, and Pharoma - Fixes, Changes and Additions:
The intent of the following changes is to make fishing a more harmonious experience for you and your squad! Until now, Bait, Dye, and Pharoma has only exclusively affected the player who used it. Moving forward, all squadmates will receive benefits from Bait or other fishing consumables in the Plains. The fish you see will still vary from player to player, however, the effects of these consumables will be shared across all members.
When making this change, we also reviewed how each of these consumables worked and tweaked them slightly for the sake of consistency and balance:
- You can now throw Pharoma and Luminous Dye like Bait!*
- Dye, Pharoma and Bait now only work within a certain radius around its casting point. Any player fishing within the radius around this casting point will benefit from its effects.
* In order for Luminous Dye and Pharoma to work within this system, they are now thrown like bait. They float in the water and affect all fish in the same body of water within a certain radius. This way you can cast out the Dye in one place, and all players will see the fish get highlighted as they swim near it. Multiple Dyes can be used at once, if you want to affect a larger section of the water.
Finally, we made the following changes and fixes to fishing:
- Added custom Bait throwing animation.
- Active Bait will no longer be destroyed by fish.
- Reduced fish escape speed when spooked.
- Fixes towards fish swimming through terrain.
- Fixed rare case where fishing Bait would not float properly.
- Fixes towards Bait being destroyed if thrown into shallow ponds where the bait would hit the bottom before floating to the surface.
- Fixed clients being able to throw one more Bait than they actually have.
- Fixed an issue where some fish could swim in the air.
Gara Mass Vitrify Changes:
- Mass Vitrify is no longer invulnerable and now has sections that break off and explode as it absorbs incoming damage. The amount of damage absorbed scales with Power Strength and Armor. Explosion damage scales with Power Strength.
- Mass Vitrify no longer has a duration and remains until recast, destroyed from damage, or smashed with Shattered Lash.
Gara is still relatively new as far as Warframes are concerned but since her release, we’ve found (and many players have found) that an invulnerable and almost impenetrable barrier doesn’t allow for a very engaging gameplay experience. We know that other Warframes also have Powers with similar issues, but adding a shattering component to Mass Vitrify is a change we could easily implement that is consistent with Gara’s glass theme while also making Mass Vitrify more interactive.
With these new changes, we can tweak the absorption and explosion values as necessary to make sure Mass Vitrify is both fun and effective. Please keep your feedback constructive and let us know what you think after you’ve had a chance to test these new changes.
Volt Change(s):
- Reduced Electric Shield’s Energy Cost per meter to 1 Energy per 4 meters (down from 1 per 1 meter)
We previously announced changes to Discharge in this thread. But after further testing, we found that the changes were a lot more powerful than anticipated (we’ve included a video below). As a result, Discharge has not been changed yet. We will continue to work on Discharge improvements before releasing them in a future update. Sorry for getting anyone excited prematurely for Discharge! We appreciate your patience.
Reticle Changes:
- Reticle will turn blue when targeting allies and red when targeting enemies.
- Reticle will show different states for hip, aim and sprint.
- Context actions will dim when aiming while they are active.
Objective UI & UX Improvements:
- All non-endless Solar Map and quest missions now display short objective instructions for each stage with a matching marker icon in the UI, similar to those displayed on the Plains.. Some endless missions also have new objective text.
- Simplified and cleaned up any existing objective UI's general alignment, ordering and spacing to make it more readable.
- Reworded language in some existing missions’ objective UI for clarity, and added more appropriate text to some timers instead of the generic 'Time'.
- Fixed many small consistency issues and bugs with objective markers and replaced some existing mission markers with area markers where appropriate.
- Added area markers to Hive missions to cover highlight areas where the destroyable tumor nodes spawned around each hive.
- During long dialog stages in quests, there will now always be an area marker so that players don't get confused about where they should be.
- Changed timer description in Rescue missions to “Time Limit” instead of “Time Left”.
- In-world markers for Incursion/Bounty objectives locations will no longer disappear for others when someone reaches it first - it will persist for players who aren't in the area yet.
- In-world markers for Incursion/Bounty objectives will reappear if you leave the objective area.
- The countdown timer when leaving the perimeters of an objective in the Plains has moved to a more visible spot in the UI. It also states that you are “abandoning objective”.
- Changed the marker for downed Capture targets from red to a yellow objective marker - this will make it clearer to players that they need to use the context action instead of continuing to damage the target.
- Objective timers are now greyed out when paused.
- 'Get to extraction' objective appears on the UI when extraction is enabled (excludes missions where extraction is optional).
- Extraction Timer text changed from 'Time:' to 'Extracting In:' so it can't be confused with other active timers.
- Some missions with large extraction zones like landing pads now use a green area extraction marker. Adjusted some extraction zones so that they fill the whole landing pad and marker area, instead of half of a landing pad.
- Removed panels from Corpus doors which never did anything to avoid new player confusion because they would light up during lockdowns.
- Fixed missing markers on Corpus co-op doors.
- The Rescue Target in the Plains now has a HUD health indicator located under your mini-map.
- Fixed objective waypoint not disappearing after successfully destroying the Reactor in Sabotage missions.
- Fixed Bounty waypoint directing players to extraction when Archwing is immediately deployed upon entering the Plains.
- Fixed objective waypoint not disappearing after successfully taking the Vessel from the tomb in the last mission of the Sands of Inaros Quest.
- Fixed some Markers being stuck in the at origin on the minimap.
- Fixed unlocked icon appearing very dimly on Grineer doors.
- Added Zaw Strikes and Amps to the Equipment tab on player Profiles. Zaw and Amp Mastery gain also is now tracked!
- Added resistance, armor type, and health type information to the Eidolon Vomvalyst’s Codex entry.
- Added 750 Day Daily Tribute Reward, the “Guiding Rose Cache”. This Cache includes:
- Guiding Rose Glyph
- Exilus Adapter
- 3 Day Affinity Booster
- Added a “Sale Manifest” window when selling your Mods for Credits or dissolving them for Endo. The window will provide information on the sale for you to review before you confirm or cancel.
- Made performance and memory optimizations to the Plains of Eidolon and other tilesets. If you were experiencing crashes before, we hope that these changes will be the fix!
- The Corpus Gas City and Grineer Settlement tilesets have received an audio remaster! We revised the sounds in these tiles and used updated engine tech so that certain ambient sounds are more noticeable and clear. The remaster adds more character and personality to the audio and will also make enemies easier to pick out.
- Time between Incursions will increase if you let an Incursion alert expire. The Lotus can take a hint!
- A single Vomvalyst in its energy-form near multiple Lures will now only feed a charge to a single Lure. However, to improve overall survivability of the Lures, we have changed Eidolon Lures to always spawn at level 30 regardless of Bounty level or distance from the gate.
- Hunter Command Mod change: your Companion will now focus on an enemy for a set duration when they are first slash proc’d by you. While focused on a target, they will ignore any other newly proc’d enemies and will go back to their default behavior after the duration expires.
- Operators and Ostron Vendors in Cetus have had their eyes beautified with shaders.
- The beams from Trinity’s Link now fade out when the Ability has ended.
- Lephantis’ melee attacks will now knock you back if you’re hit!
- Smoothed NPC movement for clients with a poor connection to host.
- Replaced an old version of the reactor in Grineer Settlement Sabotage with the newer (and fewer-pronged) version used in the Grineer Shipyard Tileset.
- Removed blue undertone from Nekros Irkalla’s energy wisps.
- Improved AI pathing in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
- Overall UI optimizations.
- Reduced number of stasis mines in Archwing Rush.
- Added 'destroyable' shine FX to mines in Archwing Rush.
- A Skiff VIP has been added to the list of commanders in Dynamic Assassinate Incursions.
- Improving the responsiveness of loadouts in Relays and Cetus.
- Made improvements towards less hitches in Relays.
- Improved AI pathing on the Grineer Settlement tileset.
- Audio will now properly resume if your audio device is disconnected and then reconnected.
- Grineer Melee enemies on the Plains are now able to climb to the top of the Storage Containers.
- Tuned down the bloom on the wings of the Chroma Vojnik Battle-Damaged Tennogen Skin.
- Improved lighting on the Lua tileset doors.
- Changed “enemies are dead” transmission to “broken their ranks” transmission in Invasion missions.
- Updated one of Lotus’ lines for the Mastery Rank 25 test to better match the test.
- Fixed an improperly placed wall in the Grineer Settlement Tileset.
- Fixed short freezes that could occur in the Dojo when too many decorations have completed at once.
- Fixed extra "NONE" option in the attachments sub-menu.
- Fixed chat sometimes failing to connect for several minutes upon initial login.
- Fixed chat history being erased upon host migration.
- Fixed the mission countdown starting right away when starting Index missions for The Glast Gambit through the World State Window, making it possible for players to start without having selected a Wager. Now the countdown shouldn't start until the player has selected their Wager on the screen.
- Fixed a slight hitch when loading into your Orbiter if you had scanned all the Glass Fish in the Plains.
- Fixed player movement not replicating for squadmates when entering a room in the Relay after completing a mission.
- Fixed mission rewards appearing outside of the UI if the End of Mission screen is opened in front of the Syndicate Console in the Orbiter.
- Fixed leaving squad after completing a Bounty resulting in the UI showing a failed Bounty screen, or the broken final stage of the completed Bounty. This was simply a visual bug - players still received the completed Bounty rewards!
- Fixed being unable to place a variety of Dojo Decorations in the Tempertania Water Garden as per:.
- Fixed being unable to take your Companions into the Dojo.
- Fixed By the Dawn’s Early Light achievement being unlocked by matchmaking into the Plains via Cetus as a client.
- Fixed multiple Dojo rooms being built upon each other sometimes resulting in players being unable to enter the Dojo.
- Fixed being able to see the underbelly of Cetus when Fast Travelling.
- Fixed Deru Syandana flickering when viewed at certain angles.
- Fixed some blood spatter in Cetus appearing black. These splatters have been revisited to appear… fresher.
- Fixed the “Pick Up Void Key” prompt in the Archwing Quest floating too high in the sky.
- Fixed being unable to complete or contribute to a Decoration if it was started prior to lowering Clan Tier.
- Patched a hole in the Grineer Galleon tileset that enemies could fall through.
- Fixed missing texture in Grineer Galleon Sabotage missions.
- Fixed Grineer Settlement Sabotage on Mars using the wrong procedural level layout.
- Fixed a hole in the Corpus Ice Planet Tileset.
- Fixed a rare case of the Ascaris becoming invisible in the Vor's Prize quest.
- Fixes towards being able to press X anywhere to teleport after activating a Teleporter in the Dojo or Relay.
- Fixes towards black squares in exits/ports in the Ceres Shipyard Tileset.
- Fixed Lech Kril’s hammer turning invisible when attacking an invisible player.
- Fixed navigation issues in the “follow the music” segment of Octavia’s Anthem Quest.
- Fixed Amprex FX script that could crash if owner was killed on the first frame after firing.
- Fixed an issue where the tip of the Lunaro Arcata would be swirly.
- Fixed Concealed Explosives mod description showing Pistol instead of Thrown.
- Fixed arrow skins not showing when equipped with the Lenz.
- Fixed Default Colors not saving for Syandanas when selected.
- Fixed Flameblade not always hitting player on second and third swing.
- Fixed a case where the Inbox decline button in a message would be too big.
- Fixed some lighting issues on Nidus' Rupture.
- Fixed hovering over water FX showing for players who are not hovering.
- Fixed second player in a squad not replicating properly when entering a Relay.
- Fixed some decorations in The Jordas Verdict.
- Fixed a progress stopper that could occur because of host migration during an Assassination Bounty on PoE.
- Fixed Grineer Lancer Grakata reload animation.
- Fixed needing both “toggle crouch” and “hold to crouch” bound to a key. Now only one needs to be bound to reduce redundancy.
- Fixed a rare case of Bounties not progressing if you engaged with a Grineer Camp that later was used for a Bounty Stage.
- Fixed enemies being able to pass through the door to Cetus.
- Fixed a rare UI and transmissions bug that could occur if you engaged with a Grineer Camp that later was used for a Bounty Stage.
- Fixed the range increase from Iron Vault scaling with Exodia Contagion.
- Fixed a misplaced body of water on Uranus Spy Vault.
- Fixed typo in Spy Catcher Bounty.
- Fixed hood closed option changing the Operator face.
- Fixed Nekros Irkalla showing incorrect FX.
- Fixed Syrinx armor clipping on certain skins.
- Fixed not being able to activate Hydraulus as Operator during Octavia’s Anthem.
- Fixed several collision issues on a few Grineer tilesets.
- Fixed being able to trade an Eidolon Lens that is currently being crafted.
- Fixed Operator exploit to become perma invisible and invincible.
- Fixed Solar Map text covering transmissions.
- Fixed vertical movement animations not showing for squad mates in Archwing.
- Fixed Exalted Blade flickering at certain angles.
- Fixed aim glide animation while using pistol and Glave.
- Fixed missing Quest Complete diorama for Man of Few Words.
- Fixed the Auto Turrets (mg, mortar, anti AW) doors not closing after turret destroyed. Doors now close when agent is destroyed.
- Fixed Mending Tides charges replenishing on death.
- Fixed various Loc issues.
- Fixed Latchers spawning at inordinately high levels in the Plains.
- Fixed Exodia Hunt affecting allies.
- Fixed Ammo Depot display ring to count up instead of down.
- Fixed Sprint toggling off due to shooting during a slide.
- Fixed issue where Apothics used at The Silver Grove, and Kela de Thaym Judgement Points were not consumed if network errors occurred.
- Fixed crosshair being visible when opening and closing the Gear menu while holding your mining beam.
- Fixed a rare case in Drone Escort where HUD would not disappear when Hijack completed.
- Fixed certain ambiance sounds in various tilesets not playing.
- Fixed flickering textures in an Earth Tileset cave.
- Fixed being unable to use Ivara’s Zipline in one of the Grineer camps in the Plains.
- Fixed glowing blocks on the signs in Cetus.
- Fixed marker missing for players when encountering a Teralyst.
- Fixed destroyed Lephantis head reappearing after host-migration.
- Fixed the Pyra and Tantu Sugatra spinning around when equipping on some weapons.
- Fixed the Nelumbo Syandana floating on the Ember Vermillion Skin.
- Fixed being unable to deploy Archwing in some specific locations within the Plains.
- Fixed map holes on E-Prime and Mariana.
- Fixed missing collision on the Grineer Radar in the Plains.
- Fixed non-Archwing weapons displaying when transitioning into Archwing mode (usually occurs in Quests).
- Fixed Bullet Dance Stance Lead Tango combo not playing properly with the Redeemer causing it to loop gunfire repeatedly.
- Fixed Focus Lens Bounty rewards missing the correlating Focus icon.
- Fixed certain weapons and abilities with Blast damage launching enemies to very far distances.
- Fixed players being able to jump or fly out of Hunhow’s Datascape Scene in Captura.
- Fixed being able to break through the Simaris Synthesis tutorial by wall-jumping around.
- Fixed Condrocs being able to spawn in caves in the Plains and preventing them from flying away when startled as intended.
- Fixed issue where players could get hit by rock and fall underneath the Lua tileset.
- Fixed Warframe health and shields being displayed when you’re playing as your Operator.
- Fixed Ferrox’s projectiles not affected by Limbo’s Stasis and shooting in whatever direction the first shot was fired.
- Fixed Mass Vitrify freezing enemies that are ability resistant (similar to Frost freezing abilities).
- Fixed several issues with markers in Lua Spy mission on client / host migration and client join-in-progress.
- Fixed portal in the Lua rescue room breaking if there was a host migration before releasing the hostage.
- Fixed the Bounty list in Cetus not updating upon completing the “Prove Yourself” Bounty.
- Fixed the Ammo Case and Ammo Mutation mods not working after going in and out of the Plains twice.
- Fixed the Ballistica Prime turning Executioners in Rathuum and Brokers in The Index into ghosts.
- Fixed Clients returning to Cetus and it being night when it is actually day in the Plains.
- Fixed crash when players are attempting to join your squad while your Arsenal is open in Cetus.
- Fixed Host still capturing a target even if they were knocked into bleedout.
- Fixed accent colour not applying on the Pyra Syandana.
- Fixed the default texture on the ground under the Golden Maw cave in The War Within quest.
- Fixed Grineer satellites only being able to be scanned in a small location near the tip in Archwing Mobile Defense.
- Fixed rare case where NPCs thought it was day when it was night in Cetus/Plains.
- Fixed a Simulacrum and Arsenal crash.
- Fixed water flowing from both sides when only one cap has been shot in the Cunning Test.
- Fixed Operators able to take flight and ride the Condrocs out of the Earth Tileset.
- Fixed a Simulacrum Arsenal crash caused by Gara's passive.
- Fixed Nidus’ Virulence not dealing damage to Supply Crates in Bounties and Incursions.
- The Recon Commanders in Assassinate Target Bounties in the Plains have had their health regen lowered and they will no longer switch teleport.
- Fixed script error in Rescue missions on Linea, Venus.
- Fixed a tube that connected two rooms being inaccessible in the Kuva Fortress tileset.
- Fixed crash that would occur during the last Sortie mission with General Sargas Ruk on Saturn.
- Fixed rare issue with the Teralyst where some abilities wouldn’t target Grineer suspended in the air.
- Fixed Caches spawning in the wall in the Earth tileset.
- Fixed Point D in Galleon Interception appearing as a Defense Target Cryopod instead of an Interception Point.
- Fixed weird animation loop occurring with the Ostrons in Cetus.
- Several fixes to material and mesh in the Once Awake defense mission.
- Fixed Codex having a random entry in the Plains of Eidolon section.
- Fixed camera when viewing Syrinx in the Market place.
- Fixed Bladestorm not functioning properly in Conclave.
- Fixed Archwing weapons appearing in PoE after a host migration.
- Fixed stuck pose when accessing Arsenal in Cetus as an Operator.
- Fixed flying around freely while capturing and getting stuck in Capture state.
- Fixed multiple Syandanas clipping on Titania.
- Fixed Cathode Syandana clipping on multiple Warframes.
- Fixed multiple attachments clipping on Mesa.
- Fixed Sugatra position when using the Dominion sword skin.
- Fixed polearms and scythes clipping on some Warframes when using the standard holster position.
- Fixed Uru Prime Syandana clipping on many Warframes.
- Fixed various issues that could be caused by aborting to Orbiter while transitioning to/from Cetus and the Plains.
- Fixed clients not being able to enter last room of Harrow’s Temple in Captura.
- Fixed Acanthus Prime Leg Guard clipping on Limbo Vistyxio skin.
- Fixed additional S appended to Clan name in Alliance Management screen.
- Fixed Volt Proto skin and Diode Hammer skin not being linkable in chat.
- Fixed UI bug caused by host migration and failed Cache Bounty.
Update 22.6.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.6.1 HotFix==
8. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: HotFix==
7. Dezember, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.5.0
30. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Delve into the past with this experimental prototype skin for Volt.
Make sparks fly with Volt Proto’s signature hammer skin.
Volt Proto’s signature Syandana.
Charge up Volt with this collection of items that includes the Volt Proto Skin, Diode Hammer Skin, and Cathode Syandana.
Volt Changes:
Since Volt has a new cosmetic entry, we've reviewed some long-requested QoL tweaks to his abilities to go along with it! We will be monitoring this very closely to make sure we haven't introduced exploitative power behaviour. Please leave your feedback in the appropriate subforum.
- Added a minimum Duration for enemies affected by Discharge under the 'coil' CC effect. This could allow for possible modding diversity knowing minimum Duration for the 'coil' CC effect won't fall below 4 seconds.
- Removed the passive 5 Energy per second drain from Volt’s Electric Shield when moving with it. The 1 Energy per meter drain remains.
- Increased the base DPS of Discharge (from 450 at max rank to 750).
- Discharge is now castable in the air.
- Dropped Sentient Cores now have a minimap icon and in-world marker to display their position!
- Improvements towards the Chesa Kubrow Retrieve functionality when retrieving items in nearby crates and when in the Plains.
- Clarified verbiage when buying a Warframe from the Market. Players were confused by thinking they got a Reactor, when really it’s an ‘installed Reactor’.
- Reduced the camera rotation of the Baza's recoil from the hip.
- Reduced the delay before auto reloading an empty mag while using the Baza.
- Fixed a missing War Within cinematic.
- Fixed a crash when transitioning from the Plains to Cetus.
- Fixed a crash when leaving a squad while transitioning from the Plains to Cetus.
- More fixes towards losing from HUD elements when reviving while transitioning from the Plains to Cetus.
- Fixed a loss of functionality when viewing the pause Menu while transitioning to the Plains from Cetus.
- Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the Arsenal while waiting for players to transition back to Cetus from the Plains.
- Fixed for Chroma Elemental Ward fire & Volt Stunning Speed Augment not cancelling out when Transferring to the Operator.
- Fixed Operator Void Dash triggering Arcane Energize. Arcane Energize is meant to provide a chance to replenish additional Energy for you and nearby allies whenever an Energy Orb is picked up.
- Fixed enemies standing around and not doing anything if they are affected by Mirage's Sleight of Hand jewel but are not able to reach it. Enemies will now ignore jewels that are in unreachable areas (i.e lakes in the Plains).
- Fixed Mirage’s Sleight of Hand not affecting Corpus laser doors.
- Fixed using a Pistol with the Mod Targeting Subsystem equipped resulting in the UI suggesting you have a 65506% accuracy buff when hitting an enemy. The high accuracy buff you can gain from Targeting Subsystem is 30%.
- Fixed Operator not remaining crouched after crouching (would crouch for a couple seconds and then stand up even though you're still holding crouch).
- Fix an issue where starting a looping Emote in Sky Archwing mode and getting knocked out of Archwing would leave you stuck in place with a permanent upper body emote that could be combined with other emotes to great comedic effect.
- Fixed Itzal Penumbra being cancelled by even the slightest rotation in controller analog sticks.
- Fixed Loki and Ivara's cloak FX being extremely bright with certain Energy colors.
- Fixed clicking sounds when firing the Baza at fast Fire Rates while under audio stealth effects.
- Fixed a very high pitched noise when reloading the Baza.
- Fixed Volt not having his base electrical FX.
- Fixed the Syrinx Right Leg Plate not aligning properly if you equip it while having the Nidina Leg Guard on the left leg.
- Fixed Nekros’ Irkalla Skin having incorrectly placed Energy wisps.
- Fixed a missing Sortie description for Evacuation to Assassination missions.
- Fixed an issue with a loss of functionality occurring if you had certain menus open while loading into the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed issues with the way Kubrows and Kavats looked in dioramas.
- Fixed issues with Exodia Hunt pulling in allies.
- Fixed discount price not showing when accessing items through the bundle button.
- Fixed Plat cost display when buying Reactors/Catalysts through the Arsenal when they are on sale.
- Fixed description on Vigilante Supplies to include all Primary ammo.
- Fixed an issue with the Baza not having icons and pickup behaviours when being disarmed.
- Fixed various grammar an alignment issues with Ostron lore and writing.
Update 22.5.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.5.1 HotFix==
30. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: HotFix==
30. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.4.0
23. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
BAZA Make easy prey of enemies with this quiet, agile, and pinpoint accurate Tenno submachine gun.
CASSOWAR Light and nimble, the twin blades of this polearm will swoop and slice through throngs of hardened foes.
*Baza and Cassowar Blueprints can be researched in your Clan Dojo’s Tenno Lab.
SYRINX ARMOR Styled to match the Baza submachine gun and the Cassowar polearm, this armor gives a regal look to any Warframe.
BAZA COLLECTION Stalk enemies with this deadly collection. Includes the Baza submachine gun, Cassowar polearm, and Syrinx armor.
*The Baza Collection is available for purchase in the In-Game Market.
Mirage Sleight of Hand Changes:
In addition to booby trapping nearby objects, Mirage’s Sleight of Hand now spawns a jewel that attracts near by enemies! If Sleight of Hand is used with Hall of Mirrors, each of her clones will also place a smaller jewel with a smaller enemy attraction. The jewel Damage, Blind Duration, and Range increases with the level of Sleight of Hand.
If the jewel is placed in the light, it will deliver a radial explosion to nearby enemies. If the jewel is placed in the dark, it will deliver a radial blind to nearby enemies.
Jewels will be auto-destroyed if they go unused after 20 seconds
Bounty Changes and Fixes:
- Focus Lenses are now rewarded less frequently as Tier 3 and 4 Bounty rewards. This also shuffled around some other Bounty reward frequencies to balance the mix.
- Fixed not being able to Capture an enemy if you died attempting your first Capture during a Bounty.
- A Mastery Rank 25 test has been added!
- Improvements towards the overall transition from the Plains to Cetus. This includes better handling of attempting to join a Host that was in the middle of transitioning to Cetus from the Plains, which sometimes resulted in either leaving the squad or loading into different Cetus instances.
- Returned the Plague Keewar Strike to a Scythe Stance when used with one handed Grips.
- To fix Tusk Seeker Drones lingering indefinitely and continuously calling in Grineer Reinforcements (even after you’ve ran far away), the Alarm Drone now destroys itself when you are 100 meters away.
- Companions now try to get out of your way (ie. behind the player camera) when Spear Fishing/Mining in the Plains.
- Improved the pathing of the hijacked Drone in the Plains. This also fixes issues where the Drone would become stuck on it’s way to the Boil in Operation: Plague Star.
- Made some very simple tweaks to Octavia’s Metronome (basically cut the pixels being rendered for it in half) to improve the performance of the FX, while at the same time reducing a bit of the visual clutter from full rings being around you.
- Improvements towards performance issues that was caused by lingering (yet invisible) reticles even when the respective weapon was no longer being held.
- Fixed being able to Vacuum up the Sky Archwing Enablers in the Plains.
- Fixed having a player join while a session is paused resulting in all players unable to move.
- Fixed the End of Mission screen upon returning to Cetus from the Plains not showing Affinity gained on not fully Ranked weapons, Warframes, Companions, etc. This was leading to confusion on if you were losing that gained Affinity or if it was simply not displaying it.
- Fixed not seeing any of your squadmate stats in the End of Mission screen when returning to Cetus from the Plains as the Host.
- Fixed seeing no extraction marker in the Plains when a squad member transitions to Cetus.
- Fixed the remaining Client post-Host migration joining the Client who left the squad instead of the new Host in the Plains.
- Fixed the Zenith disc firing cancelling whatever Warframe Ability cast animation you were currently performing.
- Fixed losing all UI elements if you died in the tunnel upon returning to Cetus from the Plains and the End of Mission screen revived you.
- Fixed the Sprint toggle being reset when using a Melee weapon which resulted in lost momentum.
- Fixed a loss of functionality if you equip Whirlwind, Power Throw and Quick Return on your Glaive Prime and cause self damage.
- Fixed being able to Switch Teleport Excavators with Loki.
- Fixed the Kronsh not playing proper Hammer hit sounds.
- Fixed the Sniper combo counter not ticking down when firing unscoped.
- Fixed a large amount of dialog missing when replaying Octavia’s Anthem as per.
- Fixed Ivara’s Navigator causing Exodia Contagion projectiles to get stuck floating in the air.
- Fixed not being able to control Exodia Contagion projectiles with Ivara’s Navigator (enjoy, DK).
- Fixes towards Exodia Epidemic causing enemies to get knocked down twice and remain permanently inactive.
- Fixed not being able to scroll through all your Affinity gained items on the End of Mission screen.
- Fixed Fragments in the Codex not displaying which planet you discovered them on.
- Fixed minimap Mining markers lingering for the Advanced Nosam Cutter when the tool is put away.
- Fixed minimap Mining markers lingering for the Advanced Nosam Cutter for Clients if the Host has their Cutter out.
- Fixed Dargyns (and Ogma while its arms are destroyed) being too passive against the Sky Archwing Tenno.
- Fixed experiencing a black screen when using a controller and pressing B on the Saya’s Vigil End of Mission screen.
- Fixed the crosshair and Sniper scope vanishing after using the Nosam Cutter as Limbo.
- Fixed Clients suffering from a 3 year-long stiff neck ailment.
- Fixed Sugatras being placed in the middle of the Guandao instead of on one of the ends.
- Fixed an issue where the distance for a very far waypoint would not include the distance between the target and the last point on the calculated path.
- Fixed Dual Pistols clipping through Ember/Ember Prime’s leg when equipped with the Vermillion Skin.
- Fixed a blocking volume blocking your Operator Void Beam in the Mastery Rank 24 test.
- Fixed Carrier’s smoke FX glowing in the dark.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if a Tar Moa was killed while its tar was in mid-air.
- Fixed doing enough damage to an Ancient Healer resulting in a significant performance drop.
- Fixed Nyx being able to create allied Infested by Mind Controlling a Boiler and then Melee attacking it. This caused an infinite amount of friendly Infested to be spawned from the Boiler spawn pods - which is pretty cool but not intended.
- Fixed Octavia’s Resonator Roller not animating when rolling.
Update 22.4.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.4.1 HotFix==
24. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Mirage Sleight of Hand Fixes:
Update 22.3.0
15. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post - Operatin Plague Star
A new Operation is here. Play Operation: Plague Star from Wednesday November 15th until Monday, November 27th at 2 p.m ET!
Rally your Squad and defend the Plains of Eidolon!
A mysterious meteorite has crashed just outside of Cetus revealing a horrific boil. The boil is growing and the Ostrons have sighted infested lifeforms emerging from it. We need to act now before they make their way to Cetus.
Konzu has received reports that Vay Hek possesses a toxin that can destroy the boil. But Vay Hek won’t help; he sees this infested boil as a means to rid the Plains of Cetus and the Ostrons.
We need to get ahold of the toxin and destroy the boil before it becomes unstoppable. Visit Konzu in Cetus to learn his plan for retrieving the toxin from Vay Hek.
Read about rules, rewards, and more here.
Bounty Changes:
- We have made ways to the way Bounties reward you! This new system is a take on the 'AABC' rotation system we have in endless missions, but applied to Bounties using the Common, Uncommon, and Rare rewards.
- Read through this to familiarize yourself with what's changed!
First and most noticeable:
- You now get a reward for every stage of the Bounty completed! Yup. Pretty simple.
Second and more technical:
- The tier of rewards you get are determined by how many stages are in the bounty!
3 Stage Bounties:
- First reward: Common
- Second reward: Common or Uncommon
- Third reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
4 Stage Bounties:
- First reward: Common
- Second reward: Common or Uncommon
- Third reward: Common, Uncommon
- Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
5 Stage Bounties:
- First reward: Common
- Second reward: Common or Uncommon
- Third reward: Common, Uncommon
- Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
- Fifth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
- We have slightly re-balanced the quantities of some of the rewards as we tested numerous Bounties with these changes. Right now this only applies to select items. Plains of Eidolon specific reward quantities are untouched (i.e it could be possible to get 25 x Breath of the Eidolon in a single 5 Stage Bounty or 6 Cetus Wisps in a 5 Stage Bounty).
The rebalanced items are as follows:
- Credit Rewards have been halved.
- Kuva rewards have been reduced.
- Endo Rewards have been reduced.
The additions and replacements are as follows:
- Cetus Wisps are now Uncommon in various tables.
- Cryotic and Oxium are now in various tables, replacing Void Traces in some cases.
- Our public drop table repository will be updated to reflect these changes in the coming days.
Blunt Changes:
- Standing on a Blunt when it dies will now cause you to fall.
- Penta grenades will now bounce off the Blunt. It has a similar behavior as hitting a Grineer. Note that projectiles like Quanta cubes do not bounce off Grineer. Thus, cubes will not bounce off the Blunt.
- Miter blades will now bounce off the Blunt.
- Added more conventional Extraction mechanics to the Plains of Eidolon. We now start the extraction timer after 50% of a squad enters the Cetus gates. We added an area objective marker (the classic green indicator) and more direction to this area to notify squad members that extraction is waiting and counting down.
- Added increased customization settings for the Operator! Expanded the Accessories categories for the Operator (I.E Facial Accessory, Ear Accessory, Eye Accessory, etc).
- Improved the functionality for hiding certain Operator Accessories (I.E Operator hair does not need to be hidden when an Ostron Mask is equipped).
- Improved the quality of VOIP when Auto Gain Control is enabled.
- Increased the frequency of spawned Focus Convergence orbs in Defection missions.
- Removed the ability to be in Sky Archwing in certain Caves in the Plains.
- You may now notice more populated Grineer bases in the Plains, as roving Grineer now retreat in pure panic back to base at night when the curfew siren sounds.
- To save you from accidentally Donating your Mote Amp, you can no longer Donate it!
- Fixed a loss of functionality when entering the Plains from Cetus and immediately trying to go back to Cetus.
- Fixed not being able to use your Operator Void Beam if you selected ‘NONE’ as your Amp. This also fixes a progression stopping issue in the Chains of Harrow quest where you couldn’t damage enemies/chains.
- Fixed a black screen and loss of functionality if you are holding a fish as you are forced to Extract with the 60 second countdown timer in the Plains.
- Fixed Focus Convergence orbs not spawning when there are several oxygen towers available in a Survival.
- Fixed Riven stats sometimes not applying to Zaws when also equipping Stances.
- Fixed the last stage of a failed Bounty restarting if a Host migration occurred.
- Fixed the Bounty changing missions types if a Host Migration occurred while you were escorting the Drone.
- Fixed a 300ms delay to start sprinting when using the sprint/roll combination key.
- Fixed the Cetus gates sometimes remaining opening while in the Plains.
- Fixed wind sounds being too loud/not being affected by volume sliders in the expanded Caves in the Plains.
- Fixed some terrain clipping issues and holes in the expanded Caves in the Plains.
- Fixed an incorrect objective navigation path in the Corpus Ice Planet Sabotage tileset.
- Fixed incorrect material applied to the Moa in the Dojo Energy Research Lab.
- Fixed some Grineer Crates spawning their spoils underneath a platform, making them unreachable.
- Fixed administering a non-Operator Status Effect on a Sentient when damaging it with the Operator Void Beam.
- Fixed Konzu’s Bounty reward board displaying the ‘NEW’ tag on Mods that you recently acquired.
- Fixed Grineer drop pod sounds not playing for Clients in the Plains.
- Fixed the Hunter Command Mod having an unrelated Fusion Core (wow, remember those things??) description.
- Fixed being able to purchase multiple copies of the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene.
- Fixed a map hole in the Grineer Forest Spy tileset.
- Fixed a map hole in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
- Fixed various map holes in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
- Fixed a script error when using the Nosam Cutter.
- Fixed an issue with Nekros Deluxe's auxiliary and attachments not working as intended.
- Fixed the Heartseeker Mod not working for Dagger Zaws in Conclave.
- Fixed the Biting Piranha Mod not showing up when trying to add it to any Dual Dagger in the Conclave Arsenal.
Update 22.3.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.3.5 HotFix==
21. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Plague Star Fixes:
==Update: 22.3.4 HotFix==
17. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Operation: Plague Star Changes: The Standing required to rank up the Operational Supply Syndicate is currently much higher than we initially intended. We will be decreasing the Standing requirements to their intended values and also updating the Sacrifice requirements. New Standing requirements:
Players who have already attained sufficient Standing for the corrected values will be automatically ranked up and the excess Standing will be refunded. We are also running a script to refund the component portion of Operational Supply Sacrifices and updating the Sacrifice requirements (Note: Credit costs will not be refunded). If you are automatically ranked up due to the Standing changes, you will not have to pay these new Sacrifice requirements:
Full info here. Operation: Plague Star Fixes:
==Update: 22.3.3 HotFix==
16. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.3.2 HotFix==
16. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.3.1 HotFix==
16. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.2.0
1. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Defy death itself, and crush the living with new Deluxe skins for Nekros and Ember! Return from the underworld to haunt your enemies with the Nekros Irkalla Deluxe Skin, and burn your foes to a crisp with Ember Vermillion Deluxe Skin! Each Warframe Deluxe Skin is also available as a collection with signature weapon skins and accessories.
A specter of destruction, Nekros breaks free of the underworld with this haunting skin.
The signature binds of Nekros Irkalla.
The signature scythe skin of Nekros Irkalla.
The signature Sugatra of Nekros Irkalla.
From the ashes of battle a flamboyant new Ember rises.
The signature pistol skin of Ember Vermillion.
The signature Syandana of Ember Vermillion
Cetus/Plains Changes:
- 'Sabotage Bounty’ has been renamed to ‘Prototype Sabotage’.
- Increased the Cetus Standing reward for each Bounty tier.
- Replaced Grokdrul and Iradite pickups from crates and caches with Rubedo and Ferrite in the Plains to better expose the deeper Resource system.
- Added Circuits to Turret drop tables.
- Added Circuits, Rubedo and Ferrite to Dropship drop tables.
- Added Plastids, Circuits, Oxium and Cryotic as rewards for Bounties in the first two tiers
The addition of these Resources into the Plains are mainly geared towards helping new players learn about Resources not tied to the Plains.
Zaw Changes:
- Kwath additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Kroostra additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Mewan base damage increased from 81 to 86.
- Kronsh base damage increased from 81 to 86.
- Ruhang additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Ruhang II additional damage increased from 18 to 28.
Zaw Stat Fixes:
- Ooltha's base Critical Chance changed from 22% to 18% as intended.
- Mewan's base Status Chance change from 22% to 18% as intended.
- Ostron Rug Collection has been added to the Market!
- Made numerous HUD optimizations.
- Fixed some missing reward pools in Bounty reward rotations.
- Fixed Zaw Rivens having unintentionally lower stats than their Disposition indicated. This results in an overall Zaw Riven buff by 50%.
- Fixed Zaw Rivens turning into generic Melee Rivens when upgraded (relogging fixed this).
- Fixed Zaws not displaying their Riven distribution correctly in the Arsenal.
- Fixed attempting to view a Sugatra with a Zaw equipped resulting in not seeing the weapon or the Sugatra.
- Fixes towards Bounties insta failing if an ability to teleport (Nova’s Wormhole, Itzal’s Blink, etc) was used to enter the Bounty area.
- Fixed enemies inside a Vazarin Void Aegis bubble not attacking players also inside the bubble.
- Fixed Sentient Cores counting towards the Medallion challenge of a "Find x Syndicate Medallions" Riven.
- Fixed Rhino’s Iron Skin absorbing damage instead of Harrow’s Covenant if cast first.
- Fixed leg Armor being incorrectly orientated on Mag’s Pneuma Skin.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Prowl ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nidus’ Virulence ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Blessing ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Hydroid’s Undertow ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Charge ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Excalibur’s Exalted Blade ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Zephyr’s Tail Wind ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ember’s Fireball ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Molecular Prime ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Chroma’s abilities.
- Fixed a script error when casting Equinox’s abilities.
- Fixed a script error when using Transference.
- Fixed Mod image rewards for Alerts looking stretched.
- Fixed Warframe abilities appearing as unranked when viewing them in the Arsenal in Cetus.
- Fixed Luminous Dye remaining active if used prior to transitioning back to Cetus and then re entering the Plains.
- Fixed an edge case where if you pressed Esc right as the End of Mission screen is opening when transitioning to Cetus, you'd get soft locked.
- Fixed incorrect diorama when viewing Operator Greaves.
- Fixed Operators appearing to have a very long giraffe-like neck when viewing equipment from the Quills.
- Fixed a stretched mesh on the Valkyr Delusion Skin.
- Fixed Syandanas not sitting properly on the Valkyr Delusion Skin.
- Fixed Aura Mod description text discrepancies.
- Fixed the Sprint Boost Mod description not displaying % Sprint Speed.
- Fixed a file path text appearing in Lephantis’ boss fight.
- Fixed a join in progress crash.
Update 22.2.0 HotFixes |
==Update: HotFix==
11. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.2.5 HotFix==
11. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.2.4 HotFix==
6. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Cetus Economy Changes:
Fish Oil = 50 to 30 MAGUS HUSK: Fish Scales = 40 to 20 VIRTUOS TEMPO: Fish Scales = 40 to 20 MAGUS VIGOR: Fish Scales = 40 to 20 VIRTUOS NULL: Fish Scales = 40 to 20 EXODIA BRAVE: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 EXODIA VALOR: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 EXODIA MIGHT: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 Tralok Eyes = 40 to 5 EXODIA HUNT: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5 EXODIA TRIUMPH: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 Mortus Horn = 10 to 5 EXODIA FORCE: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10 Karkina Antenna = 10 to 5 MURKRAY BAIT: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5 Mortus Horn = 10 to 5 Karkina Antenna = 20 to 10 Fish Meat = 40 to 20 PEPPERED FISH BAIT: Quantity = 10 to 20 GLAPPID BAIT: Norg Brain = 10 to 5 Cuthol Tendrils = 10 to 5 Fish Meat = 60 to 10 NORG BAIT: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5 Karkina Antenna = 10 to 5 Fish Meat = 40 to 20 CUTHOL BAIT: Goopolla Spleen = 20 to 10 Murkray Liver = 10 to 5 Fish Meat = 40 to 20 ALL OPERATOR ARM ARMOR: Fish Scales = 50 to 30 ALL OPERATOR BODY ARMOR: Fish Scales = 80 to 50 (ZAUBA CUIRASS: Fish Scales = 400 to 50) ALL OPERATOR LEGS ARMOR: Fish Scales = 50 to 30 ALL OPERATOR HELMETS: Fish Scales = 30 to 10 EKWANA II JAI: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5 EKWANA JAI: Goopolla Spleen = 10 to 5 JAI II: Yogwun Stomach = 10 to 5 VARGEET II JAI: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5 VARGEET JAI: Goopolla Spleen = 10 to 5 JAI: Khut-Khur Venom Sac = 10 to 5 EKWANA II RUHANG: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5 EKWANA RUHANG: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5 RUHANG II: Yogwun Stomach = 10 to 5 VARGEET II RUHANG: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5 VARGEET RUHANG: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5 RUHANG: Mawfish Bones = 20 to 5 CLAPKRA BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35 JUTTNI BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35 LOHRIN BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35 Änderungen:
==Update: 22.2.3 HotFix==
3. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.2.2 HotFix==
2. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.2.1 HotFix==
2. November, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.1.0
25. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post - TennoGen Round 10
Warframe Skins
- Titania Unseelie Skin by Rekkou
- Nezha Yaksha Skin by Faven and SilverBones
- Atlas Graxx Skin by Faven
- Mesa Devil Ranger Skin by Mz-3
- Valkyr Delusion Skin by prosetisen
- Limbo Vistyxio Skin by led2012 and Hydroxate
Warframe Helmets
- Valkyr Ion Helmet by Yatus
- Banshee Dominia Helmet by led2012
- Frost Himavat Helmet by VoidPunch
- Limbo Venari Helmet by Volkovyi and Sab531
- You can now access your Mod collection while in Cetus!
- There is now a 'Leave Squad' option in the Plains of Eidolon. This will allow you to depart from a squad to your own session, which will allow you to extract independently.
- Players on the Public Matchmaking setting will now matchmake when the begin to load into the Plains rather than waiting until the end.
- Bounties now have indicators for their current and total stages to clear up confusion about their objectives.
- Reduced the Resource costs for all Zaw Grips and Handles (apart from the Balla and Peye).
- Clapkra Brace energy ammo increased from 20 to 40
- Lohrin Brace now boosts critical and status chance by 12% each.
- Increased the damage of Spiraling Pinnacle, Summit Plunge and Vaulting Apex combos from the Twirling Spire Polearm Stance.
- Limbo can no longer mine while in the Rift. Rocks aren't affected by his Void Magic.
- Relays/Cetus will now only show Calm and Busy instances
- Updated Cetus’ MotD
- Fixed an issue where joining friends in other Cetus instances can cause a squad to split or get stuck.
- Fixed Ignis (and similar weapons) being able to damage friendly Gara's Spectrorage mirrors.
- Fixed issues with the description text of Virtuos Fury.
- Fixed issues with getting out of bounds with Ivara's Dashwsire.
- Fixed issues with some name choices for items displaying the wrong error.
- Fixed issues with unclear error messages when Gilding Amps that were unranked.
- Fixed issues with Operator Amp customizations not being applied in missions.
- Fixed an issue with the Lohrin Brace not applying its Upgrades to Amps.
- Fixed Stat improvements from Gilding an Amp not being applied.
- Fixed an issue with some Mods not being chat linkable.
- Fixed being able to use Transference in first mission of The War Within.
- Fixed issues with Gara's Spectrorage radius being too small.
- Fixed issues with Host Migration causing Operators not working as intended.
- Fixed a UI issue where Nidus' Mutation Stack counter blocked the melee combo counter.
- Fixed issues with hitches when loading into some Plains Free Roam missions.
- Fixed an issue where the mission Challenge information would remain on screen if you were transitioning from Plains to Cetus.
- Fixed Clients getting stuck in animations if they used Transference just as they enter bleedout and then get revived.
- Fixed Client Warframes not being targetable if they are revived after having used transference just as they entered bleedout.
- Fixed erroneous HUD buff icons appearing.
- More fixes for Convergence spawning in air and underground.
- Fixed various performance issues.
- Fixed Bounty names being localized for clients in the host’s language.
- Fixed a camera issue when respawning in TWW quest.
- Fixed HUD script running on clients unnecessarily.
- Fixed Vulkar and Vulkar Wraith incorrect headshot damage (now: Zoom1 35%, Zoom2 55%).
- Fixed inconsistent Arcane descriptions between vendor and Arcane menu.
- Fixed the blocked ability icon from showing while in Operator mode.
- Fixed Hok’s special weapon not being attached to the wall.
- Fixed second dream script error.
- Fixed Electric Chroma’s Elemental Ward discharging too much electricity.
- Fixed Ember Agile unarmed variant sometimes playing the akimbo variant.
- Fixed the first shadow from Nekros Shadows of the Dead being spawned far away and potentially out of bounds.
- Fixed Prism Operator fire potentially causing large negative numbers.
- Fixed Ivara's "The Power Of Three" Augment needing more energy than it should if you tried to use it repeatedly
Update 22.1.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.1.2 HotFix==
30. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.1.1 HotFix==
27. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Fishing changes:
==Update: HotFix==
26. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
Update 22.0.0
13. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post - Plains of Eidolon
The highly anticipated Plains of Eidolon update is here!
Our biggest update, ever, Plains of Eidolon has finally arrived! First off, thank you for checking it out!
If you're new to Warframe - oh hi! You’ve arrived at an interesting time in our multi-year journey. We hope you’ll stay a while and join our little space-ninja community. Cetus and its open landscape, Plains of Eidolon, have been placed early on in the progression path on Earth so that you can experience them as soon as possible!
If you’re a Founder - a Veteran - a Prime Access supporter - please know that it is by your hand that this crazy update is even possible. This update is dedicated to you.
Plains of Eidolon, with its expansive landscape and all-new dynamic game systems, represents the ongoing evolution of Warframe. Our continuing mission: to create a game that feels alive, that challenges its creators and its players alike. A game that lives up to the amazing community that has grown around it.
Happy Fishing, Tenno! LOVE, THE WARFRAME TEAM
Some quick facts you might want to know about how Cetus & the Plains of Eidolon work!
The Plains of Eidolon and Cetus operate on a persistent asymmetrical Day/Night Cycle. As the sun rises and sets, different gameplay systems become available! The details are:
- The 'Day' cycle lasts 100 minutes.
- The 'Night' cycle lasts 50 minutes.
- The full cycle is 150 minutes (Day + Night).
- You can get BOUNTIES from Konzu in Cetus - these are missions that increase your standing and earn you rewards. You can do this DAY or NIGHT!
- INCURSIONS are random events that will occur in the Plains if you haven't selected a Bounty before you depart. These only happen in the DAY!
- At NIGHT you can engage in the TERALYST HUNT.
- Ostron Vendors are accessible in Cetus at any time!
- Take your Captura to new lengths by purchasing the Plains Scene from Old Man Sumbaat! You'll need to climb the ranks of the Cetus Standing to earn this!
- Defection has been added to eligible Void Fissure missions!
- Added a new ‘shield-like’ objective marker to Defense, Mobile Defense, Hijack, and Sabotage missions.
- Added a ‘Delete All Read Messages’ option in the Inbox. *Please note that this currently does not apply to Community messages.
- Added a Corpus Outpost and Grineer Shipyard tileset level to the Interception mix for some variation.
- Added a visual indicator when viewing a Mod that lets you know if you already own it.
- Prettied up materials for several doors in different tilesets.
- Added a Screen-Shake toggle option!
- Added two new alternate versions of the default Liset load screens!
- You can now control if you want to accept gifts from All, Friends Only, or None in the Options Menu!
- All trace fire weapons trace distance reduced to 300m apart from Sniper Rifles which stay at 1000m.
- Magnetic Damage Status Effects now drain energy over time as opposed to completely draining all energy.
- Changed Ayatan Star markers to only display if you're within 100 meters or so range of the drop.. Amber Star markers will also appear larger due to their rarity and to avoid confusion.
- Maroo's Bazaar is now located on Mars.
- Adjusted the Nyx Carnifex Helmet and Skin colors to match original design.
- Toned down the density of the Zenistars FX.
- Removed stagger on hit from Grineer Flameblade units.
- Capture missions will no longer have the chance to change to the Exterminate objective in Kuva Siphon missions.
- Improved the mesh quality of the Angstrum and Prisma Angstrum to avoid blocky textures.
- Companions will no longer lose integrity if a print is in the process of being distilled to prevent unexpected death.
- Changed metal material assignment for ceilings in the Corpus Tilesets to improve performance.
- Improved Corpus Dropship passenger animations and increased the speed at which they drop the Corpus reinforcements.
- Cranked down the intensity of Nox’s helmet smash and explosion upon death sound FX.
- The following items are now color tintable:
- All Vandal and Wraith weapons.
- The Harkonar Wraith Armour and Syandana.
- Updated icons for the Lato and Braton Vandal.
- Improved Jat Kusar weapon trail so that it is more visible.
- Toned down lens flair on Nekros' idle.
- Improved Operator movement animations in the Landing Craft to remove weird leg and arm motions.
- Changed the TennoGen Knaita Mag skin’s default colors to match the Steam Workshop’s main image. Icons for Helmet and Skin have been updated to match as well.
- Updated Grineer reaction animations to be snappier.
- Updated the Shield Lancer’s shield to PBR.
- Polished Grineer mobility animations.
- Ash’s idle smoke now reacts to lighting.
- Reduced particle count on one of Rell’s manifestation abilities.
- Players who have the blueprints for The Limbo Theorem, Hidden Messages, or Patient *Zero will now automatically receive the quest itself upon logging in. The blueprints will be removed and if they were under construction, the resources and credits will be refunded (except for the argon crystals for The Limbo Theorem, sorry!).
- Anti-MOAs are now able to spawn in Exterminate and Mobile Defense missions on Jupiter.
- Tweaked the glass material on the Orokin capsules in the first mission of Vor’s Prize.
- Updated Quaro Sugatra’s material rigidness to make it perform more like metal.
- Updated the Liset’s appearance in the cinematic during the first mission of Vor’s Prize.
- Cleaned up a small patch of unintended Infestation on the Corpus Outpost tileset. Looks like those Corpus janitors were really slacking!
- The Gear wheel can now have up to 12 items!
- The in-game Market now includes a separate category for Warframe Deluxe Bundles!
- The Ayatan Star installing prompt will now only display once per Ayatan installing session rather than on every socket.
- Improved Hydroid’s Tempest Barrage when aiming through doorways. The Barrage will better hit the aimed location than the actual doorway.
- Tweaked the Hydroid Graxx Skin default colors to better match original design.
- Reduced the range at which NPCs see ragdolls / projectiles etc - this helps reduce the chance an NPC will see a body a long distance away and become alert.
- Optimized scripts used by Defection missions.
- Optimized the Infested Tar Moa sounds.
- Made many small performance optimizations to all Warframe abilities.
- Optimized Coolant Leak Mod slightly.
- Removed being able to Quick Revive yourself when dueling in the Dojo.
- The Sharpened Claws Kavat Mod now only applies the Armour debuff when actually dealing damage. Previously the Armour debuff would activate even if no damage was dealt.
- Changed Juggernaut's response to Warframe abilities to be consistent with other bosses.
- Grineer Blunts now only take Melee damage and have a passive Health drain.
- Reduced the radius on a light used on a few of Volt's abilities.
- The Simulacrum “Invincibility” option now works on Operators!
- Updated the Ogris and Grineer Napalm’s fire FX.
- Made sound optimizations for Nezha’s Fire Walker.
- Toned down the smoke FX of Excalibur’s Radial Blind.
- Kela De Thaym is no longer weak to finishers.
- Slightly tweaked the visual FX of Frost's Snowglobe
- Fixed a crash related to Harrow’s HUD.
- Fixed numerous Armor Attachments clipping through the Hydroid Graxx skins.
- Fixed getting stuck in the vent leading into Jordas Verdict Stage 3 nerve area.
- Fixed misleading objective marker pathing in the Once Awake quest.
- Fixed enemies not spawning in the Grineer Shipyard Mobile Defense Sortie tileset.
- Fixed not being able to disable lockdown in the third mission of the Second Dream quest.
- Fixed Syandanas not scaling when Titania casts Razorwing.
- Fixed a case where casting Hydroid's Tidal Surge into a Nullifier could get you stuck in the animation unable to do anything.
- Fixed Hydroid’s Tidal Surge Augment immunity wearing off early if cast a second time while active.
- Fixed Helios and Helios Prime take a long time to find a new target after being interrupted.
- Fixed the weapon trail from the Arca Plasmor being offset to the barrel.
- Fixed a plethora of Syandanas clipping through Equinox’s Insomnia Skin, and Rhino/Rhino Prime.
- Fixed weapon skin blueprints not showing the proper number of already owned in foundry.
- Fixed unequip animation playing twice for some weapons.
- Fixed Mozi Syandana not displaying properly on some Warframes and Skins.
- Fixed excessive bloom in the Donda’s Market diorama.
- Fixed Vor disappearing after the first beam block in the first mission of Vor’s Prize.
- Fixed Broca Syandana being bent while equipped on Nyx.
- Fixed Scourge not being affected by Adhesive Blast and Firestorm Mods.
- Fixed top section of Repala Syandana being rigid and bent at request of creator.
- Fixed a variety of Syandanas clipping into the Trinity Strega Skin.
- Fixed Nave Syandana clipping through Titania’s wings.
- Fixed objective marker pathing in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed bullets from Pandero’s Alt Fire coming from the holster position and not the gun when performing a Melee slide attack.
- Fixed the Grineer Fortress minimap appearing to have an edge.
- Fixed the 'Disable Sniper Scope' UI option causing regular reticle to not show up initially.
- Fixed various world holes in the Corpus Outpost level.
- Fixed arrows from the Lenz not detonating if fired into a corpse.
- Fixed a spot in the Orokin Derelict where enemies and Companions could get stuck as per: click here!
- Fixed various escapable level holes in the Grineer Shipyards tileset.
- Fixed various escapable level holes in the Infested Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed various escapable level holes in the Orokin Lua tileset.
- Fixed the Arsenal displaying a ‘Charged Throw’ stat when Modding a Sentinel with Deconstructor or Deconstructor Prime.
- Fixed being able to avoid the disappearing platforms in the Mastery Rank 13 test.
- Fixed the Star Chart UI displaying Void Fissure mission information to those who do not own any Relics.
- Fixed Clients not seeing the Hosts Angstrum/Prisma Angstrum ammo magazine cycle correctly.
- Fixed the Corpus enemy models in the Clan Energy Lab appearing fully black due to bad lighting.
- Fixed Syandanas colliding with Nova Prime’s mesh.
- Fixed Rhino's Roar FX not appearing on buffed allies helmets.
- Fixes issues with the angle of the Jat Kusar slam FX.
- Fixed issues with Hydroid's water FX not having ideal ripples.
- Fixed issues with Oberon Prime's Hallowed Ground fern FX not appearing correct if cast on small places.
- Fixed issues with casting Hydroid's powers too quickly in succession leading to improper FX.
- Fixed issues with Harrow's Thurible FX appearing broken with Melee Channeling.
- Fixed issues with certain dialog windows appearing behind the Star Chart.
- Fixed issues with elevators being used to escape through certain roofs.
- Fixed an issue with Rescue targets possibly instantly dying on water.
- Fixed issues with extreme bloom in the Grineer Galleon.
- Fixed issues with destroyable loot crates spawning in rocks in the Law of Retribution.
- Fixed issues with the Xiphos landing craft clipping through the Grineer Galleon level.
- Fixed an issue with people being unable to trigger Transference during The War Within.
- Fixed certain Operator hairstyles appearing completely transparent during transmissions.
- Fixed some mesh flickering issues on the beams in the Sands of Inaros tomb.
- Fixed certain meshes and assets appearing entirely black.
- Fixed rewards not appearing in the end of mission window after dying as operator in a mission and entering the Void respawn sequence.
- Fixed an extra empty Mod slot sometimes appearing when Fusing Mods.
- Fixed newly identified Rivens giving your weapon negative Mod capacity, when it should just unequip.
- Fixed Prisma Jet Sentinel Wings diorama and store description wrongfully warning that the wings are a cosmetic for the Diriga only when they are available for all Sentinels.
- Fixed the Platinum icon not being centered in the orange background for unowned Landing Crafts in the Market.
- Fixed missing transmissions in the Kuva Fortress assault missions.
- Fixed a script error on Lua Spy missions.
- Fixed no enemies spawning after host migration in Mobile Defense missions.
- Fixed an issue in the final cutscene of The Second Dream quest where the Lotus and the Operator would disappear momentarily, giving players the ability to control their Warframe.
- Fixed wonky Archwing transitions in the final tileset of The War Within quest.
- Fixed navigation issues in the Infested Hive tileset.
- Fixed Jordas being near invisible during transmissions in the Jordas Golem Assassinate mission.
- Fixed several map holes in the Corpus Outpost, Corpus Ship, Grineer Fortress, Grineer Asteroid, and Grineer Sealab tilesets.
- Fixed crates spawning inside the tilse in the Infested ship tileset.
- Fixed specific instances in the Grineer Fortress tileset where if a player stood at the edge of extraction it would force them into Archwing mode and cause them to clip through the tile.
- Fixed Grineer Hellions floating in air when their jetpack is destroyed.
- Fixed using Loki's Switch Teleport in mid-air causing teleported enemies to float mid-air until the ability animation was complete.
- Fixed Syandanas not sitting properly against Harrow’s cloth.
- Fixed skins on the Soma not previewing on its clip in the Arsenal.
- Fixed a bug where players could fall into the floor if they rushed the hack Console in Grineer Fortress spy missions.
- Fixed tumor destruction FX not appearing in Infested Ship Rescue missions.
- Fixed the Javlok and the Ferrox alt fire playing their holstering animation after throwing.
- Fixed Ancients getting stuck trying to step their melee attack indefinitely after a player parries them.
- Fixed the Igaro Syandana positioning on all Warframes.
- Fixed decorative asset floating from a wall in Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed the Aquiros Syandana floating off of Valkyr’s base model, Valkyr Prime, and specific Valkyr Skins.
Various LOC fixes.
- Fixed Arcane Helmets not being listed when selecting an Arcane to Normal Helmet conversion blueprint.
- Fixed a progress stop in the Archwing quest where no enemies spawned and where waypoints lead to nowhere.
- Fixed Harrow’s Thurible shadow being visible even if you are not casting.
- Fixed minimap issues on Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- Fixed issues in some levels where projectiles would abnormally slow.
- Fixed issues with broken navigation in Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed ragdoll not having a head if you die while invisible.
- Fixed a case where some melee enemies would get stuck in their melee attacks indefinitely.
- Fixed being unable to stealth attack Ancients and Feral Kubrows.
- Fixed excessive bloom on certain a doorway in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- Fixed visible map hole in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed Naru Syandana textures as per Creator’s request.
- Fixed material on the Equinox Insomnia Skin’s helmet to match other Equinox helmets.
- Fixed some door materials not matching their locked/unlocked state.
- Fixed visible yellow seams on the floor of the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed rocks poking into other tiles in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
- Fixed ice surface clipping into the platform.
- Fixed being able to zoom out on your Warframe when hitting ESC upon opening the Star Chart.
- Fixed AI getting stuck on a staircase in Grineer Galleon Defense missions.
- Fixed being able to break the Scanner in the Orbiter by continually turning it on and off again.
- Fixed Syandanas defying gravity during wall latch, tight ropes, and certain abilities.
- Fixed the Excavator being improperly labelled “Extractor” in localized versions of the game.
- Fixed crates being able to spawn in areas that might not be accessible on the Orokin Tileset.
- Fixed a rare case of being unable to exit Decorator Mode when using a controller if your bindings were set a specific way.
- Fixes towards Archwing enemies getting stuck on obstacles in the environment.
- Fixed the Broca and Obsidian Azura Syandana clipping through Saryn’s Orphid Skin.
- Fixed various Syandanas clipping through Nyx and Nyx Prime.
- Fixed the Melee combo counter overlapping Nidus, Vauban, and Ivara’s ability UI indicators.
- Fixed missing objective markers in Corpus Trench Run Archwing missions.
- Fixed a script error when firing the Operator Void Beam in the Second Dream quest.
- Fixed Sugatras not attaching properly on the Arca Titron.
- Fixed incorrect textures applying to the Grineer Galleon Sabotage Coolant after destroying it.
- Fixed the Sancti Magistar Health on charge attack function not working with the Palatine Skin equipped.
- Fixed Power Strength Mods not applying to Harrow’s Covenant scaling Crit Chance.
- Fixed Zephyr’s Tornados turning invisible when shot with the Arca Plasmor.
- Fixed seeing the number of Revives/Affinity cost when downed in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Synthula Alerts appearing in the World State Window before having unlocked the Kuva Fortress via The War Within quest
- Fixed Sugatras and other decorative Attachments flailing wildly and moving at 3 million times the speed of light for a few seconds before being told to chill by the laws of physics.
- Fixed the counter of Landing Craft Decorations owned increasing in the Market after placing the Decoration.
- Fixed Fomorian Ship not appearing in the sky during the Law of Retribution Trial. Now the laser won’t be appearing out of thin air!
- Fixed being unable to preview changes done to a Kubrow or Kavat after removing them from Stasis if they are part of a Loadout.
- Fixed Stiletto Prime’s clip appearing to float when reloading.
- Fixed incorrect animation used when firing a bow while crouched and moving to the left.
- Fixed a platform on the Lua tileset clipping into the ice below it.
- Fixed enemies getting stuck in a room in Grineer Shipyard Mobile Defense missions.
+Fixed not being able to complete the Security Camera Codex entry.
- Fixed the Mastery Sigil displaying the incorrect Rank number when viewing it in the player's Profile.
- Fixed Chat filters sometimes incorrectly including messages that should be ignored.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when someone other than Inaros finishes Devouring an enemy.
- Fixed Mirage’s Slight of Hand interaction with pickups.
- Fixed enemy navigation issues in the Grineer Forest tileset.
- Fixed being able to rapidly fire your Bow if Reflex Guard is equipped.
- Fixed some script errors that could occur if you killed targets affected by Equinox's Rage.
- Fixed the Stalker spawning at the very end of a Void Fissure Defense mission while you’re invulnerable.
- Potentially fixed a script error when using Nyx Prime’s Absorb ability.
- Fixed Frost’s Avalanche damage being delayed on enemies who were already in a reaction animation.
- Fixed Warframe custom HUDs not properly changing if you switch from one Warframe with a custom HUD to another (e.g. Simulacrum arsenal).
- Fixed one case where ragdolls that were pinned by a projectile would flail their limbs like they belonged outside a car dealership.
- Fixed script crash for firing an Amprex and being killed at a specific moment while holding the trigger.
- Fixed script crash that could occur if you used Transference to your Operator at the right moment while casting Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm.
- Fixed some incorrect Portuguese LOC descriptions.
- Fixed Operator having a floating head after using Arsenal in Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Infested Hive Tumors not appearing in the Codex after being scanned.
- Fixed the Archwing Rush Drones not appearing in the Codex after being scanned.
- Fixed Warframes holding their hand out to the left when jumping along walls to the right. Directions are hard.
- Fixed poor optimization on weapons like the Ignos, Nukor, and Cycron.
- Fixed an issue with Shade's Ghost removing cosmetics from your invisible silhouette.
- Fixed issues with accessing Dojos that are going through tier shifts.
- Fixed Switch Teleport causing Titania to clip through floors.
- Fixed a crash with Equinox’s Duality Augment.
- Fixed a rare crash.
- Conclave’s innate Power Rate is now variable based on how much energy you have:
- 0-25, 2.5 Power Rate (3 during Energy Surge)
- 25-50, 1 Power Rate (1.5 during Energy Surge)
- 50-75, 0.5 Power Rate (1 during Energy Surge)
- 75-100+, 0.25 Power Rate (0.5 during Energy Surge)
- Increased the time kill assists count from 3 to 5 seconds in Conclave.
- Increased get up animation speed from knock down in Conclave.
- Plan B can no longer be used with the Lenz or Zhuge.
- Limbo's Banish duration reduced to 4 seconds in Conclave.
- Loki's Decoy duration reduced to 6 seconds in Conclave.
- Titania's Spellbind disarm duration reduced to 4 seconds in Conclave.
- Nyx's Mind Control range reduced to 20 meters and is also removed on damage from Nyx in Conclave.
- Wukong's Cloud Walker duration reduced to 4 seconds in Conclave.
- Equinox's Metamorphosis duration reduced to 6 seconds in Conclave.
- Duration removed from Vauban's Tesla deployables and a max of 2 deployed at once added in Conclave.
- Fixed ability icons being greyed out for Clients in Conclave.
- Fixed an issue in Lunaro where curved throws would hit the ground first.
- Fixed an issue where Mutalist Cernos poison clouds quick shots were doing more damage than charged shots. We also reduced the duration of quick shot poison clouds.
- Lie in Wait Conclave mod changed to +20% Fire Rate while crouching.
- Reduced the collision size of Javlok's primary fire projectile in Conclave.
- Sun vs. Moon Conclave modes will now attempt to auto balance teams during matches.
- When a team has more than 1 player than the other team, the last player to join the session will be swapped to the team with less players.
- The player that is chosen to swap teams will receive an Affinity Bonus at the end of the match.
- Players that joined as a squad will not be affected by auto balancing.
Update 22.0.0 HotFixes |
==Update: 22.0.9 HotFix==
23. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes
==Update: 22.0.8 HotFix==
20. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes
==Update: 22.0.7 HotFix==
19. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes
==Update: Hotfix==
18. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post
==Update: 22.0.6 HotFix==
18. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes
==Update: 22.0.5 HotFix==
17. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes:
Gara Changes:
==Update: 22.0.4 HotFix==
17. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post General Plains of Eidolon Changes:
==Update: 22.0.3 HotFix==
16. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Plains of Eidolon: Hidden Cache Mission Changes:
Plains of Eidolon: Reward & Economy Changes/Fixes: Here is the first round of changes to aspects of the new economy! We'll continue to iterate as time is spent learning the systems and feedback is given on the experience. We're still looking for that sweet spot of what amount of time is fair to 'complete' everything this massive update had to offer, but as we all have different play schedules it will continue to be tuned!
==Update: 22.0.2 HotFix==
13. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post Plains Drone Hijack Changes & Fixes:
Mortar and Bombard Enemy Changes:'Bold text
==Update: 22.0.1 HotFix==
13. Oktober, 2017 (englisch) Forum Post