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Derzeit gibt es vier verschiedene Fraktionen in Warframe. Die einzige spielbare Fraktion sind die Tenno, die Grineer, Corpus und Befallene Fraktionen sind die Gegner.



Vast in numbers, the Grineer have expanded their vile empire from Earth outward to all sectors of the solar system. Once the Grineer rediscovered cloning technology, they seized control of Earth through sheer numbers.

While they may be at the height of power, the Grineer army is in bodily decay and their features are increasingly primitive as a result of continuous cloning. As such, the Grineer are forced to use technology as a crutch for their genetic deterioration. An ideology of hate and discrimination towards the Tenno continues to drive the Grineer forward in the face of inevitable dissolution.

Warframe Official Website



The Corpus are a dominating proto-corporation of humans that maintain and operate the trade routes of the Solar Rails. They are rarely seen by others and are better known for the robot proxies that serve for them. The social structure of the Corpus is said to reflect ancient mercantile guilds from the Old Earth. Their production methods blend technology and ritual, in-part, because the ancient Orokin materials they use are inscrutable to them. They control the entire supply chain of goods that flow through the solar system.

The Corpus view Orokin artifacts as resource to be exploited for profit− at any cost.

Warframe Official Website



The Infested are what appear to be humans who have been taken over by some sort of virus or parasite. The majority of Infested seem to be former Corpus Crewmen or Grineer Lancers. However they are also speculated to originate from failed Tenno experiments, hinted at by J3-Golem asking the Tenno, "Why do you destroy us, we are your flesh", yet, have also been hinted at by several references to a "Technocyte Virus" in some missions. Most Infested do not have any significant ranged combat ability.

Warframe Official Website



Der Tenno sind Nachkommen eines alten und mystischen Zivilisation verloren Krieger aus dem Orokin Ära auf der Erde. Konserviert in cryopods seit Jahrhunderten, der Tenno nun zu einem neuen Krieg zu wecken, Kampf und Widerstand gegen Kriegsparteien als alleinige Träger der Orokin geschaffenen Warframes. Während die Erinnerungen an den Tenno im Laufe der Zeit verblasst, hat ihre Beherrschung der Waffen, Klingen, und Warframe Exo-Rüstung nicht.

Fragmente der Geschichte zeigen, dass Disziplin und Ritterlichkeit die Eckpfeiler Werte des Tenno sind: Dies gilt heute? Der Tenno in einer Welt, ihnen fremd Schwellenländern. Man sieht einen edlen Krieger, den Aufbau seiner Kraft gegen ein repressives Regime. Ein anderer sieht einen opportunistischen Söldner, die Nutzung der Warframe Überlegenheit für Reichtum. Unabhängig von ihrer Zukunft stehen der Tenno vereint gegen den gemeinsamen Feind, loyal nur zu einander.

Warframe Official Website
